hate discord (teamspeak) hate million second chances for survivors which abuse it

its not horror idk what is that better play slender or outlast...when devs to admit that voice in this game its dishonest game!
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Someone who is a god at the game but only loses against SWFs. This is the only reason he loses ever, it cannot be him, its all SWFs.
So yeah... dont think to much about it, OP does only open Threads like this.
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Bro, I use Skype
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I hate playing SWF, but I have no fun in solo queue when survivors don't save me or when I'm being tunneled for no reason (first to last hook with no others hooks between for other survivors). So fun. Should I play swf ? Toxic players bring toxic gameplay. Sad.
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Who needs discord if you can just use this instead?:
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SWF is not the reason you're losing
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I communicate via fax. Do I get a medal?
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Lemme pull something up so we can shut down this whole "SWF made me lose" stuff cause I am going out of my way digging through season 0 of Apex Legends to do this
Devs themselves over 4 years ago added V1 of SWF, if coms were not intended then they would have never added SWF in the first place
Along with this, I am fully aware of how dumb OoO is in SWF
And the only big second chance perks are Unbreakable and DS, Adrenaline atleast is a Second chance that awards you to making it to endgame
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The sexting in those days must have been kinda awkward....
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Yes,we'll send it to you via fax
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Hit me up my G.
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People want to have fun with their friends?! In a video game?! What the #########?!
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Fun? no way. this is a eSports game.
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That's a logical fallacy.
Adding swf does not equate to comms intended.
If comms were intended then they would implement in-game comms.
You should not be able to communicate over the entire map like you're in the same room. The survivors are not telepathic. How would the killer not hear the survivors? That's why comms is ridiculous. SWF fine, SWF with comms, broken.
I also don't find the argument of "we just chat and don't feed info to each other" a strawman argument and anecdotal evidence, not proof.
They should implement their own comms and give audio queues based on proximity, once you're over 10m away the audio queues should get louder like you're shouting.
No amount of reasoning make comms make sense.
Devs have said comms are fine as there is literally nothing they can do about 3rd party programmes.
Just disingenuous reasoning from the devs and a logical fallacy on your part.
I doubt I've come up against an swf comms team, as I play infrequently but you have got to be able to see why it doesn't make any logical sense.
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So do you have any idea on how to deal with it that any sane developers in the year of our lord 2020 would consider even for a nanosecond for their multiplayer game with teamplay aspects?
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On the dbd discord SWF comms exist I believe...