Let's see how many people dare to play killer tomorrow, but keep nerfing

keep listening to the toxics, devs, let's see how many people play killer tomorrow, if already now to find a match being surv it takes time, tomorrow I'll have fun playing lobby simulator
bloodlust is a very old mechanic that is still here, created to be able to catch survivors when maps were very unfair, infinites existed and many other thiugs, like a bandaid, maps are getting reworked and you see way less unfairness on the reworked maps, it needs to go.
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I'll play killer because this change will make very little/no difference at all to my gameplay.
I have no reason to tunnel someone with bloodlust 3.
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If you're costantly relying on BL2/3, then you're not a very good killer. It really is as simple as that. I can count the number of times I needed Bloodlust to catch someone on a single hand and it back on the Red Forest main building rework PTB when they accidentally had every window open.
Bloodlust is not needed anymore for killers with brains.
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I play for fun so...I dont care the nerf, I just play.
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it just bloodlust 1 that maybe needed.
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Oh i'm definetely gonna play killer because in that time i won't get screwed over from bloodlust FPS drops for the 135566435th time :D
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If anything I'll make sure to play because I'm curious how much of a difference I notice.
I highly doubt a significant amount of people will refuse to play because of a temporary experiment.
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I’m not playing this game as much as I used to, COD Zombies is so fun right now and the grind feels fair.
That being said, I logged onto DBD this morning to collect the 600,000 BP’s for the Xbox series X and what do you know, all my dailies are killer ones, I delete one, another killer one pops up. I play killer and my queues are INSTANT, I switch to survivor I’m waiting 5-10 minutes for a game.
That speaks loads to me if you think about it...
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taht is because most people play survivor, i WONDER WHY. S/
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I ain't scared of no Bloodlust-less weekend!
I'm already regularly playing a weaker Killer in higher ranks with Add-on combinations that don't make sense & Perks that are aimed for fun rather than victory, yet my kill rate kinda fits the latest released statistics.
Bring it on, i say!
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I'd say keep bloodlust, but make it dynamic.
Like, if you have maps like Autohaven or Ormond, rework or not, have it there and kick in faster.
If you have maps like Glenvale or Lery's, disable it or make it kick in slower.
Also look at what killer one's playing. Personally I don't think killers like Doctor or Oni or Trapper actually need it, but others do.
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It'll be nice to not get the FPS drops from it in a chase.
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I'll be playing, I rarely if ever get bloodlust 1 let alone 2 or 3.
If your chasing for 45 seconds, or dare I say even more, you're doing it wrong.
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....this is a joke, right?
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The only killers who get bloodlust in chase are bad anyways, it doesnt affect anyone who isnt a complete potato at the game.
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Same here.
I rarely even get bloodlust as using M2 attacks, breaking pallets, getting successful hits etc resets bloodlust anyways so basically I've always played without bloodlust.
People will (probably) never find the bloodlust icon in any of my clips.
Bloodlust really is outdated at this point - I think. Obviously I could be wrong and maybe I'm gonna get looped for days this weekend but something tells me things will feel pretty normally.
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Now I find a game as surv in 5-10secs
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Imagine hitting BL 1 for more than a few seconds
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as I said in my own threat, I have a bug that I have had for a LONG time now where my games frames or something suddenly dip as soon as I get bloodlust which makes me completely miss or lose my target.
I look forward playing normaly
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Bro I main Freddy, Pyramid Head, and Nurse most of the time you think I care about Bloodlust when I'm constantly using my power? Lmao
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I'm going to guess "many", since most players don't read the forum. I also suspect we'll see many "bug" reports about BL "not working".
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It's just like the MaSsIvE PGTW nerf. Yes it is a nerf but you don't really notice it. I watched Scott Jund talk last night about this and he's right when he says anyone who relies on bloodlust is doing something wrong.
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Clearly bait, as betrayed by OP's nick.
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Morning time in California (PST) survivor queues are about 60 seconds. Killer queue times are about ~30 seconds. Survivor queue times go up as time passes by the day. Killer queue times go down. What narrative?
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As everyone has already mentioned, if you need Bloodlust to catch survivors, you need to re-think your strategies.
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How is a temporary test a nerf exactly?
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Afaik i am gonna eat in the evening and be loved by the people i care about even if i don't 4k every game.
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Whine simulator
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I hardly ever reach bloodlust because if theyre really that hard to catch then Im going back on gen pressure. If you use bloodlust you've already lost the game unless you have NOED or something like that
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I'll exclusively play killer this weekend.
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I'd you rely on bloodlust you most likely have already lost. The time it takes to gain enough speed to get an advantage and then get two hits means 3 gens can easily pop.
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Disagree. Bloodlust helps get the last kill during endgame collapse. Breaking a pallet may cause you to either lose the survivor or run out of time.
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That's a special circumstance though and they would need to be far from the door and if close enough already be injured unless you have a one hit down perk or killer.
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Just a reminder than not every killer is red and purple rank. It's all well and good saying "if you rely on bloodlust, then you are bad". But some players are new, some are bad, some are survivor mains just doing dailies or the rift. All those are still valuable players. Yes bloodlust might be irrelevant to you, but we need to see how it affects all ranks, not just yours.
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Bloodlust has no effect on high level play, and it will decimate low level play, so lower ranked survivors will have fun waiting 30 minutes for a match. Without fixing the fundamental issues with the game, removing bloodlust is just going to drive players away.
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Thank you. someone gets the bigger picture like damn
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A more logical reason would be that Americans have longer work weeks and added stress from juggling top survivors as killer leaves undesirable consequences.
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I still don't see why the bad people can't just get good. I'm willing to bet you that people who use BL to catch people, aren't good players in most situations. Do I honestly think BL needs to go away? Nah. The only time it feels frustrating to play against BL is when they are faster on the loop than you can vault it any way of the loop but are inevitably dead.
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I’m playing killer this weekend.
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So 15 seconds is a long chase? Good to know I've been playing wrong in red ranks all this time....
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People are going to camp and I don't blame them. Chase will be dead. More ambush attacks and stealth and entity displeased and brutal killer. I'll play on my sons profile so I don't lose my rank. But still get my 4ks and 3ks even if the entity is displeased. I'll be 😌 😆 satisfied
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Those variables include breaking LoS just long enough to escape chase, having to break a pallet/wall, and using some killers powers. Played a lot of Trapper last night and almost every chase BL 1 kicked in. Yes sometimes it kicked in as I got the hit but nearly every chase as the epitome of m1 killer in the game needed bloodlust 1 to kick in. I don't chase until tier 2 or 3 because I've got the hit or I know to abandon but a 15 second short loop is par for the course of this game, and many times Survivors will run that loop as long as they can before dropping the pallet and disabling BL1 because they'll continue to run that unmindgameable loop until the pallet is broken.
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Im going to be playing killer tomorrow because I want to assist in the testing any way I can.
I don’t even think the bloodlust removal will be a horrible thing because it’s just not necessary anymore with all the map changes.