As the title states, please disable these perks too as they are the root of all tunnel cry baby posts.
While you are at it, disable Nea as well as they tend to be useless, come stock with UE, WGLF and self-care (for all your teammate farming needs).
Kindly, survivor community.
ACTUALLY, can we add an option to decline unsafe unhooks?!
I never thought I would read a post about WGLF being an issue
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Now we've seen it all i guess
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This community is full of surprises and absolutely none of them are good ones.
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Dont let those Neas try to farm you for the WGLF stacks for a follow up hook.
Hit that decline button.
-Saul Goodman, 2020
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No, I understand it as an issue from a survivor side. I am a bit shamed to admit I did it too for a long time. You sometimes do bad unhooks just for the chance at that sweet, sweet token.
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Eh, sometimes I don't want to be unhooked in front of the killer when I know the person doesn't have BT and is just farming me to get me killed.