So what's going on with cross platform progression?

So I heard through the grapevine that Freddy is missing from PS5 and won't be coming until December 1st. I also heard that Freddy should soon be coming to Switch.
I have no idea how cross progression is going for Stadia, knowing that they were apparently having issues in the beginning.
I was under the impression that cross platform progression was coming for Switch within the year of 2020 (and I honestly thought we would be getting it in September, but only Stadia got it then, which is understandable). Now I'm completely unsure of what's going on with all that and I'd love to have a discussion with y'all about what you personally think is going on with all that. I had to leave my 800 hour Switch account in the dust once I got a taste of PC performance and I'm missing having all the survivor perks unlocked on my Feng Min. Just wanna be reunited with Tenacity, bro 😔
I would love to have my perks back but you know what Sony are like -_-
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Yeah, I hear you guys are stuck with playing on console. It makes sense to me that xbox and playstation aren't willing to do cross platform progression- they just had next generation consoles come out and it would be bad business for them to do so. Unfortunate considering there are a decent amount of console players who want to switch to PC :/
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So PS5 is going to get Freddy in the next update, we don't know about Switch yet, if they get Freddy too.
In the Dev Post about Cross-Progression, they said, that Steam, Stadia and Switch will have Cross-Progression in September, but Switch doesn't have access to it.
And I'd really like to get it for XBOX and PS too, since I'd like to change from PS to PC and if it never happens, it will be too bad.
(Also I read that Ubisoft is working on Cross-Progression for their current (the new ones) games on all platforms, so I guess BHVR can't hide behind the fact, that Sony or Microsoft has a problem with it.
Also, also on top of my head, following games also include cross-progression from atleast PS to PC, so that's really possible: Fortnite, FFXIV, Smite, Paladin, Rocket League, Destiny 2)
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I know plenty who don't plan to get a PS5 and PS4 will eventually break if from age if not anything else. Really hoping cross progression come out for console or they will just stop playing the game completely. They refuse to redo years of grind and progress not to mention exclusives they can't get anymore and I do not blame them.
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I really want to switch to PS5 since they don't have freddy and man his reach range is annoyingly strong and the PS5 is really hard to get. And i would really love to see this Cross-Progression for the ps4 added in so i CAN actually switch to PC and not ps5 (Since the ps5 is really hard to get a hold of)