We deployed a fix to solve an issue preventing players from unhooking, healing or picking up Survivors. Players will need to reboot to see the change reflected in-game. Thank you for your patience!

My Opinion on Your Play Style

.... shouldn't matter! I have seen so many posts about 'toxic' players and such, but I really think it's okay to play your way. I personally dislike being camped, tunneled, gen rushed, and flashlight spammed, but at the end of the day it's just a video game. You are 10000000% allowed to dislike something, I just think it's wrong to call people toxic or bully them. Debating is always great since some people are able to come to an agreement or even switch positions, but saying stuff like 'stop being so soft' or 'that's a toxic thing to do' isn't fair. As long as you are respectful and play well, I'll be happy. Yeah, I can depip and not have fun, but it beats arguing with someone over virtual murder lol! I guess what I want this post to be about is being kind and enjoying dbd for what it is: A game! You can urban evade if it works for you as long as you're being a good teammate, you can use DS, you can pack a mori, and, most of all, you can play your way!! I love playing competitively, but I think that competition and rage are very different from one another-- You won't always win, and being angry won't change that. I have gotten upset over matches, but all you can do is move on and hope for the best. So, get out there and have fun :)!!

Also, I don't mean for this post to be 'humble af' or anything of that nature, I genuinely love this game and the community, I have just seen a lot of 'so and so is toxic!' or 'this perk is bad and u suck!' kind of stuff, which I just find to be counterproductive, haha!


  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    I completely agree! I have seen hardcore tunneling and slugging-- Like, body camping and walking over them as they die while everyone else does gens and escapes. I just think that's cruel!

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    And on the other hand, I've seen killers get accused of that despite just slugging one person and immediately chasing another. Like, c'mon...

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    I've been saying this for so long now, I could say it in my sleep. You can pick any perk, power, addon or item in this game and someone, somewhere, will find a way to call it toxic. I'm a 'roll with the punches' kind of gal, I play around whats in front of me at the time, and if I don't succeed, well then I was outplayed. I'm pushing 40, I don't feel the need to cry "Unfair", because someone used effective tactics against me. However it's utterly mind numbing to watch a good majority of players do exactly that. If its within the games rules, not an exploit and you're not being a righteous butt hole in end game chat, it's not toxic, it's using the tools given to you. I'm far too casual a player to bother seeking out blame if i lose, and I'm flat out tired of both sides smacking each other about the head like a three stooges episode, with their ridiculous 'rule books' of sportsmanship. Killers kill, survivors survive, and both can and SHOULD use every means at their disposal to do so. All I ever expect from anyone in a game, is to act like an adult and not vent their frustrations at people who often have no real ill intentions, in the after game chat. Learn from mistakes, don't seek to pin the blame button on anything found remotely challenging.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    no, you need to play how I say and spend your money how I say 👀

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited November 2020

    I thought Devs had a tag under their name?

    Edit: Probably gonna get a warning for that one, but it made me laugh so totally worth it.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    I totally agree!! I usually only get upset when we get hardcore f'd over and like slugged for a long time because it's just not super fun, but my next match is always better. Great mindset, by the way, I'm a soft girl and hate watching people fight ;w;

  • ComaDarkvale
    ComaDarkvale Member Posts: 20

    I agree I play to have fun and like adapting to others play style. I don't mind any of that stuff even if I don't do it. A good player plays for fun and adapts too and is a good sport even when losing.

    Only thing I dislike is people who disconnect, hackers , and people who send nasty messages to strangers because they won. It's insane how many messages I get when I win accusing me of being a hacker when I may have got lucky , they may have sucked , or I was better that round. Just move on. Good game play again. Campers I enjoy due to the challenge. And the end just play and have fun

  • Finchat
    Finchat Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2020

    My play style. Pretty ruthless I usually avoid tunneling and I only will slug if the last survivor abandons their friend or has decided to camp the hatch. Though usually when I get the opportunity to get a free kill say I’m presented with a new chase or the weakened survivor....I’m sorry but that’s your ass mr. postman, though I don’t really have a focus on one survivor just bad place at wrong time. Or just gettin disrespected lmao, unhook in front of my face or refuse to get away from the hook and I will hit them all until they leave Lol. That upsets me sometimes, as I don’t like dwelling by hooks. Though on the chase I am potent and I find it most fun when playing scare characters like peek a boo Myers love the change of stylistic gameplay instead of relying on chase and trailing a survivor you just adjust your positions according to theirs and wack!🤣🤣. Though I’ll probably come up with a plan to kill the Tbaggers first is usually what happens, everything gets easier once the first guy goes so i find it halarious when they taunt me or go for unhooks next to me with one hook left lol. 360’s get on my nerves and can give me a headache but I manage. Just don’t bring a toolbox into my trial and you will go first lmaooo

  • Alex_Splicer
    Alex_Splicer Member Posts: 122

    Pft. Sorry but no.

    As a killer player that has over 2400 hours in this game - it does matter.

    But not really play style as much as your attitude.

    But the attitude contributes to the play style, if you're a troll that loves to make others days horrible - you gen rush, bully, etc. then that's not wanted at all by anyone.

    No one wants to be bullied anywhere - ESPECIALLY a video game where we try to have fun. But yet I deal with that almost every game now, even though I'm rank 18.

    Other than that yeah, play style shouldn't matter - but your positivity/kindness should. Even if it's a game about killers vs survivors - YOU'RE the one playing and making the others feel that way.

    So even through most bullied moments I plow through with kindness and try my best to make them know I'm not a bad guy - that I want to have fun. Not rage.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    If its part of the game its all fair play. There is nothing wrong with using anything the game provides or allows which gives you or others a better chance of killing or escaping.

    Imo the true toxicity only comes in the end game chat and messaging systems.

  • bubbabrotha
    bubbabrotha Member Posts: 1,138

    I will play like a YouTuber with 2 strikes, by which I mean I will try very hard to not offend anyone or play unfairly. Even if I get tea bagged a few times, I'm fine. I draw the line at making my experience miserable, by which I mean if you message me in the the middle of the match to insult me or actively exploit bugs, its on.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    Oh, absolutely! I thought I specified that in the post but I guess not ;w; I always try to be a great teammate or (since im a baby and cant put anyone on death hook) nice killer. I don't think anyone has the right to say 'you are bad because you use this' since it isn't true! I don't suck because I use urban evasion, I suck because I'm bad at this game lol! But seriously, I have had some super bad matches, but I'm not going to go out of my way to tell someone that lol. Most of the time, actual toxic people know they are toxic. I don't have to remind them of that, and it's just a video game after all. It is obnoxious at times, I just don't like how a lot of the debates around here are 'if you use DS you shouldnt play this game' or 'packing a mori is toxic' because while they are sometimes difficult to counter, it is a part of the game.

  • The_Nightmare
    The_Nightmare Member Posts: 65

    This is refreshing lol well I pretty much only play killer and whenever I have 2 or 3 sacrifices in i always let the last survivors just rack up. Bc why not and also if any survivors just start trying to make peace right away we'll be friends and you'll be spared I just like being chill with people. There's nothing like having that killer just wrecking everyone then stop and start being cool with you lol

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    Right!?! I enjoy a good goof with the killer lol! I loved a match with Piggy when I was the last alive and I pointed at a lit totem and she crouched and started nodding. She led me to every totem and then gave me hatch! I adore you, Piggy <3!!

  • Hyd
    Hyd Member Posts: 379

    I've only been playing a short time (less than a month) and I've gotten decently good pretty quickly but even when I'm getting stomped in some fashion, either as survivor or killer, I am totally content with just having little successes (i.e. as a survivor: getting a few good chases, unhooking some pals, healing them, fixing a gen or two. And as a killer: making everyone bleed in some form lol). I don't have to win to have fun but, as with everything in the world, some people simply take things way too seriously.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    Oh yeah, I've noticed. I play competitively (or, used to until the rank reset and things going downhill) and I still found time to point at a killer's butt or play around with survivors between gens. It's supposed to be a game, not some hardcore 'who can piss this person off/ how can we make survivor/killer dc' fiesta!!! So, as long as we all have fun or at least don't play to annoy one another, then I'm set lol :)!

  • Wingmonster
    Wingmonster Member Posts: 27
    edited November 2020

    My play style is tunneling, using noed, being toxic towards survivors as much as possible, applying lots and lots of pressure, and making the game un fun for the survivors. And also using mori from time to time.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    You need to slug more. And Mori's from time to time? You earned those Moris. They won't help you win games sitting in your inventory. What about face-camping? Using Insidious? Using Spirit? Putting everyone in the basement? Come on, you can do better!

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    With over 30k hours of gameplay in dbd, i will dictate your playstyle without you even realizing it

  • Wingmonster
    Wingmonster Member Posts: 27

    Nope I'm not slugging. And I do facecamp. And no, I can't do better

  • B_Swims08232004
    B_Swims08232004 Member Posts: 12
    edited November 2020

    My playstyle is very very strange i mostly play ghostface so i prefer Sneaky killers. if i can guess spine chill is the most metta perk with vaulting builds i just moonwalk to the gen i hear that is near completed I can't Adapt to a survivors who DO random #########,

    IF yall have ds you're dead lmao


    my survivor playstyle is very different from killer i stop at pallets in the middle of a loop trying to make the killer respect them i'm also not good at staying Sneaky either, My perks i prefer are Hope, urban evasion, iron will and spine chill

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    I don't mind DS mostly because I prefer getting everyone on the hook rather than one specific person, especially if there is one very sneaky survivor I haven't seen. I also main Ghostface! I love using the tracking build on him (all ears, whispers, bitter murmur, and then corrupt intervention) because I suck at patrolling gens!! I'm a survivor main tho (massive meghead and, as my user states, I am her wifey) and adore using SB, urban, self care, and kindred since I only play solo! I have had people call my build 'selfish' but when everyone is dead or busy, I like being able to fend for myself ;w;