50% extra lunge 5 times max, yeah i wonder why most killers use the same perks *Sigh*

Why cant we make good perks for a change, like a few perks the idea is interesting but the damn LIMITATIONS! like this perk doesnt also increase the lunge speed so its not worth it. Not only does this perk have a stupid limitation of 5 times max per trial but thats only 5 basic hits unless you combo it. Even at 100% it would hardly be used because of the 5 uses max not even mentioning that a window or pallet can waste a stack because you arent moving faster than a normal lunge. Devs please stop worrying about making a strong perk, im sure both killers and survivors are tired of using/seeing the same perks just because theyre the only perks you get use out of each trial. YOU WANT PEOPLE TO STRUGGLE TO PICK PERKS, not just throw on whats good no matter the killer etc.
