Can't wait for Blight's POV increase

It's confirmed that Blight will be getting a POV increase. (From Dev stream)
So here is an image of how is the POV probably going to look like in the future: (I hope)
*Blight's POV increases drastically when carrying a Survivor.
Can't wait!
EDIT: Here is the stream where the Devs confirmed this if someone wanted to know!
Not much point if it's only going to be when he's carrying a survivor. If its just his normal pov, then yeah that's epic
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The POV increase when carrying Survivors is already in the game, I just gave the example with it how much could the POV be increased base.
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Then Hell yeah I'm excited
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Awesome! Thanks for making this post, I'm hyped now.
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One thing to remember is that this change will take alot of time. To increase his POV is to rearrange all of his FPV animations.
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They clipped his model through the bottom of the world in order to lower his PoV. That's the kind of spit-and-polish we should expect from slightly redone vault and break animations.
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While it's cool that this is happening, it's also frustrating because this was one of the more common complaints for those that tested the blight in the ptb. If only BHVR weren't in such a rush to release content and actually fix and polish what needs fixing.
There are a lot of things too that the devs will be fixing over time with the Twins, but instead of delaying the content they're still rushing it out the door. It's so damn frustrating.
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Same,make it 3 chapters a year instead of 4 so they don't have to rush new content like they obviously have to right now.
I'm pretty sure everyone prefers quality over quantity.
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I would be happy even if they only did 2 chapters per year and focused more on bug fixes and balance changes.
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They can't simply raise the model with the camera. If they did, all of his animations would be out of alignment. They will have to likely reanimate/reposition his arms.
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this killer has been released 3 months ago, everybody knew this was a bug since ptb and yet bhvr decided not to fix it until they screwed with match start killers animation and everybody saw the blight was buried 1m in the ground LOL
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And my point is that they likely won't. The most probably outcome is them simply shifting his wrists down and reangling his hands.
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Hell yes! Finally I can actually play Blight without getting uncomfortable! I wouldn’t mind skipping a chapter so the devs can work on QoL fixes like this.
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No, you don't get it. His current POV is like that because they shoved him into the ground by over a foot. When we had the killer intro bug we saw the first-person killer model from the third-person. If they didn't shove him into the ground, you'd be right. But since they did, they'd literally just lift up his model several inches and everything would stay more or less aligned unless they really have no idea what they're doing.
What I'm saying is normally you'd be moving the actual location of the camera, which would require them to re-angle the arms. But they don't need to move the camera at all, since it's already attached to the model in the correct position, and the model just needs to be scooted up.
Of course, their weird ass pipeline that can make this game run as poorly as it does may mean they actually do need to reposition things, which would only be a further indictment on the poor state of affairs their development pipeline is in.
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The model is not attached to the camera. The model was placed a such to align with the camera itself. If the model was raised without proper adjustment as it needs to appropriately match with the camera's placement, the killer would see Blight's hands smacking air above the pallet or not realistically grabbing a dying survivor. Not sure wether they'll only touch up the arms and hands or re-do the entire first person model.
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I’m really excited as well, Hope we get it in the mid-chapter patch
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I might start playing Blight as much as I did when he came out once this goes through.
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I don't understand how they can release a killer without realizing his camera is too low
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So raise the model and the camera by the same amount? I dunno man, not seeing the issue here.
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The arms you see as the killer are what most importantly need to be touched.
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Oh that is nice to hear. I was playing as him some today... and... the games where the Survivors weren't constantly disappearing due to my terrible PoV was fantastic. Hopefully it happens soonish.