What older killer would you want to have chase music next?

They've usually added unique music to killers that got reworked/updated, but I hope they can throw in killers that are in a good spot though. Still super disappointed to this day that the devs didn't catch our interest in musical aesthetic until after Ghost Face's Chapter.
Legion, they could even make different chase music based on what member of the group you play, playing based on their Mix Tapes!
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Nurse, she should have a Hospital's Lobby Music.
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All of them.
The unique chase music really adds to the feeling of the killer. I noticed it the most when they accidentally removed Doc's unique chase music, and being chased by him felt a lot less intense than it used to. Deathslinger's chase music is probably one of the reasons why I actually like going against him.
If there's one killer I'd choose specifically, it'd probably be Wraith, with Legion as a close second.
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I love this idea!
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I love to imagine getting chased by nurse and having calm piano play in the background.
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Although it’ll be challenging for the musicians to come up with something thematically fitting of Clown, but have it also sound scary/menacing, rather than silly.
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Hang on...
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Knowing you're on Death Hook and Exhausted from already using your Dead Hard.
Hatch closed.
Hospital Lobby Music.
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The Clown's menu music sounds good, maybe they could make something like that.
Also he will hopefully be getting one in his rework that comes in the next mid chapter.
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Definitely Plague, the chase music is so off i never take her chases seriously
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His menu music is fantastic, but it isn’t sinister or imposing. All the chase music needs to be tense and moody.
To be able to tie in a circus theme and it be dark and threatening will be tricky.
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I want this to be clowns chase music https://youtu.be/IhRnWMBcNQQ
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Spirit! Something creepy and loud with string instruments, lots of shrieks, and some Japanese/Asian influences.
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Trapper, just to see what they come up with.
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Wraith. I'm really curious about how it would be. I hope super spooky.
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Just some Minecraft music playing in the background as you hear Nurse's sighs of exhaustion.
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Everyone actually. But I guess Clown will be next with his rework. Hope it’s in next midchapter.
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Yes it was removed.
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Pig. Period
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*insert plague throwing up noises while generic chase music plays*
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None of them.
I hate the Hillbilly chase music and the awful grunt he makes every time he takes off is enough to make me never want to play him again.
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Plague. I imagine she would have some elegant, but creepy music.
Same goes for Nurse.
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Would really love to see what they could do for Wraith.
I like to imagine his menu theme would be light and windy with a focus on bell timbres (kind of like wind chimes, but more organized).
Then his terror radius and chase themes could be based on African drum rhythms (since Wraith is Nigerian, they could take some light inspiration from patterns commonly used in Nigerian folk music).
Or either could reference Gamelan ensembles (which are Indonesian, but still fit the style I hear in my head for Wraith).
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yes, this ^
@ReverseVelocity , Doctor was my first ever killer, and I loved playing him until his rework, and one of the main reasons I dropped him like a hot iron after that was because of the atrocious music change.
I really enjoy the way Myers' music is different. It fits in with the already established aesthetic, and it gives the same amount of information that the original terror radii music give i.e. it's not strangely and unintentionally deceptive or lacking in finesse. Moreover, it feels like his terror radius is still one piece of music rather than a bunch of little ones haphazardly pieced together because it was composed without thinking of how it sounds in-game (looking at you, Deathslinger).
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Wraith, would like a track with a distant bell in it.
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Every killer has a potential unique track to play but still maintains the originals. i.e. One out of every X times the terror radius music begins, the unique killer track is chosen rather than the generic. This would be something probably easy to implement and would certainly be something to which many people who dislike much of the newer chase music would be amenable.
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Trapper. Have it play his Ginger snaps song