My thoughts on the Bloodlust-less experience so far...

In so far, the experiment has gone about as I expected. Most killers don't notice the difference. Aside from map changes, I believe there's a reason for this.
Most killers have a power that resets Bloodlust. Spirit, Nurse, the chainsaw bros, Pyramid Head, Doc, etc—they all have a power that helps them in chase and resets bloodlust. This combined with the changes in the maps, then Bloodlust does seem like an obsolete mechanic.
However, not everyone is this fortunate. Myers, Legion, Trapper, Wraith—these are M1 killer whose power does NOTHING to help them get a down. In most cases it's a non-issue, of course—you can mindgame TL walls and still get the hit.
That said, if you are unfortunate enough to get bad RNG in places like Badham, Haddonfield, or (Entity help you) the Asylum, then... you're pretty much screwed. Even though it is possible to get a hit in some cases like the fences in Haddonfield/Badham, you'll notice that these loops are much, much stronger than they were before.
So what am I trying to get at? I'm saying that these are killers that obviously need help. The ones I just named are already widely considered be pretty weak killers, and now that some loops just became stronger, they're going to need more help. Maybe some more map tweaks, maybe tweaks to their power (#bufflegionplz), both, or maybe we just haven't properly adapted to these changes yet.
Personally, I'm among those that believe Bloodlust T1 is perfectly fine. I do think the game is at a state where T2/T3 can be removed, however. But hey, I'm not a dev. I don't have the data being collected, although I would appreciate it if the findings were shared with the community.
I agree, some killers need the help of bloodlust. Nurse and Hillbilly don't, but Plague and Trapper do. Bloodlust T1 should be kept, remove the other two.
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On survivor it's felt pretty abusable. I've stretched loops out for minutes that probably would have never happened if bloodlust was active.
While infinites per say are gone for the most part there are still highly abusable and way too safe loops chained together on many maps to where bloodlust 1 still feels needed. I could see bloodlust 2 or 3 going though.
The devs feel they've fixed the maps enough for this change but I disagree. Maybe just wait till all the map reworks have finished and then we can go about removing 2 and 3. I think they're just jumping the gun a little before the maps that are still abusable have been reworked as well.
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To be honest I think that until a majority of bad map designs and map bugs are fixed that bloodlust should stay in its current state, but once its all said and done I think the most acceptable compromise as map design gets better is reducing the stacks of bloodlust down as map generation improves
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I don't agree with Shape and Wraith, I'm trying to play both of them today, many games, both without perks, so totally vulnerable. Every time I get at least 2+ kills and 25k+ points.
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I've been playing survivor all day today, its very noticeable. Me and even my rando teammates are running loops or just holding w much longer and kills are way down.
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You must be getting extremely lucky then. I got 3k and 4K games only todays. I’m rank 1 and all my randoms were rank 10/16+
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I agree the "good" killers will be fine like nurse ect. but killers that have nothing for looping are going to feel the lack of bloodlust, Myers, Pig, Wraith, Plague and Legion are gonna get cucked at bad map rng, god loops at crotus pren asylum and Mother's dwelling house, Terrible map design at Haddonfield and Midwich.
No bloodlust is just gonna make killers that wanted to play the "bad killers" for fun not want to play them, imo it's gonna lower pick rates for killers with no anti-loop and maybe lower there win rates but I've been seeing more rainbow ranks here lately so probably not.
They really need to make maps actually balanced or give all there killers some way to deal with loops if they really want to get rid of bloodlust but i have no faith in there map team, they are wasting the potential of breakable walls and bringing back old problems like the god loops and just giving killers more pallets to kick basically.
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As survivor it feels so much better. Might be a placebo thing for me though. 110% killers can't just brute force you down and have to use their power. You're not screwed for running an area with just windows or around an unsafe pallet. There's a lot more mind games around unsafe pallets and you're rewarded for playing it well.
As killer I've been playing Hillbilly, Pyramid Head, and Ghost Face. It's really noticeable on GF as survivors can actually just W away from you to a pallet and you can't down them fast enough to win the game. I'd imagine Legion, Wraith, Trapper, Plague, and Pig really suffer.
Granted, an overwhelming majority of what I have played against these last two days has been Nurse, Bubba, and surprisingly Clown, who all pretty much don't care about bloodlust.
I'd probably keep bloodlust 1 in the game and remove the other tiers as others have been suggesting.
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I might be the only one that feels this way but I think huntress really needs it (try running an "unsafe" loop with her). Trapper, not at all. Ghostface and Myers are 100% suffering as good survivors wont let you stealth. I dont play wraith so idk but I would think he is not handling it well.
Plague is still the worst killer in the game imo. Shes too tall and her fountains heal survivors a health state (even if they became injured from a hit then cleanse)
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It's making a noticeable difference from what I can see. Survivor has never been easier and it's giving bad loopers an ego boost. Feel bad for killers still learning, looks like there is zero room for chase mistakes if a survivor is competent.