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General Discussions

The fact that the Devs are disabling Bloodlust illustrates how survivor sided they are.

Member Posts: 477
edited November 2020 in General Discussions

Bloodlust allows killers to potentially down survivors when they've been in a chase for a long time without breaking pallets. Not only does this change force killers to break pallets they could otherwise bloodlust, but it gives the potential to drastically increase chase times without any downside to the survivors.

Game is just becoming more and more survivor sided. First they nerfed bloodlust now theyre removing it all together.

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  • Member Posts: 477
    edited November 2020

    I agree that you can argue that getting bloodlust 3 or perhaps 2 is the result of chasing poorly (or bad map design), but if the killer is bad enough to need bloodlust 3 to down survivors, losing bloodlust will just make him do even worse (when he was already losing). Perhaps if matchmaking was balanced this wouldn't be an issue as much (since bad killers would face bad survivors), but matchmaking isn't balanced.

  • Posts: 5,229
    edited November 2020

    I mean... I believe they are survivor sided also, but like, not intentionally only because for whatever reason they lack the ability to connect with their game and audience enough to fix things like matchmaking and ranking and all that.

    Your point however, is kinda mooted by the fact they are only testing removing it because they literally have been removing strong/infinite loops, adding barricades, removing pallets and generally making things easier for the killer so that bloodlust would not be needed anymore in the first place. Hell, it's RARE to even really trigger bloodlust much.

    The problem when you make a complaint without full understanding, is that it devalues a lot of the actual problems killer players suffer from =/

  • Member Posts: 477

    1) change of ruin was an "experiment" initially.

    2) I see you don't think its an experiment either since you've already changed your position to saying BL isn't needed.

    3) Correct. A killer getting BL 3 is bad at chasing. Taking it away will just make this already bad killer do even worse. Matchmaking may be the main issue here, but BL helped a bit in these cases. Removing it will only make such killers do even worse.

    4) I can give a long list of killer nerfs if you'd like. It's not just this "one" time they've nerfed killers.

    5) Good killers wont notice it since good killers dont bloodlust. Its faster to successfully mind game chases or play loops properly. Like I said, this will mainly impact bad killers, making them do even worse than they already are (allowing survivors to bully them even more).

  • Member Posts: 951

    Mkay 1 and 2 are right,

    3 is objectively false, bloodlust 1 is after 15 seconds and ontop of that pallets and windows may not be able to be looped indefinitely but the fact that they can stall a killer and the only option is to LITERALLY GIVE UP is bad freakin design.

    4. This alone doesnt but with their comments over several patches, I would argue it is an obvious thing they do care more about the survivor experience than the killer one.

    5. Well good for you but a lot of people are noticing it, and even if it isnt a big change it is still important to note!

  • Member Posts: 477

    I guess youre right, ruin was changed arbitrarily with 0 experimentation. /s

  • Member Posts: 2,287

    I’m on console. Lag spikes aren’t an issue with bloodlust so much. Sloppy is worse and sinus Thano.

  • Member Posts: 5,598

    /s?.... The BL experiment is a live test... the Ruin change wasn't a live test

  • Member Posts: 477
    edited November 2020

    define experimentation:

    the action or process of trying out new ideas, methods, or activities.

    Live test is not only method of experimentation. Ruin change also started as experimentation. Nice strawman though.

  • Member Posts: 218

    I dont have to be a dev on the game to tell you that disabling bloodlust on all killers is going to lead to killer abuse

  • Member Posts: 601
    edited November 2020

    How about a "How often does the killer tunnel when there is no obsession showing/DS in the game"

  • Member Posts: 1,174

    This post isn't about whataboutisms. This is about the impact of losing bloodlust

  • Member Posts: 231

    something something i need my free pwyf to outplay people at unsafe tiles something something killer is a stressful role something something otz

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000

    I do believe the devs are survivor sided since more than half their player base is survivors.

    But this is small compared to other things they have left unadressed for years. Like the bug making downed players make no sounds.

    Probably their most insulting thing is that in 4 years of development they have not even talked about making a color blind mode.

  • Member Posts: 2,287

    I get a bit of something but not as bad as the aforementioned perks.

  • Member Posts: 5,598

    Yea... same

    Sloppy studders my game... same with Thana

  • Member Posts: 131

    I can assure you that there are still random lag spikes/frame drops on my boss ass PC. For the life of me I will never understand how this has been an issue since I can remember.

  • Member Posts: 479

    Anybody who relies on Bloodlust to get kills, there is only one possible answer to you: learn to play the game. It really isn’t that difficult.

  • Member Posts: 479

    The dead zones on the reworked maps are a literal nightmare. In the Macmillan estate some spawns have literally no pallets.

  • Member Posts: 5,598

    Oh... really you too

    (Bad Word) man

    Then it's not a system thing...

    My guess would be a coding issue then

  • Member Posts: 2,677

    It's an experiment, they're not making any permanent decisions yet. You need to stop jumping to conclusions so fast.

  • Member Posts: 375

    Killer shack needs to be changed regardless. The same damn thing on every ****ing map. Just add a moving breakable wall or something.

  • Member Posts: 415

    Its not survivor sided. Bloodlust was introduced as a way for killers to catch up back when infinite loops were a thing.

    For those of yall who dont know there use to be loops that were so long that when the killer vaulted the window the survivor would just gain to much distance and would 100% always make it back to the window again before the killer could catch back up.

    Now with all the infinites being taken out well almost all the main building on asylum is still pretty stupid strong but other than that all the infinites are gone.

    You complaining that you cant bloodlust a survivor down means your just a bad killer.

    A smart killer will instantly kick a strong pallet as soon as its thrown, or will try and mindgame a unsafe pallet. You save alot of time by just kicking it and moving on to the next pallet rather than just no skill holding w for 45 seconds till your fast enough for a free hit.

    Bloodlust being disabled now just means you have to have better reaction time than the survivor when playing loops without a los (line of sight) blocker or you need to break the pallet.

    Im rank 1 killer and survivor with 1400+ hrs and im glad its gone. I hope they permanently remove it.

    So tired of playing killers who dont know how to loop efficiently and will just hold w till theres literally nothing you can do because the killer is just god speed mode.

  • Member Posts: 1,903
    edited November 2020

    then why would they not wait for the new maps they JUST reworked to come out? this was a poorly timed test and will give the devs erroneous data since they just revamped autohaven and ormond but those aren't in the game yet.

    survivors loose add-ons... now they are even with killers... they keep their main item if they escape. killers can't keep add-ons if they don't want to, this is an erroneous thing to use. toolboxes needed to be nerfed, gen times were under 20 seconds for 4 man gens, EVEN with Proove Thy Self changes/multiple people on a gen efficiency. EGC addressed survivors TAKING the game hostage that is not a nerf it's a punishment becuase the survivors wouldn't LEAVE even after all 4 doors were open. Insta heals.... those were op... though i think styptic agents were good in general. I've even insta healed someone who was about to be mori'd. whoops! so only nerf was instaheal syringe and styptic that you listed.

    I have NEVER had any issue with "silent" slugs. this is not as wide spread so people make it out to be. I would expect it is something to do with your sound card chip set and volume settings but they haven't gotten the data to give them a culprit for this erratic bug you speak of.

    Color Blind Mode: I can understand the issue but that would not be just something that is addressed to color blind people because it'd move people who aren't into using that mode as it would remove some of the occlusion in the game that is necessary for immersion and play.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    actually I don't get the frame drops so no, it is not a coding issue till that is researched by the devs. and i don't have the most powerful pc. ryzen 7 2700X and nvidia gtx 1060 6gb OC card... 32 gig of ram.

    news flash! they have reinstalled infinite loops! yes they are breakable by a silly breakable wall but if the person doesn't know those infinites they don't know if they should break the wall/door at all. thus can't say they are gone because they aren't. you being a rank 1 killer, means nothing to this test. we know you are more skilled than MOST that play this. i've got over 2500 hours in and I don't know where the infinite loops are to take them out. how is someone with less than 100 hours in gonna know this?

  • Member Posts: 5,598


    Ok so not everyone has the same issues... Good for you... do you want a cookie for it (not getting one from me)

    They want data so they can decide on a course of action

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    Most people when talking about a bug don't realize that it more than likely might be their setup or a small group but they expect and imply it's something that happens all over... "they have not addressed it" when they are working on it and can not address it properly till it is discovered and a fix determined. this is not the same as they have ignored it and let it go for ever. Hell there wasn't many people submitting information anywhere and they can't even try to act without that data. finally they posted a thread about it to get that information and I do not think that thread has been used by a huge number of people, though it has been used by some. do i want a cookie? sure! but not like you are talking about, I addressed the fact it was spoken about as if the bug has never been addressed, it just has not been found or solved.

  • Member Posts: 5,598

    A cookie and a glass of milk? come sit down... chat a bit....PLZ

    Getting a small clip of a bug is kinda hard in the middle of a match (on consoles... and setups that don't have easy access to highlights)

    If someone has reported it then that should be enough to alert the devs to the issue and addressed as soon as they can... but if multiple people are experiencing it and sending in their reports then it might slowdown the fix

    I don't send reports cause I think someone else has (maybe the wrong thing to do so I'll take that)

    Yea... I also know my "setup" is ideal but it's what I have for the moment (I don't have the finances to make it better)

  • Member Posts: 365

    While your argument makes sense, bloodlust isn't usually used as intended. If a survivor is outplaying a killer at a fair pallet loop, bloodlust just makes it so that the survivor loses no matter what happens thanks to the free speed boost the killer gets. That being said, overly safe pallet loops should be lessened if this change goes through.

  • Member Posts: 321
    edited November 2020

    Lol no. You should not be rewarded for avoiding obstacles and failing to outplay via minigames. Pallets are all a surv has and you want to just speed past them? Yeah, that destroys the entire point of them.

  • Member Posts: 951

    Thats been the responce to every killer nerf ever. But when survivors have to have the same treatment the devs always make workarounds for them. How much "better" are killers supposed to get? Every time they adapt and get better something else gets nerfed in its stead. Oh ruin is too tough? Ok we will rework it for you, oh whats that? Pyramid head is too oppressive? Heres a series of nerfz for him its ok hes still op but we will fix that soon. Oh Billys chainsaw is overpowered? Heres a stupid limiter on it that makes him less fun to play.

  • Member Posts: 613

    this or disable windows or remove items or remove the abilty to cleanse totems

  • Member Posts: 53

    Let's just talk about how the numbers are gonna be swayed in the experiment anyways because for 2 days all I've played against are huntress, deathslinger, and nurses. None of which I feel actually need BL.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    should remove the terror radius or DS for a weekend!

    and DS, BT and a few other perks are not used as intended. when a player gets unhooked and jumps behind the healthy survivor so the killer downs them just to get the DS. this is called weaponizing DS. this example is one that can not be equated for by a fix. but if they get on a gen, totem, chest, locker (past the inner strength healing time) DS should deactivate and while DS is active BT should not be active (nor no-mither. (so you can't quickly be gotten up or get up yourself). once DS deactivates then bt and no mither reactivate and proceeds as follows.

    But this is not about ds, bt or other perk but your comment brought up the idea of things not being used in the way they are intended. I agree there needs to be a change, but why institute a test BEFORE newly revamped maps come out? that is odd timing, you'd think they'd have scheduled this test in december to include those maps in the test and not the ones they are replacing.

  • Member Posts: 7

    You need 4 times as many survivors than killers to even play this game. So yes the survivor player based needs to be larger for the game to be playable.

  • Member Posts: 374

    Not really. Like 90% of the map changes are for killers. I know breakable walls annoy people but still killer has gotten so much better, and like ruin undying is a new thing along with tinkerer buff.

    Like the fact that this is only a test and the fact that they are going to use it to fix bad loops should tell you that they do care.

    BHVR is extremely slow with balance, they are bad at optimizations, they are bad at figuring out problems on there own. But BHVR isnt survivor sided

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    lets go over what the game had over the years:

    insta repair with brand new parts

    Old toolboxes

    Old self care

    insta heals

    old borrow time

    real infinites

    exhaust recover while running

    Old basespeed coop gens

    old leader

    old provethyself.

    My ass devs are survivor biased

    patch after patch devs would balance the game out nerfing survivors in and out, DS rework, BT only works now on the unhooked person, insta heal but with long timer, purple insta turned into a borrow with a timer, infinites removed, exhaust only recover while walking, self care nerfed to the ground, ruin got reworked so toolboxes got also nerfed to the ground. This game is being balanced around both sides and if you think the devs are still survivor biased then you are delusional. Both roles will receive nerfs, reworks and buffs the devs are not siding with anyone

  • Member Posts: 636

    Well yes we did see the results of changing Ruin: Toolboxes got nerfed, Gen efficiency and Skill checks got nerfed and many infinites got changed.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    some of what you are saying is true, and if you go back to the begining there were nerfs to all (I don't know them all but i know some). DS as it stands now is a buff from what it was right before. now anyone can have it and a person that isn't even running obsession perks can be the obsession. this is a full on buff to DS. BT sure it's only on unhooks in TR but you didn't need it anywhere else. exhaustion only recovers from walking issues? go run a marathon and keep at the marathon pace once you are exhausted and tell me if you can keep RUNNING and recover from that exhaustion! Ruin is now in line with the description of the perk where it is an insidious decay within the gen (regression) Killers have gotten several RECENT nerfs and unneeded buffs that don't amount to much of anything. and YES ruin change is a nerf. if they pull blood lust it will be a nerf. gen speed is still a very heavy influence of the game and that with ruin's never has caused more issues than you'd think. both sides have been nerfed so I am NOT saying that they are killer or survivor sided but currently the trend is killers get more nerfs than survivors so it looks like the devs are survivor sided.

  • Member Posts: 180

    Lol, 70% of loops on maps can't be mind gamed. Let's not forget that they've brought back infinite loops on the new reworked maps, and older maps still have infinite loops too. Survivors shouldn't be able to safely loop killers at loops for 5 minutes without any penalties. Get your head out of your arse.

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