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The devs won't change

Throughout my playtime of dead by daylight I've been around for a lot of the good bad. Heck, I still remember when DS was a get out of jail free card.
I will be the first to admit, the devs have implemented good changes. Like the end game collapse, the ruin and DS reworks, graphical overhauls, and killer reworks.
Despite all of the good changes, the bad continually manages to shine through.
By now I'm pretty sure we're well aware of how bad BHVR's coding is. They manage to somehow break the game everytime they update it. They change one thing, and somehow some seemingly unrelated thing is now broken beyond belief. The fact that makes this even more annoying is they have refused to take a chapter off to fix their spaghetti code. Resulting in even more bugs every update.
For another thing console optimization was promised over two years ago. Now technically they delivered on this, but only on next gen. Despite the fact that they promised to hit 60fps across all playable consoles. I shouldn't have to drop about $600 dollars just to get optimization that was promised.
Plus I shouldn't even have to bring up how out of wack perk and map balance is. Making this even worse is how a few killers outshine the rest by a wide margin. Despite how long the other killers have been in the game, they have not been brought up to par for some time.
My final point for this tirade is the [BAD WORD] show that they called a Halloween event. First, they take away the event currency that allowed everyone to get free outfits. Despite having it in the game for the past 2 halloween events. Not only that, the event can barely even be called one. The only thing that made it slightly special was the drab looking hooks and generators. By the time the onslaught of negative feedback came through, the only thing they offered us was some iridescent shards, only enough for one event outfit. If no one had complained, we would have never seen any login rewards or even a bloodhunt.
Overall the devs have set a pretty horrible standard for themselves. I used to hope they could get past everything to make a great game. But they have continually shown that they aren't capable.
By the way this isn't some "I'm quitting" post. I'm still going to play the game, mostly because it's the only surviving game of it's niche. I just wish the devs could get over themselves.
This game is never going to hit 60fps on the switch lol
Post edited by Rizzo on21 -
I will say, most of you people don't admit that you make these weird rants just to make yourselves feel better, so props to OP for that I guess.
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And props for not bringing anything meaningful to the argument.
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I'm not a miracle worker. I can't create something out of nothing, and there was no argument here to begin with.
You've made yet another in what seems to a be a daily onslaught of your threads bemoaning the state of the game, this time actually admitting that making these kinds of threads over and over again accomplishes nothing with respect to what you're complaining about. Truly strange stuff.
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There are many things that can be argued about in this post. The perk/map balance, the disparity between how good killers are, ETC
Say what you will about my post history, but at least bring something to the table.
And if you don't like what I post, then why do you keep reading them?
10 -
Why there are so many downers posting negative stuff on the forums? All these endless rants. There are a few issues around, true, but nothing that makes the game unplayable. In fact I think the game is in the best state it's ever been. I read this stuff and I wonder why are you still playing it and/or wasting time making such a wall of text about a game you seem not to enjoy.
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I'm not saying the game is unplayable, It could just be so much better than what it currently is.
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Vote with your wallets as both killer and survivor. They'll either change, sink, or fire a lot of people to keep the money rolling in. Companies don't care about you or the people that work for them most of the time. They care about money, the bottom line, the moolah, the deneiro, the pesos, etc.
Don't be a consumer, be a customer - demand better for your dollar. Or just do what most of you will likely keep doing, mindlessly buying into their product since a large portion of you are addicted to complaining.
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Much as i would also like for them to fix their spaghetti code, it's not easy at all to fix it would require them to pretty rebuild the entire game from the ground up.
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Yeah it wouldn't be easy, but they aren't exactly an indie studio now. Even if the coding team is small, they could hire outside help (which would probably know better than them)
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and they will still surprise us making something even worse
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Why do people say the game is in a good state RN? They're about to release a unfinished killer because they know people will still buy. Base gen speed is atrocious. Swf is still a problem. Map sizes and breakable walls are a problem. Whole bunch of bugs. Like I don't get it lol
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Hey, I just deleted a few comments - please do not publicly discuss warns/jails/bans/etc. Please keep it on topic.
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If you play this game for a while, I would say it's hard to disagree that there was a better state than the current one. Particularly for killer. Not saying it's perfect, but I have some fun playing it. Seems like most people are so entitled nowdays that everything must be either perfect or complete trash. I win most killer matches I play and I am subjected to the same issues you cited. None of these are big issues to me.
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I'm entitled for wanting the game to be better?
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I don't think they're "downers" I just think that people want better balance changes or different events and it feels like we the community are not being taken seriously. I know it can be hard developing a game and balancing it out but after playing this game for so long its just getting tiresome seeing changes no one asks for and waiting for the changes the community wants imo.
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I don't think it's entitled to complain and request for bugs to be removed from the game, especially bugs that have been in the game for a while.
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dont forget new dlc is broken product and unfinished.. they could delay release of dlc for a few weeks, but you moneys tight so yeah... oh dont forget to buy new 15 bucks cosmetic :)
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No, wanting it better is all right. There is just something about writing so much making lesser issues seem so big that just don't feel right to me, that's all. My comment wasn't directed to any user in particular. I guess my opinion is that the issues do not overshadow the positive changes. Maybe what I see as a lesser issue is not the same as other players, and that is alright. I can't speak about the code, but I play on console too (PS4) and lately the game runs better than ever. Obviously way behind PC still, but its much better than once was. There are killer sided maps and survivors sided maps, I'm ok with that. There are stronger and weaker killers, i'm ok with that. The event was indeed not that good, but they tried to make up with double xp. I don't really care much about events honestly. I don't think devs have set pretty horrible standard for themselves or that they aren't capable. Saying it like that just feels kinda cheap to me. But I have no idea how hard or easy it is to manage a game like dbd. I like to think they are trying and are figuring out as it goes. But I guess anyone can express their opinion the way they want.
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How is it going through life miserable posting rants no one cares about except to read and say wow people whine about this ? Me and people we play and have fun. We win it's fun we lose it's fun some people on this game and forum are insufferable. I'm really pleased with how much love the devs give this game and the fans. These rants are pointless and just make the ranter look petty , pedantic , and toxic. We don't need more of this in 2020. Play the game have fun. If you don't. Go play what you love and let others enjoy without having to hold the hands of those who can't cope with others enjoying something you're not lol. Wow these forums I've never seen a game with so many babies lol
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The I'm going to play this as no other game exists like this, is the only reason many of us still play it
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The players who instant-buy any new skin (especially "event" skins) need to change.
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Few issues??? Do u even play this mess of a game?
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How does him ranting make him toxic? PPL like u that throw toxic this toxic that don't know what toxic really is
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Careful lol they arent going to keep you around long with posts like this
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The bad only shines through if you force yourself to be critical and hyper-foces only on the negitives while closing your eyes at any good thing... Why do you people do that? And so many other games too! If you want to have fun, just have it.
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Pessimists and optimists
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Don't feed the monkeys.
So, don't buy DLC or skins anymore, until game is fixed.
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You say have fun and I just laugh.
I try to have fun and you know what's there even in a low rank from purposefully staying away from the game? Trolls and try hards.
So don't say " Have fun or go play something else. " When there's no fun to be had anymore.
As a killer with only 2000+ hours I'd like to say you're full of it - or you're just trolling in a big post. I shouldn't have to struggle in a game to have "fun" but yet here we are.
People TALKING about this isn't saying they're a baby - it's saying " I tried your way, and I'm sick of it. "
If you really think stuff like this is pointless it just means you aren't here to have fun, you're here to win. That's what these kinds of posts are about but I guess others that have a better time playing and literally never thinking of the other side other than " I have to get away. "
If you want fun it shouldn't be that, you'd be wanting to act out and be silly - but you want a win or loss.
I don't want either, I just want EVERYONE in the game to have a good time - but trolls galore says otherwise.
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The cost for help on coding is insanely expensive.
When I use to work for this gaming company (I can not name and shame) the team hired a German bloke to help “fix” their spaghetti coding issue. His salary was $5000 per DAY. It took him 4 months to fix the issue, however, all it took was a few updates to screw it up.
It’s better to restart the game from the ground up, but this requires a lot of resources, Behaviour is better off making a brand new game.
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It's unbelievable how entitled you think you are to free ######### just because it was halloween and they've done events in the past. They did that because they wanted to. The fact that they gave you shards at all for something they, despite your mentality on it, didn't have to do at all, is mind blowing.
They don't have to do ######### to appease ungrateful players like yourself. People have differing opinions and tastes, so they'll still continue to make the ones who actually enjoy the changes and such happy, and there are people who ######### and moan about them but will still pay for cells and their chapters and give them money to keep doing what they complain about.
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Alright gonna make a post that's not negative here lol.
I really do think that it would be a good idea if the devs would skip a chapter of releasing a new killer/survivor and dedicate that chapter strictly to bug fixes and quality of life changes. I think that they need to realize that we already have so many killers, survivors, perks, etc. to choose from already and the community isn't going to be angry if we don't get something new every three months. Now is the time to take the game and instead of building on it trying to fix all of the current issues it has.
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This is one of my favorite games. I don't have problems with it. Maybe you should play something else?
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Oop someone with 1 post and is already advocating for BHVR, nice troll mate
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I would LOVE to know where you got the source code for dbd that you used to know how their coding is done? please tell me. please tell the devs so they can go to the pirate forum and shut them down for breaking copyright law. and that will include you for intentionally seeking out and getting the code that someone else wrote for what ever reason. the last several patches did not break anything on my end so how can that be? do I have a cleaner version than you? or perhaps maybe something on your pc is causing an issue. oh you're on a console, which can have a multitude of other issues that can cause this. your argument is tired.... your argument is not even sensable because the idea of "spaghetti" code would have the game crashing on more than a few systems over all.
BTW DS is still a get out of jail free card.. why? because it is 1 minute of invincibility so you can do anything you want against that killer.... yea! so enjoy
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Games can have spaghetti code without crashing constantly. The symptoms of spaghetti code tend to be constant bugs popping up, which I'm somewhat new to the game but I have noticed in my short time many bugs appear.
I play another game that players know has spaghetti code, though the devs there were also well known for being incompetent(basically the entire original dev team had quit over time, and newer devs poorly handled a lot of the code leading to it getting better in some cases and worse than others.) The game being Star Trek Online. Of course, different genres, STO is an MMO, but despite its spaghetti code it doesn't crash too often, though it suffers from some inescapable lag caused by server strain from issues stemming from the poor methods and shortcuts used coding for it.
And while yes, your specific copy of Dead By Daylight functions just fine, this does not invalidate others experiences. "It didn't happen to me therefore you're wrong" is not a good argument.
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what bugs do you see? and you say STO has it, when and where, do you have the code to prove it? thats the thing people use this term to say something is bad but no one even knows what it really means. and you say you've seen bugs, just what bugs are you talking about and where was it? ptb? I never said the fact that my game being good invalidates people's experiences, I just said it invalidates the spaghetti code argument.
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Are You an actual programmer? If I link you to a file containing the code or walk you through it would you have any idea what any of it means? I'm not going to make a multi hour tutorial about what each line of code means and show you every instance of faulty coding because not only would that take forever, but I'm not going to waste potentially hours of my time just to prove an argument to one random person on the internet.
(While I cannot say much on whats been found about DBD, in star trek online it was found that some extremely terrible shortcuts were made involving inventory space and how inventory items are coded in, causing insane pressure on the servers the more items the player base has and the more items existed in the game.)
I'm not going to continue this discussion with you after this post, but I'll be talking with the other people in this thread, should someone else respond to me.
I may discuss the bugs if you like, but I doubt such a discussion will go anyway(something tells me you'll attempt to dispute any bugs listed. If you really need a list, just check out the patch notes, every patch has a list of a few to several bug fixes, and thats not counting any new bugs that may pop up, after all every fixed bug was a new bug at some point)
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Wow, so much ######### talking for someone who probably has NO idea how to code, let alone code in C++.
Feel free to code an asymmetrical horror and acquire all of the character licences by yourself.
Go ahead. We're all waiting.
You want to criticize to devs coding ability and talk a ton of #########, can you do any better?
Didn't think so.
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sorry misquoted you because i was looking at one place and clicked the wrong button :) I agree with you :)
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I have programmed in basic, c, c++, c+, cobol, fortran, assembly, machine code and many others. you don't want to talk to me because you know you are incorrect. please link the code in here and where you got it because the dbd devs obviously would love to know where the code came from and how you got it. I've been programming long before the internet existed and I've worked with computers for as long as i've coded. you can keep responding to others, but they will see that you won't even step up to your challenge that you just gave me since you won't reply to me you can't link that code you challenged me to look at. and if you look at any update, there are bugs that are always being fixed, look at every patch for everquest, wow, and all other games that have updates, even dragon age, mass effect, and other single player games. they have bugs they fix ALL THE TIME! no program is going to be bug free! that's why it's laughable. but enjoy your ignorance and obvious bias against truths.
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Not a problem! 😅
I just can't stand it when people talk ######### about the devs ( who made this game we all love).
Especially when they have ZERO idea how hard it is to accomplish what has been done with the game so far.
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I play on switch and killer is literally unplayable. It’s literally 17fps
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I Said I cannot say much on the state of DBD's code, I've never looked at it myself(I don't know if looking at source code that you yourself didn't "steal" is still illegal) I mentioned specifically I'm somewhat new to the game and that my experience with spaghetti code comes from star trek online.
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The number of my posts doesn't mean anything more or less than me creating an account to drop a fact.
No company has to do anything for free. To expect it every year is entitlement. No one is entitled to anything. Least of all in the gaming community for things devs decide to do on a whim for their player base, which wouldn't have changed one way or the other. They'll still buy the crap they drop, just like Activision does with CoD every year.
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Imo the problem of bhvr are not really the bugs (as long as they are not gamebreaking like ctd bugs and so on), or even the coding that some people lead here in the field.
Everything of this is ok, if you have fun with your game. If you have fun, you like to wish those bugs would be gone by the next update, but on the other hand - you will still play the game if it makes fun for you, even if the next updates comes without bugfixes.
The problem is, that bhvr only caters a small core audience. They said by themself, that they have sell DBD over a million times and if you look at the steam charts, most of the time only 20-40k people playing it, world wide.
I assume (I don't know), that their income comes also then only from a much smaller part of this audience, how it is by every game that lives from a ingame store (imo, the dlcs are just there to lure you in, the money is made with the cosmetics).
And for reasons I can't honestly understand - maybe I am just stupid - they stick to this core audience. Instead of trying to branch out towards other possible playerbases.
Some will say, "but they have bring DBD on consoles and so on" - that is not exactly what I mean - they catch there also only after the same type of player and fighting a battle that they only can lose on the long run (long run means here years imo), since from their prefered playerbase some will stop to play the game over time - how it is with every game.
The only helpful solution would be to branch out to new type of players. Why they don't do that, I can't understand.
Of course, it would be much work at the beginning. New gamemodes that attract other players, or killers with abilites that were unthinkable before and maybe also collide with what the core audience likes, would be what is necessary imo.
I have already speak from that for years and I haven't read 1 good argument against it.