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General Discussions

How many killers will never be played again without bloodlust?

Member Posts: 102
edited November 2020 in General Discussions

Considering most maps are unbalanced around loops, killers like Wraith and Trapper will be basically useless with this mechanic gone. On the other hand, we will see more and more of Spirit, Freddy, Pyramid Head and Deathslinger.

Which killers do you think are affected the most and that will never be played again?

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  • Member Posts: 375

    Demogorgon around close or thin loops, which are plentiful.

  • Member Posts: 957

    It'd be easier to list killers who wouldn't miss bloodlust if gone as that list is far shorter.

  • Member Posts: 481
    edited November 2020

    It depends on if they bring back Bloodlust 1 in this hypothetical where they 'remove' bloodlust. Without 1, I would say Trapper, Pig, Myers, and Preemptively the Twins are in serious trouble, as they lack real tools to handle good survivors tracking them, clearing the pseudo infinite and infinite spots ahead of time, and just refusing to participate in chases outside of those areas while uninjured. Demo and Blight might suffer a bit too. Weirdly Hillbilly probably goes away too, he isn't actually an anti-looper per-say and his power is useless in the scenarios BL1 prevents

    With 1, we would still have ever killer being pretty viable, but the lack of Bloodlust 2 would make closing out chases once the game is winnowing down and your willing to hard commit to safe loops suck. Still, I don't think there are any literal BL1 infinites in the game.

    Weirdly, a lot of currently 'low tier' killers probably would be ok? Legion, for example can preemptively injure in ways that make some loops not work as well and can start chases very fast in ways that may prevent people from reaching the loop. Wraith for a similar reason (though its a 50/50 on him).

    Every killer besides Nurse, Huntress, and Spirit needs bloodlust 1 to be played efficiently. A trapper who can't get to 1 can be infinite or pseudo infinited if you didn't pre-trap the loop. If you did, they can disarm it before the chase starts, and if you try to reset it or place it during the chase they can just peel off to another loop.

    Trapper is absolutely not an anti-loop killer at high ranks, which is sort of the core problem with his identity at the moment and why he is so low tier (and I say this as someone who loves playing him at R1). The counterplay to his traps as a loop-breaking tool are too extreme, and that is why he needs to be played as sort of an M1+weird zoner/detection hybrid.

  • Member Posts: 1,198

    I don't really think bloodlust will be removed but probably reworked again in some way. I feel tier 1 is decent to have but past that is just compensating for not being that great.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    Trapper doesnt affected by BL.

    If you need to chase survivors with BL, I can tell you chase them around no trapped loops. Which is he's M1 killer like Wraith in chase. Then as people said. You dont put traps effectively.

    Trapper will suffer for sure if its SWF with map,OoO, small game.

  • Member Posts: 125

    ppl will play and get even more frustrated than normal. This one sided game among veterans/experts will become even more one sided

    devs have low iq

    i.e. they expose your IP to other players so you can get ddosed easily

  • Member Posts: 1,920

    Do killers ever play games to have fun or is it only possible for killers to have fun if they get a 4k every game? I'm a survivor main but I know some killers are stronger than others. I still play the ones I want to because it's fun. It's pretty dramatic to think killers will never be played again if bloodlust is removed.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    I'm glad bloodlust is gone, it carries boosted killers to ranks they don't belong in and what I mean by that is most killers don't even need bloodlust anyway but the fact that some people rely on bloodlust to catch a survivor is the sign of a bad killer who doesn't know how to run tiles against a decent survivor , if anything this will just highlight the very few killers it actually has a negative effect on and give them a reason to get buffed to where they need to be

  • Member Posts: 3,483

    Never be played again is overreacting a bit?

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    If you're chasing outside of your trap nest as Trapper you're playing him wrong. He's area control. If you've effectively set up and don't get baited out of your nest BL shouldn't even be able to proc as the survivor should have stepped in a trap by then.

  • Member Posts: 481

    Trapper is literally one of the most bloodlust reliant killers because he HAS to be able to threaten with M1 to force survivors onto more and more geometry in order to hope to drive them into your nest. If your opponent can just loop you indefinitely on a car his power is functionally worthless because they will never go to your nest.

    In addition, your nest is extremely low value in high ranks due to the simple fact that it takes a survivor a shorter amount of time to disarm your trap than for you to move it into position and set it up, and there are four survivors. If the survivors are remotely coordinated your traps on the ground will routinely be disarmed if they are in important locations, and if you try to punish this well... your now looping in a very safe zone without bloodlust or traps as trapper. If you try to set up the trap, they just leave and end the chase, you wasted that time, a gen popped, and if you leave they just come back and pop the trap.

    At high ranks, trapper is far more 'lockdown' than 'anti-loop' and is basically a worse version of hag as a result. He has all of the downsides of hag, but worse because he needs to move his traps around and because survivors can pressure your traps, in exchange for the ability to play as a standard M1 killer and for the ability for his traps to 'instadown' in theory.

    If most of your kills as trapper are coming from traps, your purple rank at best. If your LITERALLY NEVER letting a chase run for 15 seconds, that means your probably at green or even tan. 15 seconds of chase is literally FORCED to happen if you ever M1 a survivor while they are healthy, because survivors 'reset' to 16 meters away, and then you gain .6 meters per second vs a survivor, meaning that gap takes 20 seconds to close over open ground. Are you seriously saying as trapper you NEVER M1 a healthy survivor, and then finish them while they are injured without a trap? I literally don't believe you, at least SOME of the time if survivors are that bad they are going to run away in a straight line.

    Obviously that straightaway run isn't a run where bloodlust is useful at all because it doesn't even end the chase .1 seconds sooner, but it seriously sounds like your imagining some fantasy land where survivors aren't going to disarm your traps or keep track of your nest and just not loop there. When I R1 trapper, its a 'good' game I feel like I will almost certainly win when I can get 2 downs with a trap.

  • Member Posts: 2,632

    None of them. Every killer has a following. Killers like Wraith and Legion will be played less. Also, build such as Racecar Bubba will be gone.

  • Member Posts: 879
  • Member Posts: 3,772 do you just not trap around gens? You just trap random loops? Your 'nest' in this situation is the surrounding area of 3-4 close by gens. Sooner or later (if you control your area well) the survivors have no choice but to enter your nest against their will. Trapper isn't and has never been reliant on Bloodlust, if you actually play to his strengths and aren't one of those "ooh ima run around the map and drop a trap mid chase"

  • Member Posts: 3,398
    edited November 2020

    There are no infinites. Except in very rare circumstances like the basement house on badham and Haddonfield against Huntress. That's the only one that exists and even that isn't a true infinite. You will eventually catch up. As for the rest of the game you do not need bloodlust as a killer.

  • Member Posts: 5,069

    There should be a seperate build for this experiment. Not everyone want to participant in this.

  • Member Posts: 1,060
    edited November 2020

    Wraith can use his M2 to mindgame loops with his speed boost and Trapper got traps to shut down loops (His name is The Trapper ffs).

    No killer will be affected, just bad killer players

  • Member Posts: 416

    is this one of them " the sky is falling" type threads?

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    I had a pretty bad time with Micheal across a few matches today even with chase perks like Bamboozle. I already thought Mike was outdated at mid-high level play but I had a real hard time at some pallet loops where mindgames weren't an option.

    Rest of the day I played Doc and Demo and had no major problems. Even with some tough teams.

  • Member Posts: 245

    You forget this game has thousands of players.

    Every killer will be played again, every killer will be mained by someone. Simple math and probability.

    Also Trapper? His power hard-denies loops.

  • Member Posts: 170

    Well you are wrong about the maps first off. And as more maps get reworked your statement becomes even less true.

    I played trapper and wraith last night, both 4k. I'm still rarely going to play spirit, freddy, or ph as they are easy handout killers. I like a challenge not have the game handed to me.

    Blood lust is for trash killers. Always has been. Git gud.

  • Member Posts: 231

    how many killers were never or rarely played anyway even with bloodlust?

  • Member Posts: 1,346

    None of them would be dropped if they removed BL. Killers that are bad for chases tend to not get played much anyways.

  • Member Posts: 1,346

    I disagree with it always being for poor killers. It was added when the game had actual infinites.

  • Member Posts: 71

    You really have to get kills to rank up. I have had games where I had a 4k in hand but decided to be nice and give the last player the hatch and I didn't pip. I feel like I was being punished for being nice.

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    not sure how no bloodlust makes those killers unplayable

  • Member Posts: 2,446
    edited November 2020

    So, if you had asked me this yesterday I would have told you that I didn't think any killer would be not played due to no Bloodlust.

    However, Today I have had *so many* hold W Survivors that in 3-4 games as Legion... I had a proper loop at a tile like... once? Even on the games where I've done well, the game has been boring because I've been forced to just hold W behind them for an excessive amount of time.

    If this stays in the game, I might become a 24/7 Blight main. Holding W vs him doesn't work nearly as well.

  • Member Posts: 102
    edited November 2020

    Maybe it will be less about which killers will be affected and more about which maps will be affected. Maps like Hawkins or Midwich will see no difference. Badham preschool windows loop will become really strong now. Coal tower rework introduced an inifite window in the main building which will be even stronger now. Suffocation pit main building RNG window and middle area will be unplayable for most killers. Macmillan maps will become stronger than Haddonfield and reworked Ormond for survivors. Maybe fractured cowshed too. We still don't know about Autohaven.

    As for killers, I think the most affected is Wraith and I will probably never be playing him again. I might start burning those macmillan offering on my survivors.

  • Member Posts: 170

    Yeah I know why it was added. But if you were wasting your time getting looped at those infinites long enough for multiple bloodlust levels to kick are a poor killer. Simple. Even getting looped there for one level to activate is wasted time. Bloodlust only activates when YOU have let the chase go on for too long, which is clearly bad killer play. Getting rid of bloodlust hasn't affected me at all, I'm still getting 3-4ks, because I never had it activate before anyway. You don't need bloodlust if you move optimally.

  • Member Posts: 1,346

    bruh people would run to those infinites every chase and at every opportunity and there were lots of them. Not having BL now doesn’t affect me at all, but to say that the people that used to have to use it are bad because survivors would run to the infinite every chance they got is whack.

  • Member Posts: 620

    all killers who have speed 4.4 expect rin and hag

  • Member Posts: 2,446

    Eh, if BL stays gone I'd still play slinger. However... I would probably 24/7 run a stealth Slinger build so they can't hear me before I'm in speargun range. I'd be more likely to not play Legion and Trapper anymore.

  • Member Posts: 170

    No it's not. That's just bad map design which is being addressed. I've played since beta man I know how those chases went. I was there. If you followed survivors to loops you KNEW were infinites and wasted your time.... You were letting the survivors win. You are deciding to do something you know is a waste of time. That is absolutely a misplay. Bloodlust isn't even a factor when you decide to chase at an infinite. Chasing infinites is and always will be a bad play.

  • Member Posts: 1,346

    Did you not read what I typed. Good survivors would always go to infinites if they could. Sometimes you HAD to BL it.

  • Member Posts: 170

    Of course I read it. You still don't get it. But keep taking bad chases and wasting your time on strong loops, that's just what they wanted you to do. The fact you even took the chase was a mistake. You catch someone else elsewhere and when they go for the save they don't have their safe loop anymore. You need to get good players out of position not play into their hands. Make them play into yours. I only ever ran those infinites when everyone else was already dead.

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