Why has Haddonfield no killer shack?

I played this Weekend very often on Haddonfield (my fav map) and I noticed that Haddonfield don't have a killer shack. But why? It's s Outdoor map and every Outdoor map has one but why not Haddonfield? did they forget to add one?
I guess they wanted to make it look as much as possible as the street itself?
Granted, our Generators weren't on that street before, but i guess replacing an entire house with a Killer Shack is too much?
This is me just speculating, but i highly doubt they just forgot.
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Thank you for opinon :D
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Could be a licensing thing. Haddonfield is the only outdoor licensed realm.
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it's not like that map needs it, its already strong enough for survivors.
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I mean, Springwood would disagree with that statement...
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Haddonfield’s map is based upon an area from the actual movie that doesn’t have a shack in it.
In the same way, Hawkins, Midwich and Gideon are based upon areas from the films that don’t have shacks.
Springwood in the movie actually did have a shack near the school, so it’s appropriate for them to add it to the realm.
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isnt midwich from the games silent hill 1, 2, and 3, and not the ######### films tho?
only nitpick
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guess whose never posting again...
Yeah, I jus mentioned it because it’s a license that includes a map.
and by all means tho, nitpick away... sometimes those are the most helpful bits of constructivity we need to keep us humble, especially on the DBD forums
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the whole map is one big killer shack
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My thoughts exactly I mean it'd be cool what they could've came up with but hey no complaint here
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no no im sorry forgive me please <3
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I happily receive your nitpicks like whipped cream and sprinkles with a cherry on top of my Chocolate Marshmallow ice cream that was scooped from a Black Raspberry container😋🍨
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ty :)
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Imagine adding a killer shack to the must unbalanced map in the game
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Probably just an aesthetic thing. Badham has a shack after all, so the team (and license holder) most likely wanted to stay true to the street seen in the movies.
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Dbd was fairly new at that point and likely was not as picky when working out a license deal. Or maybe it was a sticking point they gave up on?
Whatever the case is, years ago when they were trying to solve the infinites on that map (before the balanced landing fix) the devs mentioned they can not do major changes to the map (adding/removing structures or house layouts) beyond moving some fence holes or blocked windows because of license agreements. Which means that while the 'killer shack' has become more of a dbd iconic feature on outdoor maps, they cant just plop one onto the map.
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Haddonfield represents the rise in killers' social and economic status. No more desolate shacks, its all houses and white picket fences from now on.
You guys thought all the houses belonged to regular people? Nope. You are actually breaking into the Doctor's, the Spirti's , the Trapper's and obviously Myers' current homes.
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Yeah my fault I forgot about Springwood somehow.