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MeneLaw Member Posts: 341
edited November 2020 in Bug Reporting

I dont even know how to start ,like game developers and stuff .Iv REPORTED this error 9999 times nothing has been done,i verify the game files everytime i start the game, even after this ,,error,, still nothing ,the game is unplayable.The second image is from november 9.

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  • Slay___
    Slay___ Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 898
    edited November 2020

    This is a Steam downloading issue, possibly caused by corrupt download cache within your Steam files. The error message is from the anti-cheat software which wont allow you to play with wrong file version to prevent cheating.

    Nothing can be done with game updates or fixes since both above aren't caused by the game itself.

    To stop this from happening clear Steam download cache using the Steam tool,

    But if you want to be 100% sure delete the cache file manually since Steam sometimes fails to delete the file but that is very rare.

    For those cases fully exit Steam and manually delete the cache yourself.

    The cache file can be located here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\appmanifest_381210.acf -- Or if installed elsewhere then it's the same drive as your game but the folder path stays same, it would be located in the steamapps folder.

    Then to further verify that this wont happen again whitelist Steam download and game folder on your anti-virus because the file can corrupt while Steam edits it while downloading/updating and anti-virus live scanning feature looks into the file, which could stop Steam from editing the file.

    And final step to make it even smaller chance of getting the error again fully reinstall the game and manually delete any files which might have been left behind.