Whats the deal with the Legion?

So let me start by saying I play mobile, so I understand my expirence with certain mechanics is likely super mega different and behind the console stuff, but anyway. I've been playing this game for a good while. My player level is devotion: 2 lvl26, but I've only just started to play Legion after all this time and I've got to say he's become an instant favorite of mine. and I've seen my fair share of memes poking fun and tier lists putting them super low by this point. I feel theres alot of hate on Legion and im honestly not getting it. I've found them to be mega fun and shenanigans-y. As well as a powerhouse I've been tending to get 4k with. I love slashing at a survivor in frenzy and needlessly hunting stabbing them extra until I miss or my meter runs out. Idk, its been a trip.
So whats up? Whats ur opinion? If not Legion, than who's your least fav? I'm not so partial to Max.T Jr, not cause I think his power sucks, I just suck playing as him. 😕
I think the fact they're so low on the tier list is because their power doesn't actually help down survivors.
If survivors stop healing against a legion then they'll just be powerless because really the mending mechanic isn't good enough of a power to begin with and you can tank hits when already injured.
The legion is like the plague is she didn't have the corrupt purge mechanic. A power that only allows you to injure without killing potential is not that great. It gives you movement speed and allows you to find more survivors in your terror radius but if you actually wanna start downing people you have to suffer the 4 second stun or get pallet-stunned.
I really like legion but I understand their tier list rating.
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You can only play one at a time, so out of frustration people get mad at Mr. Paper mask. He should double down on his solo nature and fast running and simply rename himself.
The Leg. Or Teenage Canadian power fantasy.
Stealth players don't like him because he reveals them, and you can't mend and click your flashlight at the same time so tryhards don't like him.
Legion is the killer that doesn't really have a gimmick other than jogging menacingly at you, so wait until you meet Frank's Dad. The original.
Edit: Never stop slashing.
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Legion absolutely dominates bad Survivors.
His win condition is extremely simple, if you heal against a Legion, you lose. If you don't heal, you win.
His power doesn't help him at all in a chase, and it comes with a longer stun/cooldown than Nurse's power, which is lightyears ahead of Legion's in terms of strength. Add in a slew of FPS issues on Console and it's usually better to not use his power.
Basically, low ranks Legion dominate, high ranks, he is bad.
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Holy Shizz. So That's so thats how he got like that. What a twisted father.
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Holy ######### so thats how frank got that way. What a shame.
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Legion is a somewhat underrated but weak killer.
Legion is, without question, the best killer when it comes to injuring survivors. At his best, he can injure everyone and have them mending with 0 gen progress being done as he chases 1 survivor.
The problem is... well, he sucks at actually killing survivors.
Frenzy lost its lethality ages ago thanks to the original implementation of Deep Wounds being one of the worst things to have ever graced this game. As such, it only exists as a stall tool. The issue is, it sucks at doing that.
You stab someone and... what? They have a 30 sec timer that pauses when they run. they can finish a gen, open an exit gate, tbag for a bit, and then walk out before the timer runs out. You only stall them for 12 seconds which is laughably short.
But you can apply it to multiple people? True, but there's a problem. Legion is slow. 130% speed is not much. If a survivor is outside a 16m radius and holds W when they see you approaching, you will never catch them. This is partly because Legion's original iteration (which, btw, was faster in Frenzy) was designed to have speed add-ons, but those were reworked into expanding your killer instinct... for some reason.
Let's say you want to force them together for things like unhooks... how? You're a powerless M1 killer once everyone is injured. You have literally NOTHING in the 1v1, and your 1v4 is lackluster.
Despite these flaws? You get a brutal 4 sec cooldown. How bad is that? If the Nurse uses 2 blinks and misses an attack, she gets a 3.5 sec cooldown. Did I mention her power starts recovering during fatigue, unlike Legion who has to wait 24 seconds essentially. Your non-lethal power is punished more than if the goddamn Nurse screws up. And 4 secs you can't stop—Miss an attack? Manually cancel? 4 secs all the same, making it seem as if the game is punishing you for even using your power, which is absurd.
That said, i still love him. There's nothing better than repeatedly stabbing a survivor knowing there's nothing they can do.
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Legion is in a rough spot right now
As said above the issues that face them
The devs need to decide if Deep Wounds are good or bad
I think if they make killer applied DW have a shorter time till they bleed out... and survivor applied DW have longer till they bleed out