The Game is too esay for Killers
It's too easy they never learn the basic's to face against moderately good Survivor. It's too easy they never learn the most of the basics of the game. It's too easy they don't learn the loops. It's too easy they don't learn map layouts. It's too easy they don't remember Survivor perks. It's too easy they don't remember window spawns. It's too easy they don't know to mindgame.
It's too easy they have a poor opinion on changes needed in the game.
While experienced Killers that took the time to learn the game, ignore things like the forums because they know that if they don't speak up nothing will change to actually balance the game (balancing the game would make it harder for them) - since all the players that don't understand the actual game will keep providing poor information on the forums not understanding that they still need to learn the basics of the game. These Killers Camp and Tunnel in higher ranks, and ruin the game for everyone. Making all the players leave, and the matchmaking is so bad even new Survivors face them - making them leave too. This leaves BHVR with a problem not keeping players that want to play this game.
This game is easier for survivors. Maybe at the lowest ranks with all new players who are all playing badly, the killer may do slightly better, but once people have a few hours of gameplay and/or play with friends. Killers are the weak link of this game.
Tunneling/camping at high rank may at best give the killer 1 kill before game is over and all Gens are going, and most bully squads can easily clear 5 gens, and deal with a tunnerer/camper with ease.
The exception is the players with 3,000+ hours that face off against players with les then a couple hundred, but that also plays out as it should. (this happens often enough to do terrible/awful/pathetic matchmaking)
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This mans post history is horrible he’s either the biggest baiter I’ve ever seen or he’s really this whinny.
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Everything is relative, so to see if killers are so easy we should only watch tournament level(the best of the best), where killers get usually destroyed....
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I can't even read this OP, dear lord what a mess.
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This game is too easy for [X] even a new [X] player can win against any [Y] player no matter how experienced the [Y] player is. [X] players have all the strongest perks, the devs favour them and they get buffed all the time while [Y] gets nothing but nerfs. And I'm actually a [X] main before you all start.
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I guess you are one of this Killers that I mentioened...
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This is an exact copy of the other thread right? So I will ask the same question:
What change do you propose?
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you just copy pasted the "the game is too easy for survivor" discussion with reverse roles, didnt you?
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Make DS basekit and Nerf Freddy
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try killer bruh, i once said like this. But when im try and learn as baby killer. No ######### way, being killer is exhausting. Even can make you depress.
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Well yes...
But actully no
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No actually I just play spirit on the side I’m a doc main
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So? What?
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State the obvious much?
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It seems we're at an impasse :D
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Wrong argument. What did yo mean then
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Killer is easier...
You don't have to
- rely on other players for your success
- know every inch of the maps
- be able to counter the killer's power and potential perks
- be in an area where there are still resources (pallets, windows)
- not get face camped or tunnelled or mori'd
- not have the gates spawn too close
Just to name a few...
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Most killers and Survivors are completely fine. There are a few reasons that the other side can be oppressive, but it's not because they're OP, or too easy. If we're talking about ease, Killer is 10000% more stressful than Survivor. There is one situation when playing as Survivor that actually get's my heart beating faster, and that's EGC when I'm trying to open an Exit Gate. I'm nearly always stressed when playing Killer.
But again, the base experiences are fine (for the most part). We don't need to add time to gens because we don't want Survivors doing even more of what is the most boring part of this game. And we don't need to needlessly nerf killer again, because a huge portion of the cast is still pretty weak. The maps, again for the most part, are getting better.
The biggest problem is matchmaking. This is for both sides. As a green or even yellow rank Killer you will constantly get matched with Purple and Above survivors. As a yellow or green rank survivor, you go up against red rank Nurse mains. If matchmaking was actually fixed, I have a feeling we'd see a lot less of these "oThEr SiDe Is Op" from both sides, unless their a crybaby. A survivor only problem is that Solo Queue is laughable. I'm honestly surprised most of the time by the caliber of survivor's I see at higher ranks. Solo Queue is just way, way worse compared to SWF.
Killer's have multiple problems, but I'll just get into one. A killer can across walk across the map and by the time they get there, a gen pops. Base regression needs to be better, because most killers feel like they are forced to run Ruin, or Pop, or whatever. It doesn't allow for creative builds at all. Hopefully this "Early Game Collapse", whenever they introduce it, will solve the early game problem a lot of killers have.
Then there is Tunneling and Camping, which suck and will always suck, but most of the time it's bad killers that do it. If a killer is camping, you do all the gens. It takes 120 seconds for a Survivor to die fully. You can do most of the gens in that time. Then, on top of that, if you save right before second state with BT or DS, the tunneled survivor (If they're good) can loop a killer for enough time to get the rest of the gens done. Most of the time, tunneling and camping is terrible strategy.
Yes, there are things like Perks on both sides, that make the game much harder to play for the opposing team, and Overtuned Killers do exist, though the only one I would call OP is Spirit, and that's just sometimes. Freddy sucks, but I don't think he's OP. On the opposite side, a huge portion of Killer's don't wanna go against SWF, because a portion of them are Sweaty BM lords, but we can't get rid of SWF because some people just want to harmlessly play with their friends. Just like we can't nerf a killer into the ground because we don't like them.
I'm probably wrong about a few things here, but I'm just tired of seeing the same posts every goddamn day.
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Wait what? What are you talking?
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Ok First all the problems that Killer have is against a swf, but they are very rare. Killers like these are not.
And what on earth is "early game collapse" only the Word let me puke more then plague after 10 Matches.
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You forgot to add nerd pig! The oink be too strong!! Especially tha she lures you with those sweet boops!! Reeeee
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I know the basics. I know a lot on how to play tiles and killers. The problem you're forgetting is that unless I'm playing a top tier killer thats all I have. A lot of killers simply can't down fast enough to pressure (Legion, Micheal having to build up to a timed, mediocre power, GF if he's on an open map and unable to stalk, Wraith in general), or can but don't have the mobility to capitalise on it (Deathslinger, Huntress on any map larger than Wreckers Yard, Clown, Doctor if there are enough unsafe loops to use your power on) against a good team. The fact of the matter is that if you're playing a low to mid tier killer, you simply don't have the tools to play well above a basic understanding of how to play loops.
A good team with an equal understanding of how to play those loops, as well as meta perks, will decimate an equal skilled killer using a lower tier pick. At that point the killer is exclusively capitalising off of misplays by the survivor and not their own skills.
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Not all Killer problems revolve around SWF. That is a blatant lie. Maybe a portion of them do, but not all of them. I've gone against Solo teams and still had a gen pop before I even walked across the map. It is not a good feeling when a Killer has to say "Oh, I guessed the wrong side of the map. Guess I lose a couple gens now." And as I said, tunneling and camping is a problem, but most of the time it's a bad killer. The simple answer is Genrush. A camping killer wants altruism.
In the Year 4 Livestream I believe the Dev's mentioned an eventual new system for the Early Game, similar to the EGC. We don't know what it'll do, or if it's even coming anymore.
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I really hope they haven't gone "eh, lets just let them use undying/ruin". That would anger me greatly. I'm so sick of having to dedicate half my build to slowdown.
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Honestly, I hope it's as simple as slowing the generator speeds until the Killer starts a chase (for a set amount of time). This could let some killers set up, or even let killers take care of any breakable walls they want. This way, Trapper won't lose 3 generators before he gets a down.
But yeah, I agree. I really hope they aren't treating Ruin/Undying as a bandaid.
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Ah yes. But as killer you have to.
waste to perk slots so the game doesn’t fly by in the first 2 minutes.
worry about items.
hope you don’t get a bully squad with a map offering.
hope you don’t get a map that completely counters your ability.
Take the time to get rid of pallets when they’re dropped.
just to name a few.
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*passes out cheese wedges*
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Yes...but it's all based on you. You have complete control of all of that. Survivors get screwed by their teammates all the time in Solo Q.
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i play mostly killer and i never use addons or slowdown offerings and i 4K to often without camping or tunneling on all killers.. if i used 4 slowdown perks i would 4K every game literally or play forever freddy.. this game is to easy for killer if you want it to be..
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I don’t know what god has blessed you with games like that but the only time I ever seem to get a 4K is when I play spirit with ruin, bbq, haunted grounds and monitor. Or impossible doctor and even then 4ks are rare.
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I can agree 101%. It is way too easy and too easy to win. Thank the devs for constantly nerfing survivors and buffing killers. I can't believe survivors are still able to run. In 2021 they are definitely planning to remove pallets, it is the only thing left.
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Hahahahahaha, yeah... No...
Guys, ignore the troll and they'll crawl back into the awful, disgusting hole they came from. OP does this same garbage bait every two weeks, anyone who doubts me, look through their post history. Dude seriously thinks Haddonfield and Ormond are the best designed maps in the game... And he claims he plays Killer at red ranks lmfao.
Anyone who actually takes OP seriously... Just... Wow.
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I thought I was the only one who looked through all that and saw all the bait
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We ought to check if the LoL servers are down each time the OP's been posting
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It made me chuckle when I read it with my morning coffee, a troll as dedicated to being as opaque and obnoxious with their efforts usually isn't this easy to find, but alas, here we are. I would say the mods should ban em but that's just more fuel for OP to make a new account and start shitposting again.
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is this a bait or are you just dumb
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We are tired of reading "noob" killers like you continuing the myth that killers are weak in this game.
Official stats reavealed that killers have an average of 68% kill rate, including console killers in these stats. We all know how bad console players are, especially when you are a PC survivor. You directly know when you face a console killer, they have bad aim (input device is bad) etc...
Killer is hard only against a competent SWF, 5% of the game, cleary.
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I really hope your joking cause when those stats were shown it was showing kill rate not pick rate and going by that chart nurse is the worst killer and doctor is one of the best.
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@MandyTalk Why is it that my thread get's banished to the Feedback section so no one can notice it. But the bait thread made in response to my thread has stayed on the discussions page much longer?
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Stats were showing kill rate, yes. 68% kill rate means 3k every game on average.
Nurse has bad kill rate cause it's impossible to be good with her on console. Same for the huntress & gunslinger.
Every killers that need aim skill have bad stats because the stats take in account the console results.
Killers are way too strong atm. Most of survivors are playing in solo and duoQ. Buff them again and you will get 90% kill rate.
Kill rate should be around 55% maximum, for every killer (little higher than 50% cause then killers would be way too underpowered against SWF).
Try by yourself, play 20 games in soloQ in red rank and count how many kills killers are doing. =).
It's 4k almost every game.
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Oh so now it’s solo Q. If killers are op in solo q then get some friends. 7/10 times a red rank full swf will stop a red rank killer.
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He has upvoted, so people agree with him. Surv mains are just becoming more and more blatant.
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Not me. :)
Even if it was true, you shouldn't be forced to team up with 3 friends to have a fair chance at winning.
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Would you mind streaming? I would like to learn from you
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When a blendette tries to boop me you'll see the evidence pig needs nerfed :p
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this thread a joke?
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Is this an out of season April fool's joke
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Perks as band-aids is the norm for this game, though. Problem with gen speeds? Ruin. Problem with the grind? BBQ and WGLF. Problem with killers camping? BT. Problem with being tunneled? Reworked DS. Problem with not having time to set up? Corrupt Intervention. Problems with solo q? Kindred Bond Empathy. Problem with hexes being cleansed before you can walk five steps because they're out in the open on maps? Undying.
Perks are supposed to help with a player's weak spots or give the game more flavor, but instead a lot of people waste their perk slots trying to fix the game's own problems.