What do YOU think about Ormond now?

OctaviusK Member Posts: 125
edited November 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Did the devs make it fairer, are scratch marks visible? Do you like the inclusion of the snow tractor? Do the graphics look good? Thanks btw.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    At least aura aren't broken like they were for the longest time.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,656

    It looks more fair. But I think the Map is way too bright, I hoped that they will make Ormond darker when they rework it, but it got even brighter.

  • keygun
    keygun Member Posts: 311

    Is this a ptb thing?

    I'm on console, no difference here.

  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,198

    it was a ptb thing. Ormond and autohaven maps are reworked next chapter.

  • keygun
    keygun Member Posts: 311

    Can't wait to see these changes for myself. thanks for heads up.

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 945

    the map is still the same size as far as i can see but there are lots of weak pallets and low debris towards the middle making it very easy to see across the map outside the resort building similar to the center of blood lodge and there are less strong loops around the outside so balance wise i would say it's similar to disturbed ward in terms of scale except the middle building is not as strong.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,656
    edited November 2020

    I mean, there is even a moon. It should be night.

    Ormond is not that big. It is like the 8th biggest size from 17 different size categories or something like that. I cant check it right now.

    EDIT: Checked it, my numbers are correct.

    Post edited by Aven_Fallen on
  • AggressiveFTW
    AggressiveFTW Member Posts: 1,081

    Okay I'll give you that lmao, that doesn't even make sense to have a moon in daytime.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,656

    Yeah, I would say so.

    The Tiles also "help" with that. Because there are so many safe Tiles connected to each other it looks bigger than it is. Especially when you chase someone there.

    (IMO the opposite happens with Temple of Purgation - it is the same size as Ormond, but for me it always feels like a small Map because the Temple in the center takes away so much space)

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,868

    I love the new Ormond, they definitely reduced the amount of safe tiles that spawn, the filler pallets are a LOT less safe now. The Snow Tractor coming back is nice. Also, one thing I've noticed is that two generators can spawn in the resort now. Hopefully this will reduce the crazy gen spread that Ormond suffered from. In terms of graphics, it's one of the best looking maps now.

  • I like the graphics, but I wasn't able to play on it enough during the PTB to give a 100% definitive answer in terms of its gameplay. I will say, there seemed to be WAY too many breakable walls in the main building, like an actual ludicrous amount of breakable walls. The amount of pallets seems to have been reduced which is great, but the size of the map didn't seem to change at all.

    Overall pretty good changes, but I just wish they did more with ya know? I really hope they don't do the same thing with Haddonfield, just repaint it and slap breakable walls on the buildings. That would suck.

  • Woodywool
    Woodywool Member Posts: 622

    What I really like in new Ormond is that you can literally climb on some rocks (one of them is large). At least I found 2 of them.

    About the large one. It's like the thing on Yamaoka maps where you can climb on a rock and then shortcut to a survivor or stand on a pallet that being thrown before by the survivor but it's really huge on new Ormond than on Yamaoka.

    idk but when I was playing on reworked Ormond I have feelings that the new version is smaller than current version.

    The most important is that now more pallets are unsafe and we have 1-2 less wall-buildings.

    In graphical... It's look so good but my fps count reduced like -10 fps for sure... Maybe the new snowfall effect hurts the optimization.

    The new Ormond (on PTB) feels more... empty than the live version IMO

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    I really wish they made Ormond like how it was in the art for Legions trailer. It's dark and stormy, more "grit-y" in a sense. Also another cool thing about Ormond in the trailer was how half of it was sloped, like it was half elevated which looked really unique.