Results of My 16 Killer Matches Tonight (No Bloodlust Test)

MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
edited November 2020 in General Discussions

Thoughts at the bottom if that’s all you’re here for.

Link to my survivor games post, the one I did previous to this one, very different results:

Currently have screenshots I need to edit to block out names. I will probably do that when I wake up. Been a long day/night/morning, been awake for 24 hours haha. Edit: Added Screenshots as a zipped folder for people who want to see them.

Please excuse if anything looks or sounds weird, I’m writing this while sleepy.

Quick Data (unless I messed something up):

  • Overall average kills: 3.25
  • Overall average hooks: 8.68
  • Ghostface Average kills:3.33
  • Ghostface Average hooks: 8.83
  • Demo average kills: 3.6
  • Demo average hooks: 10.2
  • Legion average kills: 2.8
  • Legion Average hooks: 7

Info and intro:

Did not have great add-ons at the time for GF and not as many perks to work with as I would have liked, this experiment came right in the middle of my prestige for my killers (ouch). So if my build are not the best please be understanding and bear with me. I am noticing I’m getting a lot more variation in survivor ranks compared to when I was playing survivor, could be more SWF groups or just matchmaking issues or just luck. Also noticing I’m having a lot more to say on the killer side matches, makes sense since I am my whole side.

Started at rank 8 (haven’t been playing a lot of DBD lately) ended up at rank 4 before I called it. Playing on console with crossplay on if that matters to anyone. I only used BP offerings in my offering slot if anything at all. Played like I normally do, not intentionally tunneling or camping or anything, so I’m playing  the “fun” way. Doesn’t mean I won’t prioritize by hooks down if multiple survivors are in front of me mind you.

Builds and Notes:

Ghostface Build: Surveillance (tier 1), Ruin (3), Enduring (2) Corrupt (3).

Note: Had Nurses instead of Ruin in my first game, did not help much, swapped out immediately. I know Nurses can be good on GF, it just doesn’t fit into my playstyle, or maybe I just had a bad game, or both. Hard to tell.

Demo Build: Pop (3), BBQ (3), Surveillance (3), Corrupt (2).

Note: Yes I’m playing Demo on console, took a lot of practice to play him on controller. Not sure if I want both BBQ and Surveillance in this build, part of me feels like it’s overkill on tracking and it could be taken up by something better. But Surveillance is working well for me and is one of my favorite off-meta perks.

Legion build: Enduring (1/2), Surge (3)/Pop (1), M&A (1), Surveillance (3)

Note: Again, bad timing for this test personally, trying to make do with the perks I have. Traded surge for Pop as soon as I got it. Really wish I had better perks unlocked but luck was not on my side in the bloodweb. Would replace surveillance in this build probably (I know blasphemy), potentially enduring as well. Got enduring 2 after my 4th game.

Format: Map

Killer - kills- hooks - gens completed - survivor ranks (exact numbers will be in the screenshots, wanted to trim as much time as possible to get as many games in as I could. Hope that's ok with you guys)

Notes and match specifics

The Matches:

1) Temple of Purgation

Ghostface - 1k - 3 hooks - all gens done - 3 purple 1 red

Didn't tunnel the guy out, he got to struggle on his first hook. Also my warmup game, so I didn’t perform as well as normal.

2) Torment Creek

Ghostface - 3k hatch escape - 9 hooks - 3 gens left-  1 purple 1 red1 green 1 yellow

Ruin got broken immediately, was out in the open near a gen (have screen shot if interested). Got some good mind games in, no particularly strong loops got used outside the main building. Was potentially a SWF group, had some coordinated plays that you don’t usually see in random matches.

3) Midwich (Surv Offering)

Ghostface - 4k - 10 hooks - 2 gens left - 1 green 1 yellow 2 purple

Ruin lasted a long while and got broken with 4 gens left, got a good spot. Also got a lot of early hits due to stealth and having ears (lol). Could see running down halls as an issue as that took a while, but the survivors didn’t really take advantage of it. They mostly ran into rooms for pallets which didn’t work out for them too well. Only had to chase through the hallway twice that match. On a side note I got a great jump scare on a Feng with a breakable wall, she was right in front of it on a gen and I was in shroud :)

4) Midwich (Surv Offering)

Ghostface - 4k - 11 hooks - 4 gens left - 2 red 2 green

Ruin lasted the whole game. Early hits as before. Downs were pretty frequent. There were a lot more times where I had to just let survivors go because they were all the way across the hall than last game, however I did stalk them while they ran, I’m assuming I was outside reveal range. Midwitch is working with and against me on Ghostface, stealth is a big boon and ruin gets a lot more value both for totem spots and for how long it takes to get around if they leave a gen, but of course hallways.

5) Badham

Ghostface - 4k - 11 hooks - 3 gens left - 2 red 2 brown

Ruin lasted the whole game. 1 of the survivors let go on struggle because they gave up with 4 gens left. This better be a SWF because those ranks are wild. Got the infinite shack setup but the survivors clearly didn’t know about it or didn’t use it.

6) Coal Tower

Demogorgon - 4k - 11 hooks - 2 gens left - 2 purple 1 red 1 green

Survivors 3 gened themselves.

7) Ironworks of Misery

Demogorgon - 4k - 9 hooks - 2 gens left - 2 purples 1 green 1 red

Broke the god wall in the upstairs area as soon as I stepped foot into the building while setting up portals. Of course the first two survivors I chased both bolted up there asap. Not liking having setup on top of setup so I don’t auto lose a chase later, it takes a long while to get up there as well, that’s free gen time.

8) Ormond (Surv Offering)

Demogorgon - 4k - 11 hooks - 2 purples 1 yellow 1 red - 2 gens left

Was most likely SWF. 3 toolboxes brought in, 1 with a BNP and Ormond offering? Yeah probably. Got some good mind games in. Missed one shred in particular because the visual effect of charging it made me lose frames :(

8.3.1415) Food Break

Pizza - 3 slices - Cheese

Reheated leftovers from earlier today in the oven. Also a little tired, went to lay down for a bit. Came back when I had more energy.

9) Groaning Storehouse

Demogorgon - 3k hatch escape - 9 hooks - 2 gens left - 2 purple 1 green 1 red

Broke main building god wall asap and thankfully didn’t get a crazy setup in the main building. Nothing else of note really.

10) Ormond

Demogorgon - 3k gate escape - 11 hooks - 2 gens left - 2 reds 1 green 1 yellow

Either 3 man SWF or very altruistic aggressive survivors. Had very far gate spawns.

11) Coal tower

Legion - 1k - 4 hooks - Gates opened

4 man OoO red rank bully squad, also got robbed of like 8 - 10 window hits in that game by auto aim turning me into a wall or hitting the middle of the window (and by extension the survivor) but the game saying I hit hard air. Lots of safe structures/loops/pallets as well, especially against Mr.Leg Legion. Very frustrating match. Killed the object user, so mission complete. Hoping it was just a very unlucky match.

12) Shelter woods

Legion - 4k - 10 hooks - 2 reds 1 green 1 purple - 1 gen left

Got robbed of my second hit in my first chase which allowed it to go on for 2 gens to pop, really clutched this one by forcing a 3 gen. Long and annoying match. Wonder if it’s a map thing or just an unlucky streak causing the swings to be funky. Survivors weren’t trying to mindgame much, just running straight from tile to tile. BL definitely would’ve helped there, they kinda just got to do it for free.

13) Torment Creek

Legion- 3k 1 gate escape - 8-9 hooks - 4 purple - 2 gens left

Got a very quick down on my first chase by body blocking a pallet with the frenzy fatigue. Even so it appears all 3 of the other survivors spawned on top of a gen and finished it at around the same time. Really missing corrupt. Got 2 people in the basement at one point since Claudette was hiding in a locker while I had KI, one of the survivors died on struggle hook. First game with pop on. Again, seeing a lot more holding W.

14) Pale Rose

Legion - 4k - 7 hooks - 3 purple 1 red - 5 gens left

Claudette and Dwight suicided on first hook. Claudette because she got hooked in the basement as the first down, Dwight I’m guessing gave up after that. Normally I would give the hatch in this situation but I really didn’t want to look for the hatch in the swamp for who knows how long, especially with the time crunch. Just hooked and moved on to the next game.

15) Badham

Legion - 2k 2 hatch escapes with key - 6 hooks - 1 gen left - 1 red 4 purples

Meg DC’d because she got slugged. Had 3-4 pairs of pallets pretty much 10 feet from each other and the shack was in between 2 of the pairs. Lot of safe pallets as well. With 2 long walls on both sides that the survivor could see over (cinder blocks). Two of them got out through the hatch and left the last one to die. Even down a player, not an easy game, might have just been bad map RNG. Also of course you know, keys. Definitely feeling BL loss on Mr.Legion. Seemed like a SWF, people were leaving way before I thought they should have known I was coming and 2 escaped through the hatch. Edit: Realized I forgot to mention the car and house tile with the 2 pallets and the 2 upstairs vault (not the one with the basement the one with the car in front of the house) was also at one end of the pallet train that was connected to shack in this game. Laying down and that setup still haunts me lol

16) Chapel

Ghostface - 4k - 9-10 hooks - gens done, gates not opened - 3 reds 1 green

Ruin found immediately, I went straight over to it (saw the spawn and had a feeling) and 2 survivors were on it, must have spawned very close and was not hidden well at all. Very coordinated group, probably a 4 man. Not a lot of LOS breakers for stealth, very open setup, got broken out of shroud very frequently. Additionally the few LOS blockers that were around were set up in such a way you could not stalk the gens from the main building. The main building had 3 vaults, 2 of them being safe on the upper floor, and I believe 2-3 vaults on the lower floor with at least 1 being safe. Basically had to give up chase if they went anywhere near the main building and you didn’t land a hit before their first vault. BL needed to chase there I believe. Pallets themselves weren’t too crazy thankfully, but there were still safe ones here and there. Close match. Wanted to do one more to make up for the warmup match.


Well this was definitely different than my survivor games. Would have liked to do more but the tiredness just hit me really hard and there’s only about an hour left of the test as well at the time of writing this. Legion was definitely hit the hardest out of the 3 I tried. Ghostface had much less of a loss, but it was still noticeable in certain situations. Demo was pretty much exactly the same. Of course I also feel like I got a little more lucky with Ghostface and way less lucky with Legion as well, so that could play into it as well.

I’m a little mixed right now. My survivor test was pretty crazy, there were so many escapes. My killer test however didn’t show much of a difference except on Legion and sometimes GF. However the maps and RNG played a large as well. I also would have liked to play a few more games but there just wasn’t enough time in my life at this moment.

I think the best course of action would be to just fix the maps and the RNG since that’s future proof, but we know that’s not happening soon, even the new maps still have some issues, albeit they are better. Alternatively we could buff the killers that seem to need BL like Legion and such, but that’s also probably not happening.

So in terms of BL I think what we should do is what a lot of people are suggesting and just keep BL 1, potentially 2 maybe, and get rid of 3. I’m only really hesitant about removing BL 2 because of things like that Chapel setup or that one Badham pallet school with a shack in the middle of everything. I don't think the game is ready for complete removal just yet unless the devs have something else in mind.

Really wish I could do more games or was able to get on earlier :/ But it is what it is.

Look forward to hearing from anyone about their experiences. Hopefully we hear from the devs sooner rather than later. See you guys later in the day if anyone bothers to look at this haha.

Post edited by MrPenguin on


  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426

    Yeah of course I'm just trying to do my part. Thank you for your response as well, every bit of data and experience counts :)

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    So cool you play demo see him very little in the trails it's very sad, totally get that console comment to 😂 interesting read again look forward to seeing more if you feel up to it.

    Try not to stress out or push to hard sleep is important! Like I said before @MrPenguin people on here will try to rip apart what your doing just the nature of these forums unfortunately.

    Just do it for your own enjoyment at your own pace. Thanks for the time effort your putting in towards this yet again an enjoyable read.


  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426

    Yeah I also don't see Demo very often when I play survivor, players just aren't drawn to him I guess. He's not the easiest to learn and he's pretty punishing if you mess up to be fair (at least in my current opinion).

    As for doing this again, I'm not opposed or anything, I just don't think people will be interested without something like the BL test going on. I'd just be recording normal matches. Which don't get me wrong can still be useful, I'm just not sure for what in terms of discussion potential. If something like this test happens again or I think I have something worth sharing I definitely would do something similar again.

    This was definitely an exception for me in terms of sleep, I really wanted to get games in while BL was gone on both sides to see for myself the effects or lack thereof. I don't regret that decision. My opinion on the matter changed significantly and would have been very different if I only went off my survivor experience.

    Yes the forums and community are a little... aggressive, and I really appreciate your concern. Thankfully I'm pretty calm most of the time, even if it might not come across that way all the time. Now that doesn't mean I don't bite back sometimes as well. Honestly my main focus is to make sure I come across as well as possible even if I disagree with someone. I have some strong opinions myself, as does any player, but I do try to keep an open mind and to stay receptive. Its one of the main reasons I included more info in this version of the data that I probably wouldn't have otherwise. It is pretty unfortunate that the community isn't more open and constructive as a whole I agree, there is a lot of unnecessary hostility. 😥

    Also want to say thank you for being so nice and generally enjoyable to speak to 🙂

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    Is this saying you're averaging 3.25 kills a game without bloodlust but you still think bloodlust should be in the game, at least in some capacity? Not snark, just making sure I understand.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    Yeah, Demo on Console can really suck. His Shred immediately tanks my FPS and at that point, I have no hope of hitting it.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    Given the rainbow array of the ranks in the lobby its really hard to say if these were very fair matches for the survivors.

    I don't think I need to say why the 5th game with 2 red survivors and 2 brown ones was probably unbalanced against the survivors.

    He also pointed out an infinite/pseudo infinite spawned but wasn't used so...

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    No worries at all it really upset me to read those comments when you was honestly just trying to have an opinion and back it up with results was so unnecessary.

    I honestly played a lot during the weekend I was getting horrible matches between the use of object the map offerings oh and the amount of keys also. Fun was not had!! and with all that going on my mind wasn't focused on the bl changes lol

    I definitely saw a difference in the way surviours played they seemed way more brazen than normal and it was terrifying to say the least. Lol

    But definitely the classic non reworked maps probably worse I came across was red forest temple version..... ouch as a pig player midwich... Yeaaahh and hf 🐷😭

    I actually just sat there after a few matches staring at the find match botton just not wanting to play. First time that's happened to me just was not having fun at all.


  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426

    Yes I do believe it should still be in the game in some form. Even though I personally didn't get effected a huge amount for the most part, I think that was also in part due to the survivors I faced sometimes not really taking advantage of some of the setups they had as well as my own personal skill as a killer. I could see how certain areas could be a problem even if it wasn't in my particular game. Its really just insurance for really bad map RNG and bad design when you're playing a killer who has to just chase and M1 for the most part.

    Ideally the maps and loops would be fixed, but as is now the game is not in a state where we should be removing BL completely imho, the maps can still spit out some gross potential and some of the maps and loops are just designed poorly.

  • toukent
    toukent Member Posts: 89

    damn dude how tf can you play this game 16 games in a row?! Especially as killer? I can only ever handle about 2-3 then I'm kinda over the bullshit bugs and what not.

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    Players probably do not play Demogorgon because he suffers from the same issue that the Plague has, although not too much.

    Survivors control if you can use your power or not. Just as whether you cleanse and give the Plague her corrupt purge, you can decide to cleanse the Demogorgon's portals and essentially make him a M1 killer with a spicy dash attack that negates specific loops.

    That's the problem, in my opinion, it isn't fun to play a Killer whose power is dictated by the survivors.

  • TwistedJoke65
    TwistedJoke65 Member Posts: 316

    I've been having similar luck with legion when there wasn't bl. Also with myers sometimes

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,606

    Thanks for sharing.... It's all interesting

    I enjoy actually seeing someone put in the effort to have an opinion and data to back it up


  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426

    Yeah I understand that. It helped that I really didn't care what the result was, since I was focused on if there was any differences and why if there was. Playing to win as killer can be very frustrating. I do not usually play the game that much in one sitting anymore. Maybe at my DBD peak but I'm a little burnt right now.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426

    I never thought about it that way for Demo, I can definitely see what you mean now that you pointed it out. Thanks for the input :)

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426

    Thanks for taking an interest, I'm happy this is coming across well to so many and letting people relate and talk. I do try to be as informed and open about my opinions as possible as well as self reflective. I do think we could use a bit more of that in the community but I don't know if that's really for me to judge.

    Happy you enjoyed it, it was a lot of work haha 🙂

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,606

    Yea... trying to get stats in this game is a lot of work

  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617

    Glad you kept track of some data, although it seems that your killer picks are generally less suited to bloodlust being a factor than some other would be.

    I mention that mostly from the guy who seemed amazed you might still support bloodlust when you averaged 3.25 kills, as though there's not 50 other factors involved in how many kills you get.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426

    Yeah it seems like the only one really affected by the loss was legion. I would've dome more killers if I had the time. I also tried to pick from my more regularly played killers so that my lack of practice doesn't effect the results too much. I wanted a few benchmarks as well like:

    Demo: Not really effected, but still has loops where he has to just chase through.

    Ghostface: I honestly expected him to affected more since he does just chase a lot, but not as much as normal non-stealth M1 killers since he can get advantage before the chase really starts. So I wanted like a middle ground between M1 and power based. Can still get some nasty setups on maps but its not as bad.

    Legion: Has to just chase a lot. If the map says no then no. Having one of the weaker powers and not having much of anything for chases is rough. I imagine similar map and BL reliance if not more on other killers like Wraith or Trapper for example.

    Even if my kill rate is on the higher end, I do realize that there are still maps and loops that certain killers are going to be kinda screwed on, especially if RNG spits out something nasty. You are correct that a lot of factors go into how many kills you get. Like I got the infinite shack and it just wasn't used, game would have most likely went very differently if it did.