Are we ever gonna get an official denouncement of toxic behavior?

Red rank killer (and survivor) here. The competitive scene of this game can be unforgiving. You win some and you lose some, but every now and then, human nature comes into play. I am 1 match into my current play session and I feel like getting off. Why? Because playing killer + toxic SWF = zero fun. I try to ignore it, and tell myself to just play for fun, but it doesn't work. If there is no chance of winning, I'm not having fun. That is especially true when sadistic people, who use this game as an online bullying tool, have to rub salt in the wound. When winning isn't enough for you, you've got a problem.

But my biggest issue is: where's the pushback? As individual players, all we can do is ignore the toxicity. Toxic people will be toxic, but maybe there would be less of them if they were at least told that what they're doing is wrong.

To my knowledge, the devs haven't said a word about unsportsmanlike behavior, despite the useless in-game report feature. Why not? Do they approve of it or what? Because frankly it's pushing longtime players, as well as new ones, away from the game. These toxic players, confident in knowing that their behavior is a back burner issue to the devs, if even that, is ruining this game and it's image.

So I say: If toxicity is wrong, let's hear it. Give us something.



  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    Winning and then stating that you won despite the excuses of the losing party (SWF, etc.) is pretty normal and I am not ready to agree that that is toxic.

    We should all remember that we are dealing with kids and immaturity on these games. Mean kids and complainers.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Yep, just had an Adam sandbag me twice and refuse to take aggro when the killer came back bc you know, that's what they do if you unhook in less then 10 seconds. I wish I could hold the Shift key to block early unhookings. You will find the same frustration esporadicaly playing SQ, toxicity plagues both sides.

  • Felnex
    Felnex Member Posts: 334

    I mean i just got facecamped by a leatherface, and two of my allies showed up (leatherface totally ignored them) and unhooked me. he downed me, let me heal up, they hooked me again. and again. ignoring the other two the whole time

    im genuinely confused, because i was the first one chased and i didnt do anything wrong or toxic, i went down early. he just didn't like jake park i guess? it was so weird.

    its pretty messed up they let that happen in their game, it's so abusable

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442
    edited November 2020

    I never understood this generation's insistence on dealing with people who are jerks online. The mute button exists for a reason. If you don't like what someone is saying, mute them.

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    Are you... Are you serious? Do you need the devs to tell you that stealing and punching people is wrong too?

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    one way would be if official/semi-offical tournaments would start reducing points for scummy behaviour.


    'sure, basement bubba is a possible build, but it's still camping with added a-holishness, you get only a 5th of the points you'd have gotten'


    'well, you tbagged and flashlighted a deathslinger at the gate while injured. he gets double points for that hook'

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    You want BHVR to punish players who BM? Lmao what? That sounds like something you could get Riot or Blizzard to do, so I recommend playing overwatch or league they usually cater to the hyper-sensitive. Racism, homophobic remarks etc (the things that are actually toxic) already get reported and dealt with if there's evidence. You can't punish players for pressing a button in your face, learn to deal with it and move on, you probably have bigger things to worry about than strangers clicking a flashlight at you in a videogame.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    Which is why I get mad when randoms go above and beyond (body blocking and things like that) to protect their blatantly toxic teammate. They may play innocent but they just directly contributed to the game's toxicity, because the toxic guy knows he can get away with his behavior when his teammates carry him like that. I get on to my friends when they tbag, because I know how it feels.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    I understand. I've yet to hear a good reason as to why Leatherface doesn't end his chainsaw sweep when he downs someone, allowing him to instadown multiple people, yet Hillbilly's stops after downing someone.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    Forget punishment, because that's not what I'm asking for at all. I'm asking for a "Please don't do that" from the devs. Surely that's not too much to ask for on behalf of all the bullied killers (and survivors) in this game?

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    Unnecessary. People who are in tournament are too busy honing their skill and playing well to be toxic. I say that despite DBD tournaments being a laughable concept to me.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,954

    I think BHVR has always encouraged us to be nice to each other.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Ooh I actually forgot about that. People getting banned for Mori spamming before they made changes to moris. I didn't agree with it at all. I don't remember ever doing it, but I had it done to me by GhostFace several times. God that was so hilarious, it was like an advanced t-bag. But yeah, I suppose you could argue there was a tiny bit of a double standard there before they changed moris to only play the animation once you held M1 enough.

  • wraithbaby3
    wraithbaby3 Member Posts: 30

    You wanna be #1? Go play pubg. You're #1 at least in your dreams.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171
    edited November 2020

    Now you're resorting to name calling just because I find it ridiculous that the devs need to make an official announcement denouncing toxicity? I find that highly toxic.

  • Lemoniax
    Lemoniax Member Posts: 32
    edited November 2020

    Threads like this encourage people even more to be toxic. This sounds harsh, but stop whining and grow a pair. If you are that sensitive over a game, DbD is not for you. And even if you get the devs to say something like "stop being toxic etc." Do you really think they'll stop? Lol, people who get off of being toxic would probably double the BM just to get killers like you even more pissed. You are exactly their kind of target and you play right into their hands by making this thread. I don't know if this matters to you, but I'm also a red rank killer/survivor and I, as have many others, accepted a long time ago that toxicity will be always present in this game. I simply don't care. And if you can't do that then well, either stop playing or learn how not to care.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    If you get mad at someone spamming a button that's on you bro lmao. I've never understood how people can take someone spamming a button so seriously.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    Yes it's terrible and not your fault. At the same time, you should probably turn off messaging from strangers and ignore end game chat.

    Furthermore, the topic you're talking about and the topic the other person was talking about doesn't quite match up. You're taking an extreme that's pretty disingenuous. It's understandable that you feel so strongly about it but you should take a step back and maybe cool down a little.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    I mean, I agree that if you get triggered by tbagging or clicking it's definitely a you problem. I mean genuine toxicity though, in endgame chat or on profile comments. And I don't want to close the window or have a private profile because people can be genuinely good people there too and I enjoy wishing people a good day. Plus whenever someone comments "-rep tunneling camping scum" despite dying on first hook being hooked first and I'm chasing someone else it makes me cackle.

    Normally, it's something I just report and move on. I'm just saying that this type of legitimate toxic behaviour shouldn't be something that's tolerated by anyone, or perpetuated by anyone.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442
    edited November 2020

    No, it is their fault for being the douchebag. You can't control how people will treat you in life, but you can control how you react to it. You have to realize something about humans, which is both terrible yet also comforting. Someone telling you to #########, doesn't care about you. At all. If you could measure how much they care, it would be 0. This is a terrible thing, in that it allows this person to treat you like garbage in their mind and get away with it. But at the same time, it is also comforting, because at the end of the day, they care so little about you, that what they said to you, was probably the worst thing they will ever do to you.

    The point is, is that if your mental health is so fragile (not blaming you, just stating facts about what you said) that you can't handle someone you have never met, and will likely never meet again, saying a mean thing to you, then you need to deal with that. You need to use the tools available to you to deal with that and mute them. You can't make people be nice, and in fact, if you were vulnerable with these people and told them how you feel, or about your problems, they would likely use that as an excuse to treat you worse "for the lulz".

    The reality is, you have all the tools needed to deal with these kind of people. The mute button. You can't legislate people into being nice to each other. You can control yourself though, and how you treat others, and how you react to others treating you.

    I'm not saying it is good, or right, or just. It just is.

  • NotACompPlayer
    NotACompPlayer Member Posts: 193

    did you just call pubs competitive? ahahahahahahah

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    Thing is, those things are actually banned by the EULA, so trust me when I say that I do use the tools available to me and report them to DBD support for breaking their in-game rules.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442
    edited November 2020

    Sure, and that is fine to do so. I'm just stating the obvious, because my point is, it IS against the rules and you can be banned for it. But it doesn't stop them. My point is, you can't make rules that say you have to be nice to others, because people won't follow them.

    Personally, if i was running an online game like DBD or something, i would not ban people for "toxic" chat messages. I would give the community the tools to deal with the problem, through blocking players to not play with them, mute buttons, even making it so you get a warning that someone is a douchebag at the beginning of a game and giving you the option of automatically muting them.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    (I think we're agreeing on the same thing here so I'm not sure I really need to say this but ah well lol, I'm really tired already).

    Sure, you can't make those people follow the rules, but then they get what happens when you don't follow rules; punished.

    My point was that you don't know what's going on in someone's life. They could have a ######### life and play games to relax, only to get told to kill themselves in that game they want to play to relax. That's not okay, and there's no excuse for doing this. Not a "grow a thicker skin", not a "man up", because mental health is just as important as physical. It's not your fault that other people want to be a ######### to you, so other people treating it as such is unacceptable.

    (Also sorry if I'm coming off as aggressive, mental health is a really really important topic to me lmao)

  • Lascivar
    Lascivar Member Posts: 41

    Honestly everyone has a different opinion on what toxic is, not just survivors and killers having different mindsets but even in those categories the players will have wildly differing opinions.

    Some things are bad manners, other things are the "survivors rulebook" (ie. No camping, no tunneling, give them a chance to survive, lol..) and others are actually toxic behavior such as blatant racism, sexism, homophobia, hatespeech etc at the end of games.

    What happens INSIDE a match though is fine, if you don't like how someone's playing, improve how you play and don't let them do that any more.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    Eh, seeing how many people point to tournaments to excuse their "tactics"...

    Another way, eg, would be to look at the most toxic perks (well, those regarded as such) and well... make it for example that if a killer is afk noed and bloodwarden don't activate.

  • Gay Myers (Luzi)
    Gay Myers (Luzi) Member Posts: 4,427

    Please be respectful to each other and some people might have different views and opinions on things. Things can be respectfully discussed.

    Also a thing about the previous mori spam: Please remember mori spam used to be much more than just BMing. People would sit there for the full bleed out timer spamming the mori animation over and over again, which the survivor or any other survivor had no chance to counter. There was nothing you could have done for it to stop - this is why it used to be bannable if done over a minute+.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442

    But that is precisely what i am saying. I'm am trying to offer some advice because as you stated you have some concerns about your mental health. I'm not saying "grow a thicker skin" I am saying that, no matter what BHVR does, even if they ban and punish people for things (and they already do) it doesn't actually stop people from causing a problem. So i am saying, for your mental health, and to offer some advice. Stop worrying about those people. They are people you have literally never met, and will likely never interact with ever again, your entire life. Stop letting those kind of people ruin your day and cause you problems. You mute them, block them, report them, and move on.

    Take responsibility for yourself, and take care of yourself. But don't try to push others to be something they will never be, it will forever cause you torment. You can't control other people, you can control yourself.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I disagree. I believe the problem is the intent of being toxic and hurt other people. To me, it doesn´t matter if its through teabagging (which was invented as an insult) or by endgame chat. Its all the same, because the intention counts.

    When you chose to seperate those issues, you just move the goalpost around "this i care about" and "this i dont care about", which is a very personal scale.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Having things that are more important doesn't mean you can't be mad at other things, but it does put things into perspective no? Why even bother wasting energy getting mad over someone pressing the ctrl key at you in a video game.

    The flashlight thing is something I haven't heard of before though. If you can legitimately trigger a seizure in someone when spamming a flashlight at them then BHVR probably needs to address it, or at least make some kind of warning. I've never seen someone flashlight click directly into the killer's face, or had it done to me, but obviously that doesn't mean it can't happen.

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    Can't relate m8. Sure, it's not fun to be stuck in a losing match with sometimes nothing you can do about it (Hello games as solo survivor where one guy DC'd and your other two teammates are doing nothing as you run the killer.) But you're bound to lose sometimes.

    And, people aren't really all that much more toxic in this game imho. Sure, there's a lot of BM (t-bagging, flashlight clicking, etc) but there isn't very much real toxicity. (People being rude to each other in end game chat, which is reportable.)

    There's always going to be BM in this game. If you don't like how someone talks to you in end game chat, report them, block them and move on.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    This, I do have mental problems as well and I shouldn't be blamed for playing the way I do, let alone called out and ridiculed because of it, I should play the game how I see fit not what some Winy Bastards on how they want me to play. Honestly this ######### is getting old

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited November 2020

    You would have to "define" toxic in the context you are using it. If you are talking about verbal abuse before or after the game, there is already a reporting system for that. It has been denounced in that sense that it can draw a ban. I don't think anyone would disagree with the notion that being an unsportsmanlike jerk outside the match is poison.

    However, the term "toxic" has become meaningless because everyone uses it to refer to ANY behavior they personally don't like, and nine times out of ten it is used to describe Players who simply beat you. I consider this very unfortunate. Some people use it to describe Players who simply give 100% in every game they play. Some Players use it to describe Players who use certain Perks, Builds, Tactics, etc. and all of these things are legal and valid. I've even had someone call me toxic for putting the Demo in a match. I was like..... "uhhhhhhhh?"

    My advice is to purge the word "toxic" from your vocabulary. Ignore people who throw it around in a cavalier way. Report people who are abusive (or cheat) through the proper channels. Just get on with your life. The only rules that I follow are:

    1. Don't cheat, either by hack or lag spike.
    2. Don't disconnect; if I start a game, I finish it.
    3. Be humble in victory and gracious in defeat.

    Those three things are ALL that is required to be a good sport. Are we on the same page, or are you one of those people who tries to add a personal litmus test to being a good sport which is beyond (and bogus) this simple mantra?

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    it be funny if survivors t bagged to fast at the killer or flashlight click with out try blind they get exposed.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Stop taking it so personal. It's just a game. If you have a tilting match just remember that and chill a little.

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,203

    Considering I'm chasing people around with a big ass weapon trying to kill them, I don't consider anything ingame, toxic. It's only endgame chat that can get bad with all the racist and off-yourself bullshit. If BHVR were to do anything, they should give people the *option* to turn off chat permanently... and maybe hard-defining "Unsportsmanlike" as something reportable because I've already heard it several times from dev streamers that the ingame behavior that pisses you off is not something bannable.