Exit Gates need a slight change



  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    Totally not a troll account.

  • Ammuze
    Ammuze Member Posts: 6

    Counter offer:

    When The Killer closes the hatch, both exit gates are opened.

    Because, to be honest, that's what this proposed change feels like.

  • Luckyluce
    Luckyluce Member Posts: 4

    If you have one survivor doing each gate then there's a fairly high chance that the killer won't get both, seeing as they'd either need to down or hook one survivor (hooking would generally be easier I think), which would probably waste enough time for the other gate to open. I do believe that it shouldn't be instant and should regress, so there's a way to recover if you get chased off.

  • DeathLobster
    DeathLobster Member Posts: 8

    Yeah, dude, it would. Every match would be handed to the killers. Work for your food. The survivors did, that's how they got to that opening the gate point. Killer mains are just getting lazy.

  • DeathLobster
    DeathLobster Member Posts: 8

    Unfortunately for you, it will never change. Also unfortunate, is that we players don't actually get to dictate and decide what should and shouldn't be put in, removed or altered from the game. We didn't help develop it, we have no claim.

    Sure, they may use a small idea here and there if it works, but never if it's going to break the very fundamentals of it, and throw it entirely off balance.

    Your idea causes way more problems than it solves. More or less a get out of jail free card for lazy or bad killers who simply cannot learn to counter survivors or bother to try, and get mad when they can't kill.

  • LazyGhost25
    LazyGhost25 Member Posts: 49

    That is true and yeah I should have took the time to put punctuation and all that. but I just didn't like how you just came at me like that seemed a bit rude to me but we all just have our valid opinions and all that. I'm not here looking for beef with anyone who's all just here giving our opinions you don't have to agree if you don't feel the same way completely understandable. Also yes I could have started my own thread about the camping issue I'm literally playing dead by daylight right now and I just faced off against a bubba that camped. I just felt like there's more bigger issues with some of the killers that have more of a advantage over the survivors just felt like we should be focusing on game balancing. But it also depends on how big you are of a survivor or killer that's why ranking is so important but in all I just felt like disagreeing with the exit gate 99% I feel like it's more fair.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    This feedback is just about achieving one goal: making things even easier for The Killer. The endgame collapse is already basically a killer mechanism that more often than not heavily favors the killer. Not to mention all of the free information they get such as seeing the aura of both gates in perpetuity. This unnecessarily complicates a very basic goal when the collapse was introduced, that goal is simply to prevent survivors from holding the game hostage. Every few weeks someone has a bright idea about how to evolve the collapse into something it was never intended to be. It's not a killer tool.

  • ImplicitTruth
    ImplicitTruth Member Posts: 9

    I think a better solution would be to reset the bar down to 75% whenever you let go above that amount. Makes it so you can't 99 tap it, but you dont have to sit on it for the full time to get out.

  • Weeb_H_Toast
    Weeb_H_Toast Member Posts: 195

    Having them regress at the same base opening speed would be fine. Leave the opening time as is. Change Remember Me to add a fake exit gate, and decrease opening speed by 5/7/10%.

  • nea_the_entity
    nea_the_entity Member Posts: 12

    I'm a survivor main and when everyone dies and it's just me i either find hatch and take the win or killer find s hatch and when they do I cant do anything except run the killer and die to endgame which I said to my friends they should make a mechanic that allows you to attempt to open hatch with a 4% chance and when your not lucky you get notified to the killer and the timer drops 4 seconds because even when I play killer once you find hatch it's pretty much a win if your good a tracking but it sucks as survivors because when they have to go through exit gates there's a chance that the gates will be on the same wall which is pretty much impossible. Also as killer I think the only problem is if your rank 12 then being with red rank survivors really suck to the point where I literally quit playing killer for 4 months but now I got back to playing killer but I use anything advantage including noed.

  • SpaghettiYOLOKing
    SpaghettiYOLOKing Member Posts: 19

    I'd actually argue for less time. Puts pressure on everyone and reduces toxicity at the gates as well. If a bunch of survivors are teabagging and pointing at me from the gate, I'm not going to go give them more points. Yet a dev said that's not holding the game hostage, just go hit them out.

    Uh, no. There's nothing for me to gain in that situation, yet plenty for them to gain. So in those times, it's always waiting out a couple of pricks who could easily leave and end the game. It's just annoying after a bad game.

    Doors that are 99'd resetting is a bit much. But say Ruin is somehow still active, I wouldn't mind the door regressing, although at half the speed of gen regression. This would entice survivors to really do totems and to also try something other than 'meta' perks because let's face it, many perks are viable in this game. Anyone that argues they're situational seem to forget that most 'meta' perks are situational.

    BT needs to be in the terror radius, DS requires a killer to pick a survivor up, Adrenaline requires all gens to be done. Sometimes those things just don't happen. DS ends up being a waste of a perk if I equip it and definitely a waste if someone equips it against me. All of Laurie's perks should be reworked tbh. The fact the devs refuse to acknowledge how strong OoO can be in a SWF, even an average skilled SWF, is ridiculous. I've had games where there's two OoO and it makes it impossible to do anything. But since they can't do anything about party chats and communication, they can rework certain perks so the game isn't balanced around no communication.

    Sorry, went down a bunny trail there. But I'm all for slight changes that take both sides out of comfort zones and makes them try new things. Keeps the game fresh.

  • Having a built-in gate regression seems like a much better option than having a complete reset. It will still address your core complaint, which I agree, is a problem.