Unenjoyable matches

I'm finding more and more that I am getting put into matches with red rank killers (usually rank 1 or 2) when I myself am only a rank 7 survivor. Because their gameplay is so much more advanced than mine, I'm finding it really unenjoyable (it's at a point where I wonder why I still actually play the game... and I think it's more because of the money I spent than the enjoyment I get from it!). Does anyone else feel like the matchmaking is completely out of whack, or am I just overreacting?


  • MissTea91
    MissTea91 Member Posts: 4

    I understand that too. It does just feel like bullying. I get it that when I mess up, they're gonna come for me, but when I don't understand how things escalate, because I'm not a brilliant player, then it gets pretty frustrating. I was playing with a SWF and just didn't bother to struggle, because I couldn't be bothered to be chased almost straight off hook again. It really does suck the enjoyment from a game.

  • exelse
    exelse Member Posts: 37

    I completely understand where you're coming from as well. Playing as a killer I can tell when there's three SWF and one player on their own, it's the one who gets killed first and killer will most likely pick on them if they can see they perform worse than other survivors. It definitely helps if you have decisive strike on, or someone in your team has borrowed time on, but you can't always rely on that either.

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100

    Don't worry, whenever I solo survivor I get put on a team of rank 31's disguised as red ranks. Not enjoyable either, so it's working both ways.

  • Hyd
    Hyd Member Posts: 379

    Very good advice. I'm approaching the 1 month mark for me so, pretty new but am enjoying both sides of this game.

    To the OP:

    Pretty much anything anyone suggests here is going to be an "easier said than done" sort of thing for you.


    How to not get tilted? Well, learn to relax and stop caring so much!

    Easier said than done, right? I know, but life in general is just way easier and nearly stress-free if you can train yourself to just not care so much, or more generally, not take anything too seriously. This doesn't mean never taking anything seriously, it just means knowing when it's appropriate and beneficial to take things seriously, and when it's not appropriate or beneficial. If something is stressing you out, it's not beneficial and you need to make a change of some sort. Stress is a literal killer, it ages you.

    As far as the game is concerned, my very basic suggestion is to try and enjoy the little successes. Try not to apply so much importance on "winning" with a complete 4 person escape and learn to be content with simply making the game harder for the Killer - repair some gens, cleanse some totems, be ready to swoop in for a sweet save pulling your buddies off hooks, etc.

    This won't be an overnight change in mindset but with practice, you'll get there. Also, if you don't play Killers much already, swapping back and forth really helps to even out the emotions a bit, and, will give you insight into various Killer strategies which you can then know how to counter later as a Survivor.

    Hope this helps :)

  • I just diddle off tbh. If I get a a super tryhard red rank SWF I know there is nothing I can do against them.

    I mean I can't do anything against them, so I find something else to do instead. Might just be practicing a killer's ability from those elevated areas of the map or something; but the game is not so important to me I am going to have a miserable time.

    Once you stop really giving a hoot it's a much better experience.

  • DoctorIdiot
    DoctorIdiot Member Posts: 56

    I'm feeling the same way except against survivors.

  • Halbix
    Halbix Member Posts: 42

    Killer is 100x more stressful tbh. And they just keep tipping the balance against them

  • greekfire774
    greekfire774 Member Posts: 170

    The matchmaking gets no better I promise you that. I'm a rank 1-2 killer depending on the matches and I'll get thrown into lobbies with all ranks 20's....there's no system and they like to lie publicly and pretend there is a system in place that matches us. If there was remotely ANY matchmaking system somebody would've figured it out with all the statistics people on the forums collect. Fact of the matter is that there isn't one and they can lie through their teeth all day but, it doesn't change anything. Unfortunately behavior is one of the scummiest studios in the market right now but, they have a single game that got popular ( they weren't expecting it to I promise you that ) and now they have no idea how to manage it due to them being an amateur indie studio who pretends they're more than they are.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    I have a similar problem. I was a red rank survivor for awhile and then the MMR started putting me with super low ranks, so I would get tunneled and camped and my teammates had no clue what to do. It's so annoying, but I guess it's part of the dbd experience

  • RandyDaBear
    RandyDaBear Member Posts: 1

    It seems that cross-platforming has possibly exacerbated the issue as well. I play on PS4 and I always seem to get either a high rank nurse playing on PC as a survivor, or 3-4 high ranking swf survivors linked on PC when I'm the killer.

    I know I can just turn the option off, but then I'm stuck waiting 20+ minutes for a match. So, either way, it sucks.

  • Skelyue
    Skelyue Member Posts: 5

    No offense but. I avoid purely console survivors teams as I actually want a challenge. Playing as Survivor, I always have hit or miss even in the high ranks with teammates. Console killers and pc killers are about the same in skill except on nurse, death and hunt.

    Matchmaking is still eh, things will get better hopefully. As of rn, try to get better and just carry your team.

    I personally use for the people and resilience as alot of... Bad survs wont do gens when injured and i cant waste time healing them so I'll sacrifice my health while also making gens and vaults go faster. Build is working pretty good for me ranking up. (Controller pc btw)

  • JustHeretoHaveFun
    JustHeretoHaveFun Member Posts: 86

    First, as a killer main, thanks so much for not just blaming the killers. (Most) killers are just like you, they want to have fun.

    Yeah, the matchmaking completely sucks, and as a new player it's making it really hard to have fun. I watched Otz's video, and it helps to an extent, but I'm definitely really frustrated, after my 3rd match in a row with no Sacrifices. (The one before that, someone DCed and I used a Mori on one person for a time thingy, then took pity on the other two and let them do gens.)

    I understand that I'm a new player, and it'll take time, but it would at least be better if the playerbase was a little more forgiving. If they just took the W and got out, I would be a little frustrated but whatever. But when it feels like they go out of their way to make me feel like garbage every match, when they've probably got hundreds, if not thousands of hours more than me, with all the best perks, a map offering, and Insta Heals, and I'm just trying to learn Hag, it's so frustrating.

    I understand that I'm the reason I'm losing. I need to get better. I'm making mistakes. I should've committed to the chase instead of getting distracted. I should've placed this trap here instead of there. I should've protected totems better. I should've attempted to build a 3 Gen. But it's like the high-rank players I'm put against recognize that I'm new and think it's the funniest thing ever.

    I honestly think the matchmaking is non-existent. There's been one rank reset since I started playing. I was around 18 after the reset. I'm now Rank 12. The only difference I've noticed is that when there would be a green rank in my lobby, they're purple rank, which is interesting because if people have been playing as much as me that means that the green ranks I was paired with as a yellow would be purple now. I'm often put against red ranks, and the occasional rank 20 obviously worse than me.

  • FreezingFire
    FreezingFire Member Posts: 18

    I used to be a rank 10 killer, but I'm now rank 12. I was on a steady pace but the match making got worse and worse, especially during the weekend. The usual lobby would contain 1 red rank, 2 purples, and 1 yellow rank. I used to have fun with killer, but I'm slowly starting to not have fun

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    The game is frustrating i can get a red rank lobby but because the survivor bring OoO and a map offering its a lost most if the time

  • DCash
    DCash Member Posts: 170

    Hey bud, I am one of those rank 1 killers that keeps getting low ranks in my games. Sorry about that. Please don't let it discourage you from playing. There's a lot of boosted rank 1 killers right now who think they're good because they use ruin/undying. I will say in my defense I can't tell the difference in the lobby of a rank 1, 4 man swf from 4 rank 10s. Kinda sucks I have no idea who I'm facing until the game is over. I often wish I could know ahead of time if players were going to be sweaty or chill. Im used to playing at the highest level so when I play "normally" it may seem like bullying. Which is why I wish I could know. If I did I could play in a more fun way. Many games I come in prepared for war and halfway through I realize they are babies. I switch things up, let them get more points, get gens done, give one the hatch, etc. But the truth is if I ease up at all, I will get steamrolled by good survivors. This is why it may seem like killers are bullies, they know how quickly they can lose to a good team and you can't really know if it's a good team until it's to late.

    Also in regards to match making, you are rank 7, the system matches players "within six ranks" of your rank. So in truth you are in range for getting rank 1 killers.

    My best advice, set a goal for yourself, work towards it, stop thinking about rank, and just try to do the best you can each match. That's what I do. So even when I die I still pip. I get saves, I commit to gens for my team, break all the totems, open all the chests, my goal is progress and death can't stop that.

  • judge_fist
    judge_fist Member Posts: 114

    I completely understand your frustration and from my own experience I can say it is difficult to get past that threshold. Before I hit rank 1 both sides I experienced this same struggle. I decided I love this game, I love the dynamic, unique concept of Dbd and decided to "git gud" so to speak. I started watching streamers notOtzdartva and Tru3Tal3nt a few matches a day while brushing my teeth and other assorted things I could multitask at. I also watched ohTofu, PainReliever, and Noob3 how to videos which all have varying degrees of complex game knowledge. I kept at it practice, practice, and practiced. I learned that the best of the best Dbd players keep their heads cool and understand all matches cannot be won and dont let it affect you at the ego level (you really have to let the winning or even drawing every match go). Sometimes you get put in a certain map with a bad layout with a killer that excels in the map with dirty add ons or offering. When I realize that early in a match I instantly let go and accept I may lose horribly that round. As survivor too dont worry about your team if your solo you just have to understand you teammates will do things that make your head explode. The only person you can do anything about it yourself and you have to let everything else go. I can die as a survivor and still feel very accomplished if I ran the killer well, got saves, heals, and busted out gens. That said it takes time and patience to get to pass the threshold of purple to red ranks. Keep at it watch videos and accept the pain that's associated with being a Dbd player. Been playing for years and when I finally hit rank 1 both sides it was a damn good feeling. I hope this helps I wish you luck my fellow denizen!

  • Gerneral_Buckness
    Gerneral_Buckness Member Posts: 100

    I hate the negativity in the forums, but holy moly over the past week my friends and I are getting SLAUGHTERED.

    Is BHVR trying something new that would be making this happen?

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,469

    I was playing solo earlier I just couldn't get anything done. The teams I was on were pulling people off of hooks right in front of killers or not helping at all, the killers were camping like crazy both basement and hooks, and I even pulled myself off a hook legit when no one was coming to help me, and bang right back on the hook I went.

    Not that I expect it but killers used to respect the self unhook not anymore. As a killer I can tell when someone comes off with deliverance and when they don't so that's not even a defense.

  • HexAddict
    HexAddict Member Posts: 1

    Maybe get better at the game and they'll be more enjoyable. If you get good and it's still unenjoyable, then complain on forum 👍. Otherwise you risk changing a good thing that works.

  • sugoimaku
    sugoimaku Member Posts: 17

    Though I agree that matchmaking needs some work, getting put into matches with high ranking killers isn't always a bad thing. Sometimes the killer doesn't even ACT like a rank 1. I've been playing the game for about 4 months now and the highest rank I've reached was 4, yet I still find myself going up against rank 1 killers. Is it annoying? Yes. But you can always learn from that killer, regardless of your skill. If the killer is being agressive or chasing you constantly, waste their time by looping them: either they'll chase you and end up losing because everyone else did the gens, or they'll give up chase if they're smart and realize how much time is being wasted.

    Another thing, if you're facing a tunnel-er, a good counter would be decisive strike, or maybe even soul guard. Use the main building vaults to your advantage, use flashlights or medkits. Use pallets smartly. You might just need a bit more experience. Or better teammates.

  • ramvayne
    ramvayne Member Posts: 21

    I get the same as a killer. Rank 15 killer against rank 1 to 8 survivors sometimes. Peeves me off that they teabag at the end. Even I don't do that when I play survivor.

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050

    I’ve been having an unfun night. When I’m a survivor I keep getting stuck against rank 1 killers and when I’m the killer I keep getting put up against survivors that know every trick in the book. Usually it’s a little more even than that, but I play enough that I keep ranking up even when I don’t deserve it. At the moment I’m a rank 4 survivor and a rank 14 killer. I started the night as a rank 15 killer but somehow I leveled up even though I’ve gotten only two kills at most in a game tonight.

  • LARI
    LARI Member Posts: 66

    MM is trash what can we do?

  • LaBPedro
    LaBPedro Member Posts: 22

    I have to say I absolutely (insert rude word) hate this game. Matchmaking is completely messed up, rank 11 killer here going against rank 1/2 swf's, just taking the mickey constantly. I've heard of sore losers, but sore winner's is a first for me. Keep it up and you won't have any killers to go against because frankly I've had enough of it. I stopped playing for about 3 months and I was so much happier....have came back and it's even worse now with the toxicity...

  • dougalmacspanky
    dougalmacspanky Member Posts: 3

    I haven’t been playing long. I always play as killer and have managed to level up 2 killers to level 50. I first played the game maybe 6-8 months ago for a few weeks then stopped. I’ve come back to it recently and been playing again for another couple of weeks. Currently at a rank 16 killer - just. I had to start over from 20. I keep getting matched with teams of 3 red and purple rank survivors which I just cannot compete with, even with the killers that I used to be okay with. It’s worse since the twins update.

  • TripleSteal
    TripleSteal Member Posts: 1,298

    Late evening MM is extremely sloppy as of now.

  • SharkPiledriver
    SharkPiledriver Member Posts: 37

    No its not just you, I have the exact problem but on the opposite foot, I play survivor 99% of the time, so when I play killer, I have absolute garbage perks & experience, and I'm going vs. red rank survivors with fully completed builds. Even as a survivor, I'm rank 8, and I hate getting rank 1 teammates, they play completely differently than when I get people my own ranks.

    The matchmaking smells like a dead game.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    Well since the initial rank spread is plus or minus 6 ranks, a rank 7 could get a rank 1 as a killer or even in a rank 1 survivor. could also be paired with a rank 13 as well. Now if things take a while to make the matches the game widens the window from plus or minus 6 and works to get a good match. so even a rank 12 could be facing red ranks easily. SWF's skew the match making as well so you might see a swf that has a rank 16 and a rank one as a rank 12.