The Game is too esay for Killers
New survivors are horrible. How many matches i start where survivors start by running. Yes running during matches helps you get objectives faster but at the start of the match all it does is leave scratch marks right towards the group/themselves.
The sandbaggers (get you hit or downed by being body blocked by a survivor thats in the way).
The "unsafe hookers": newbies trying to get points by unhooking regardless if a killer is dangerously close (without having borrowed time).
The unsafe hookers, sandbagger combo-or as i like to call it, the assisted tunneler. I hope that one was self explanatory.
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Does anyone remember the old Rogues Take Zero Skill videos from vanilla wow? I always picture most of the killer mains on the forums as the rogue in those videos.
"GOD DAMNIT! Survivors are so overpowered. They either gotta be nerfed or killers gotta be buffed. #########!"
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you never learn the basics and parts of the game you don't ask about, like most things if you ask an experienced person nicely or say something completely arrogant on the internet someone will show up to tell you the answer* (one more politely then the other)
if someone finds out they really enjoy this game but missed out on learning some of the basics they can always ask
and also most older members of the community end up not on the forums because they get burnt out on the same bad suggestions, toxicity, and mentalities of others on the forums, which even though its called discussion forums at times its often just ad hominem and people saying if you don't agree with me you are wrong
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"Too easy" 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I can't
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I guess I am the worst killer ever and I should just quit DBD
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You're a great fisherman. I couldn't imagine catching this much fish with such a weak bait.
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Just stop Camping and tunneling.
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Well i run no addons and only one slowdown. Most of the time i dont even use Pop because im downing them to fast and have no time to kick a gen. I could probably win against the most survivors without perks. Perks and Addons are nice but the biggest factor whether you win is obviously the survivors.
No gen regression perk is similar strong like a survivor who doesnt do gens to begin with.
No perk or killer power helps you more in chase then a survivor, who dont know how to loop.
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It's not the same sorry...You sounded like if I say I can beat anyone in 1 on 1 in basketball, but I'm too shy to show so go and watch some Michael Jordan highlights cause we play the same.
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Lol sounds like a survivor main talking.
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Pls don't forget and I speak from experience as an old only killer bp farmer, that, when you go into games with this chilled mindset (which is also healthier for killer in long-term, which is quite a scary thing in itself) and end with 0-1 kills, you can get survivor of 3 different types.
1. "Gg" they had a good game and are humble "winner" and nice.
2. " ", Nothing at all, the neutral part, just there to play and not for survivor/killer socializing in any form.
3. "Gg ez/noob killer/l2p" the great screw you after playing nice/fair/whatever.
From my experience this year, until I quit in September, is that group 1 is nearly gone, except for pure farm matches after an instant dc or the like.
Group 2 is thankfully by now the big majority. They simply are gone after the game and you can move on and keep cool.
Group 3 became less from last to this year somehow which is refreshing, coming from release of dbd and playing lol as my main game. But those type of people still exist and many chill killer player can get destroyed by too much of those or rather make the "not kill oriented" play style less attractive/rewarding/satisfying when all you get is ######### on.
Edit: And yes, I know, the proposed solution is turning off the after game chat or simply instant leaving the after game lobby. But it does not really help against bully squads and this overall mentality of people from group 3.
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Yea I mean there's people like that on both sides, more of an individual toxic playerthign than anything to do with the game etc.
I just find it annoying that ppl claim this is an issue for killer only and forget about the survivor experience, which can be just as awful.
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Yeah, thing is survivor still have a 75% chance at the beginning to not be in the crosshair of the killer and have a rather "chill/boring" experience as soon as the "horror" factor from the first days wears off.
Killer have to manage 4 people all the time.
So overly simplified, a survivor is roughly 25-50% of the match under stress. Increasing with teammates that get nothing done.
Killer has "action" 100% of the match time. There is not time in dbd for the killer to leisurely walk around or slowly search for the next gen. (If you take kills as the winning indicator)
But even just farming bp and spreading hooks evenly can get stressful since the time limit of a match is in the hands of the survivors and killer can only move the goalpost (while the success rate of that increases exponentially with killed survivors and less remaining gens).
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No, you can´t. You failed math, didn´t you?
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im not gonna stream for you :/ end of story.. i dont even have time to play dbd most days
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I agree with Sluzzy tbh. I mean look what they did to Ormond, most nerfs are too hard for the survivors.
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Sure, this tells a lot about your credibility....
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so just because i have anxiety issues and rly bad stress plus im busy during the day because of work and cant stream JUST so you can watch me makes me a liar? :/ quite rude if you ask me.. and super egoistic.. im not gonna do something just because you want me to.. if i wanted to stream i would.. go stream yourself instead
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I'm just saying, you make bold claims that it's easy to play killer, when I ask you to provide evidences to prove your statements, you advise me to watch other streamers, because they play similar way. I didn't say you are liar, just hard to believe to you without supporting evidences.
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i just dont have time to stream.. the streamers i watch never use slowdown or strong addons and focus on the chase a lot more.. so they play exactly like me but they actually have the time to stream.. i dont have any other way of providing evidence and honestly if you think im a liar then i dont see how that affects me.. i dont have to prove anything or even respond.. but sure if you think im lying then go for it.. at the end of the day im still gonna play dbd and still play the way i always do.. the claims arent even that bold, they are just "i think i can rely on my own skill instead of get perks to hold my hand"
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Sure... still just vague words. But whatever man if you feel better saying it. I'm glad you enjoy playing killer and I wish you many kills in your next games.
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i feel kinda neutral about it, i dont rly care what other people think about me.. i just say what i do and if someone doubts me i let them.. as i said, at the end of the day its just a game that i play for fun so i dont see a reason arguing about it.. i dont even know why i come to the forums anymore because its just people that care to much about winning and just argues against everything that dont go their way :/ same goes for any game rly.. i guess they just feel good when doing well and when the devs change something instead of improving they come here to cry.. but to avoid going on a rant rn im just gonna go make lunch.. so have a nice day and stay inside, this year has been rough so hopefully you are ok
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I'm sure Noobe is a good Killer but is too shy to play on Stream. I have the same problem when I play Killer.
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Please how do you know?
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I guess we closed that convo peacefully, so he and I will be fine
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I don't know. I've always thought that it is harder for 4 survivors to coordinate optimally than for 1 killer to work a plan.
The disorganization of survivors in Solo Q is where the killer gains advantage over the survivors.
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If killers are weaker, how come killers currently have over a 70% kill rate. This includes even noob killers. If killers are weak, then why aren't the kill rates 30%?
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Bad Killers mostly Play Freddy, and this Killer is so Braindead strong that can answer that question.
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Who hurt you?
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Why would you need to coordinate to play only have 1 task, and the killer can only be after 1 person at a time, and the devs have given solo survivors so much free information you don't even need coms to understand whats going on. Theres enough aura reading going around to check for pancreatic cancer, and enough 2nd chance escapes to turn yourself into a cat....
Its an A-symmetrical game, the killer is supposed to have the advantage over survivors. But the devs are the ones who over time keep making it easier and easier for survivors until survivor players at large get complacent...or just downright forget what their objectives are or how to respond in a situation that the devs didn't take into account. Nerfing things in games always produces this after shock. Players get used to the nerf, get complacent, get weaker overall, and eventually demand another nerf, where they then repeat the cycle.
Its like working out with 20 pounds, and you get stronger, then you turn around and start doing the same amount of reps with 15 pounds, and then 10, and then 5, and then a featherweight foam toy <----you just end up making yourself weaker over time. But....survivors love getting worse at the game for some reason /shrug.
Before all this free information existed survivors played smarter, played safer, and made much more impactful plays in a game. They also learned the maps in and out like the back of their hands, knew where generators were without needing a map, knew where items would be without needing a map, knew where hooks would be just from eyeballing their surroundings.....
But new survivors now adays, even within the last 2 years have gotten progressively worse. And it shows because their rank looks boosted.
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Killer is easier at higher ranks, but survivor is disproportionally easier at low ranks
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yeah, definitely too easy for killers if you are a rank 16 killer and you're playing agaist rank 5 survivors. 🙄
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Listen buddy fellow communion in the dbd forums my friend I'm a survivor main I don't touch killers because if I'm honest I would camp and tunnel and all the trash things like that so I don't touch killers even for daily rituals or the season pass challenges I don't touch em and me being a survivor main it's 4 against 1 which automatically unbalanced as is its like 1 sniper VS 4 smgs in a call of duty game right so survivors have it way easier if they know what they're doing like DS takes a bit of skill to use me preferably I use skills that benefit the whole team not just myself and I play smart people need to stop talking about how it's fair or unfare and actually focus on stuff like bugs and what not complaining is just you wanting the game to be your way so it works for you well buddy not your game it's a game made for the whole community and that's where there's the dispute because you've got mains for both ends so simply said stop complaining about the game being unfair its honestly not that's like complaining about a guy using a shotgun in modern warfare it's in the game for a reason and that's not to collect dust so pull up your big boy pants and suck it up
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No Killer is always easier. Press W until you see a survivor. Press W until you can M1 two times. After you down him Hook him and never leave the Hook, esay kill for him.
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I'm a killer and it ain't easy at all, i always try to make the game fun for everyone, I don't camp, I dont tunnel, I hook twice before killing a survivor with a Mori, and I try not to hold the game hostage, it's hard to all that and still enjoy yourself as most of my games survivors don't give me a chance to actually enjoy myself because they're too busy trying to bully me, it annoys me because when I get into a game there's always that one guy that follows me around waiting to flashlight me, or pallet stun me (via camping by the pallet). Making it impossible to chase someone else or do gen management then at the end of the game they message me saying that I'm a noob and I'm bad. so no matter what play style I choose I still get grief, it is probs just me being bad but still, if I'm trying to be fair I don't think it's reasonable to then call me bad just enjoy let me enjoy the way I play
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Don't have time to stream? You hit a button to start stream. Play like you would. Hit button to turn off stream when you're done.
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This guy is 100% a survivor main, to get gen rushed, flashlights every action you do, to get infinited survivor doesn't really take skill and killer is weak when you go against a swf usually
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I'm not a survivor main I play both I'm a demogorgon main in Red Rank with only brown add ons. So I can say survivor needs more Skill as Killer. If you lose as Killer you need to get better in the game.
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Demos best addons are brown. Red rank means not high level play, because it takes not much skill to reach red rank. When you are winning against good survivor, too, then why are you not playing in a tournament? Easy money for you
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I'm too shy to play in Public or in a Stream.
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You dont need to show your face, its the same as posting in this forum.
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Even that would make me too nervos.
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You are a troll, right? I shouldnt have skipped to the end of the thread without reading everything.
When not, then change your attitude. Nothing will improve from doing nothing.
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But I'm fine with my Life, what do you want from me?
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Good post, needs to be told.
Unfortunately the killer biased forum manages to squeeze out these moments of sanity.
The devs have created an entire class of entitled killers who nerd rage if you so much as question that something of there's needs a nerf.
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Do what you want. I dont care. It seemed that you think being nervous is a bad trait of yours.
Back to the point: why do you want to defend your statement that killer are too easy, when you dont want to prove your statement? Are you even interested whether your statement is true?
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unless you get SWF who drop pallets, blind you with flashlight constantly and loop you for 5 minutes straight. Killer has advantage of playing whole duration of match whereas survivor only plays as long as he's not dead, but that's the beauty of the game - you can choose who you want to play as. Choose your battle.
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Because most of the times you people don't want proof, you want to stay in your teeny tiny echo chamber that this forum is to complain.
We can already redirect you to killer streamers that play without being boring ass slowdown abusers and you won't go watch them. If we showed you videos you'd probably just be like "but these survivors did this this and this wrong", while when you killers play like garbage fail to see your own mistakes and blame it on "gen rush" and "survivors op"
You don't care about watching us prove our point, all you care is maintaining your ideas and keep complaining here
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Well you only see a Swf in Idk 50 Matches?
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I play cross-platform on PS4 and I'd say 60-70% of my matches are against SWF.