Please Survivors, stop making camping a viable strategy for Bubba.

I’m tired of hook camping Leatherfaces.

More importantly I’m tired of teammates that actually validate why a Leatherface should continue to do it.

I’ll approach for the save, but if it’s clear that he isn’t leaving, I’m sorry I know it sucks for you on the hook, but I’m jumping on a gen and won’t attempt again.

But i’ll be the on a gen and everybody bloody else will still insist on hovering around the hook.

Stop it.

I know it sucks when a Leatherface decides to be a scumbag, but you cannot help whoever is in the hook, even with BT their chances are slim.

Do gens.



  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    100%. Camping sucks, but unnecessary altruism is what those kind of killers want. Especially the killers who are very good at facecamping. Bubba, probably Pyramid Head. Maybe Plague?

    Depending on how long that one person looped, the Survivors could easily get all or most of the gens done. Camping is a bad strategy unless the Survivors are overly altruistic. Again, it sucks, but the best thing you can do is just pound those gens out.

  • Absolutely agree. With most killers, when they camp, I will go for a save. But with a Bubba? Nah, man. I'm sorry, but Imma stay on this gen. Hopefully if they lose one or two gens, they will leave the hook.

  • carnage4u
    carnage4u Member Posts: 338

    When playing SWF and bubba facecamps. we 5 gen and 3 of us escape every time

    When I get in a solo game with 3 solo players against bubba, too many go for constant hook saves and we rarely escape. These bad plays do bug me a little, but I sort of just try to chill out more when solo play and realize I have to deal with people making these types of choices and just do my thing

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    I went against the same purple rank bubba solo the other day and he won 3 seperate matches because someone got basement hook and the other 2 just played right into his hands. It's crazy how hungry some survivors are for unhooks.

  • Afius
    Afius Member Posts: 563

    Only way I can see them fixing it is if they were to make kindred (or at least some form of it standard.)

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871


    there fixed the title.

  • Slendy4321
    Slendy4321 Member Posts: 605

    Agreed. I know how much people hate camping (me especially) but if he's taking time to watch the hook then that's wasted time he's not patrolling gens and chasing Survivors. Just do gens and get out. Easy

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited November 2020

    Also some people honestly just get overwhelmed and don't know what else to do. Most the ones that camp do it with malicious intent but some of them literally just don't know what else to do lol.

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100

    Most killers, like most survivors, are ######### at this game. They'll resort to whatever's easiest, and it'll serve them well in more than half their matches. As for the matches against good teams? They'll try the same thing, get crushed, then beech about genrush even though they made no effort to play the game.

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    Unfortunately, the people who facecamp have a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy mindset. Unless they're trolls, but trolls have short attention spans so those kinds of builds get boring real fast, so I think the majority of players who facecamp are just in a bad place in their mind, either just at that moment or due to consistent bad matchups over a long period of time.

    They already think gens get done too quickly. It doesn't take a lot to set one off, even if they didn't plan on facecamping in the first place. They'll facecamp because they think gens are going to get done before they'll get a kill, so they want at least one kill. By the time a player is dead on hook there's 1 gen left and they go, "See? Gens are done way too fast, I should have 3 kills by now." And so they just affirm their own bias. Gens get done too fast because they're camping, but in their mind the gens would have been done regardless of how much pressure they put on the map.

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050

    Lol. Just the other day I got messaged by a salty Leatherface that called us survivors “gen rushing fags”. I didn’t bother to engage him but just laughed. Nobody was gen rushing, he was just a bad player. Everything a killer shouldn’t do he did. He tunneled a player that was skilled at looping. He wouldn’t damage gens when he came across them, and then when he finally got that one guy he tunneled he camped in front off them. He was just pissed that while he was in the chase 3 gens popped almost simultaneously out of pure coincidence and then while he was camping we popped the other 2 instead of going for the hook save. And to add insult to injury, he couldn’t even managed to keep that one guy on the hook which resulting in poor wee Bubba disconnecting. In short: HE SUCKED. Hahaha.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    You don’t need Kindred to see or hear that a bubba is camping

  • Somna
    Somna Member Posts: 130

    It doesn't help when the survivor on the hook is feeding into this by suiciding if they're not immediately rescued.

  • sugoimaku
    sugoimaku Member Posts: 17

    Facts. Whenever I see a Bubba, I just hope and pray he doesn't have Iron Grasp and intent to bring someone to the basement to Insidious camp, or just face camp in general. People who play that way give Leatherface such a poor reputation.