Mangled Effect Broken???

So since the most recent update (2.3.0). Has anyone else noticed that when you get hit by a killer with sloppy butcher you vault through windows in slow motion?? All the mangled effects are perminent even when fully healed and there is no indication on your HUD that you are recieving that effect???


  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    @Notcob said:
    So since the most recent update (2.3.0). Has anyone else noticed that when you get hit by a killer with sloppy butcher you vault through windows in slow motion?? All the mangled effects are perminent even when fully healed and there is no indication on your HUD that you are recieving that effect???

    are you sure you didn't get the self-care heal bug? If you are running self-care and heal with a medkit and the medkit goes away you are slowed in every action

  • Notcob
    Notcob Member Posts: 6
    Possibly but I only ever notice it when against a killer with sloppy butcher? And most of the time haven’t had a med kit.
  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    They also change vaulting in specific spots, some areas you can only fast vault 1 way and other you can't at all.