Fake pallets should replace snares as base for freddy

bluedusef Member Posts: 288
edited November 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Anybody who plays this a good amount understands how easy freddy has it.If you want a win that bad, you pick freddy. super easy to use, powers are strong and simple. All freddy players ever do is bring the slowdown perks and combine them with slowdown add ons and get free easy teleports around the map whenever they want.

He also dosent get punished for how many snares he puts at a loop and can put them down on the fly.A super boring low skill killer. You could say " well just go wake up then and snares wont affect you". he is the thing, i play solo and trying to get that 1 person to help wake u up is a very rare thing, i dont know where that person is on the map.

also the clock on the map to wake up from is always like on the other side of a map, so u spend like over 30 seconds to run across the map, wake up, only for the timer to wake u up not long after you returned back to the other side you came from.Or 1 hit from a freddy and your back in the dreamworld.

its not even worth it, only if the clock was near by. If a doctor puts u in tier 3, it literally takes 10 seconds to snap yourself outa it, and u dont have to run to a clock across the map either. doctor also gets slowed down when he tries to use his shock power and he also has to TIME it correctly. thats just 1 example. DEMO can put his tunnels next to a gen but a survivor can actually counter it and take the time to break it. Again, freddy teleport has no counter at all, there is nothing you can do.

At the very least for god sake, make the fake pallets his base kit rather than snares. even if your in the dreamworld, u can choose to ignore a pallet you suspect is fake or take a risk. Snares you just place everywhere and anywhere at a loop, if you try to run through them, he catches you, if u try to run around them, he catches you, his snares dont affect him and he walks right through them.

OHH if your playing trapper though, one of the weakest killers in the game, hes not allowed to walk through his traps though, he gets punished, he also gets a slowdown for placing the trap down, unlike mr no skill freddy again. Its kinda like nurse in a way, the rules dont apply to them, pallets do almost nothing for survivors vers a nurse, and freddy gets away with everything while other killers have some sort of punishment and slowdown for their powers.

You dont even need to look at those stats to know that freddy is busted.Very very unfun killer to verse.Im not sure whats the best way to go about his snares, but replacing them with pallets would be more logical and fun to go against. why is pallet freddy even an add on anyway? why pick an add on which is harder to use then a base snare? or you can atleast add in a slowdown for freddy placing snares around. A big long rant im sorry, im just passionate about this game, and i think freddy would be alot more fun to vers and get more respect if he was actually balanced abit more fairly.

Post edited by Inji on


  • bluedusef
    bluedusef Member Posts: 288

    I dont enjoy using him for the same reasons. first day i started using this reworked freddy, i was 4K'ing most games.A few days later, i took all the perks off, used him again, still had no trouble winning games. not always getting 4k then but still punching above my weight as im not the best killer by all means.

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    Freddy addon are not great so you will see the puddle addon 100% of the time with another random addon.

    People dont like the slowdown addon but they got nerf hard last year not only that they work only if you are asleep so they are not active from the get go.

    Finally just making his power the pallet one will be a huge nerf for freddy and is viability will drop by a lot for a lot of player specially because in some map you need to break some pallet before you can use the pallet addon

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,369

    That would actually make me hate him more, I don't really enjoy having to guess which pallet is real while being chased only to find out that they're both fake.

  • bluedusef
    bluedusef Member Posts: 288

    thats fair, i get your point that can look silly as well. so could just rework snares instead and balance them properly.

    Exactly what im saying.Other killers have counters and slowdowns, freddy does not, he can do whatever he wants, rules dont apply.

  • EvilBarney666
    EvilBarney666 Member Posts: 334

    In the lower to red ranks fake pallets don't help you as most survivors will just throw all the pallets down early. Not to mention swf on comms who can call out which ones are fake.

    If you have no way to slow the survivors down they can loop you more often. Not to mention using dead hard to extend a loop. The snares just fit so much better.

    I think the changes they made to Freddy are by far the best changes they have made to the game in a long time.

  • DCash
    DCash Member Posts: 170

    I absolutely think something needs to change about Freddy. Maybe pallet snares base kit, maybe not. But he is just not fun to play against. Ever. People are literally just killing themselves half the time I get a Freddy. His base kit is honestly insane, then for some reason all his add-ons are for slow down, so naturally every Freddy is using ruin/undying now.

    I've also stopped playing him as killer. I play all the killers on random rotation usually, so for example I'll go from a clown match, to nurse, to Myers, to oni, and then when I switched to Freddy it just felt like switching from a pistol to an ak-47. It's not even fun anymore. It's like hunting for deer with a rocket launcher, it's cool for a second but, where's the sport in that? There's no skill in winning as freddy, his power is to bloodlust everyone to death with a side of teleport directly to the survivor objective.

  • MythMage
    MythMage Member Posts: 521

    Ah yes, so make one of the few well balanced killers into an addon-dependent killer like Trapper and Wraith to actually give them a power. Noice

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    That's not really an answer to a problem. That's just ignoring the problem entirely.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Honestly making it so any clock can wake you up instead of the one furthest away from you would make so much difference. Waking up is Freddy's counter but it's such a hassle to do

    Also buff Technician so it removes the penalty of failed skill checks instead of adding more. Then players have a perk they can slap on to counter Freddy

  • Unseen_Force
    Unseen_Force Member Posts: 218

    I think some people just need to accept the fact that there are high tier killers in the game and the whole roster isnt going to get a 100% approval rating from everyone

  • WiseOwl
    WiseOwl Member Posts: 8

    The only way you would win a killer with nothing is if the survivors you were up against are weak. Also the only way to tell if a killer is viable or weak is based on your performance against the very "top 4%" ( those group of survivors that know how to work every loop on every map, have >5000 hours in the game each of them). You can get a 4 k even with clown if you are good and the survivors you are given are randoms with less expirience. To all those saying a killer is "too op", i wish you would have 1 entire day as killer of your own choosing going against 4 man swf with more then 5000 hours each, that know every map every loop, and use communications, and then formulate an opinion

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    Personally I'd love that to happen to me so I can practice pyramid head vs those types of players, so yeah guess that means I can keep calling freddy op in the right circumstances.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,438

    Freddy is hard countered by not being asleep, you have 50 ways to break out of it. Best being the clocks. Seriously, if you are awake, freddy is just an M1 killer that can teleport (which is actually a longer CD when survivors are awake).

    Also, comparing him against other killers you mentioned:


    • Demo portals are secondary to its power and offer more map control than freddy because you can place them anywhere, while freddy has to teleport to gens, which becomes useless if all the gens are repaired.
    • Shred can be better than snares in many cases because you can bait window and pallet drops similar to PH


    • It has already been known for a long time that trapper is in a bad place and needs some buffs, but comparing the snares to trapper who has traps that can instantly down you is pretty dumb.


    • Who is by far the best killer in the game, and far far better than freddy.

    Freddy is a B tier killer at best.

  • CJCA915
    CJCA915 Member Posts: 56

    I hate that people say he's low skill, perhaps when compared to Spirit, or Nurse... but otherwise saying he's low skill is eh... Freddy requires a lot of macro level skill, ie - map knowledge, survivor pathing, mind gaming. I think most survivors confuse mechanical skill as the only skill in the game which is why they undervalue stealth and overvalue big spins 💁

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    Imma stop you there. I was a Freddy main before he got reworked. Winning with that version took skill and all the other things you just listed. Current Freddy gets a lot of stuff for free. He's the lowest skill killer in this game. He has the highest kill rate for a reason.

  • Justalittlepeeck
    Justalittlepeeck Member Posts: 1,101

    So make just a strong killer into a strong and frustrating killer?

  • bluedusef
    bluedusef Member Posts: 288
    edited November 2020

    I can see you didnt read what is said properly. i was comparing his traps, and how trapper whos much weaker, cant walk through his traps, yet freddy can walk through his and not get punished. the trapper has to walk around them like survivor but freddy can walk through them. different rules even though freddy is much stronger. freddy can force every loop with slowdowns on the fly with no slowdown putting them down. why u think so many people pick freddy in the stats.

    i never said freddy is better than NURE, RE-read what i said about freddy and waking up. he has so much slowdowns built in, u wake up via a clock which is across the map, while others killers like i mentioned aka doctor, u dont need to run across a map, u just stand still, snap outa tier 3 in 10 seconds. Lets mention another killer as another example, lets say your playing against plague, you can refuse to cleanse, and refuse her the use of her power the entire game then if you want too, u can go to the nearest pool to cleanse which there are plenty. freddy your only allowed to go to the 1 clock on the map to wake up. its so much harder to wake up via a teammate when your playing solo like i do, its near impossible to find them and get them to take the hint " wake me up"

    freddys teleport has no counter, awake or not, demos portals do.

  • bluedusef
    bluedusef Member Posts: 288

    its crazy how some people think hes balanced in the same way as other killers.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    Most of the other killers can get looped hard and have to actually walk across the map. Freddy can teleport. He can also end chases quicker and force you to go across the map to wake up if you choose to not give away your position with failed skill checks. Choose to not wake you and you help make things slower... But he's balanced ???? No.. I don't even play him anymore it's too easy. I just play huntress and complain about playing Legion.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,438

    Right, so you obviously didn't read what i wrote.

    Trapper is much weaker as a killer for a lot of reasons, but his traps aren't one of them. His traps are far better than freddy's. His main problem is that bag addons are basically required to play him and he is hard countered by a single perk (although rare) and an item. Outside of that though, his traps are much much stronger. This is why you can't step in his traps.

    I understand you never said he was better, but the point i'm making is that, he is B tier at best, and even mentioning nurse in the same sentence is disgraceful.

    mentioning plague again... You DON'T WANT TO CLEANSE against a plague. This just shows me that you don't know what you are talking about. Yeah, you can walk to the nearest pool and cleanse, and then you would give her access to her real power. You don't cleanse until the very end of the game. With freddy, you do the opposite, you "cleanse" as often as possible.

    Freddy teleports DO have a counter, he can only teleport to generators, once the generators are done, he can't teleport anymore. He also has a much longer cooldown on his teleports. Especially if you can stay awake. He literally has NO POWER when you are awake. 0. He does nothing but m1 in a chase. He also doesn't know where to teleport without a perk to assist him. BBQ is pretty easy to counter, and so is thrilling. Additionally, Freddy can't teleport to a generator that is blocked.

  • CJCA915
    CJCA915 Member Posts: 56

    So was I, and I personally hated his original mechanic for putting people to sleep, it didn't fit lore at all, and it was next to impossible to get any last minute hits because you had to wait for them to fall asleep.

    Eh, I'd say a few other killers take the title of lowest skill... I'd say, I've had easier games as Trapper or Wraith, than Freddy... and Trapper requires a lot of end-game prep work with traps.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    the fact that his snares slow more than Clowns bottles is insane to me.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    OG freddy bros. He sucked design wise and was real hard to play with against a good team but it took actual player knowledge and chase skills to do well with him and micromanage.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    I only prefer old Freddy because I loved the wall hacks 😂 hated the putting people to sleep part. I think they way he is fits his character more but I really don't like how much he has its just too much.

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 646

    Freddy is broken because his power works in reverse. As in putting you to sleep when he hits you. Freddy rework should be:

    Everyone starts off asleep, and in the nightmare at the beginning of the trial.

    Only players that are awake can wake up sleeping players.

    Sleeping players are affected by Freddy’s add ons and dream powers.

    The pain from Freddy striking a survivor wakes the character up from the dream as opposed to the pain somehow putting them into the dream.

    Awakened characters will see Freddy phasing in and out intermediately even during a chase.

    Bursting gens on purpose wakes the character up.

    Each time a character wakes up the timer in which it takes to fall back asleep becomes shorter until all you do is fall back asleep immediately after being woken up. (Because that’s what happens when you are completely deprived of sleep).

    Meaning the more you constantly wake up due to failing skill checks or being struck by Freddy... The quicker you are back to sleep. The more often you fall asleep and stay asleep. The more susceptible you are to Freddy. This would also balance Freddy’s OP use of Oblivious for when he strikes someone to make BT useless. I feel that this is his strongest attribute.

  • CJCA915
    CJCA915 Member Posts: 56
    edited November 2020

    That was nice, but I hardly ever used it really. I don't think he needed everything they gave him, the only real problem he had was the inability to do anything for a few seconds after finding a survivor and all the abusive things that they came with that original power.

    Well, one has to remember that in the movies, people slowly fall asleep or lose their ability to stay awake, so they drift in and out of the dream world, which is kinda how they manage to explain his new power in DBD, with survivors drifting in and out of sleep, Freddy can technically affect you physically.

    They have an add-on that starts survivors asleep, but it's kinda meh, imo. Freddy isn't the only one who can negate BT, a cloaked Wraith can, a killer with Insidious, or any perk that affects the heartbeat, since BT is based on heartbeat, not physical distance from the hook.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,476

    Freddy is strong enough to be forced to give up an addon slot to use the superior power, plus it might give pallet freddy the buff people want to make them use it more

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

    I dunno if simply making dream pallets base is the right solution. I do agree that something needs to be done about Freddy though. His skill cap is almost non existent, if you're a good m1 killer then you'll go far with Freddy. His teleport has zero counterplay too which is frustrating. You can wake up to delay the inevitable but eventually he will teleport and you can do nothing about it. It doesn't matter that your gen is nearly done because the Freddy is teleporting and probably has ruin or pop to murder that gen you nearly completed. The counterplay to his snares are an absolute snoozefest because all you can do is predrop the pallet and force him to break it (Which is harder at unsafe pallets lol).

    I'm at the point now where I would rather face an extremely sweaty spirit then face yet another ######### Freddy. Issue of course is that everyone and their mother plays Freddy so yeah, fun :')

  • CJCA915
    CJCA915 Member Posts: 56

    I prefer pallets myself, they're easier to place during a chase. Perhaps if Freddy is teleporting to a generator a difficult skill check (slightly smaller than DS one) could pop up, if it's a hit, it stops his teleport, if it's missed, it doesn't... and make the skill check zone random so it's not predictable.

    The problem with Freddy and his lore is that in the dream world, he has all the power, it's his world. Period.