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I wish dead hard would get reworked



  • Member Posts: 1,241

    When ppl dead hard against a blight tho more often than not they just get m1d after becauese of his short cooldown. Also you can easily bait out deadhard with blight.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    Look i'm mixed on DH. On one hand i think it's annoying that so many boosted suvivors rely on the perk in order to stay alive in chase. On the other hand, it's power is pretty limited compared to so many other things in teh game these days, as well as it being the least useable exhaustion perk. Instadowns, exhaustion addons, exhaustion perks. More and more things and killers are being added which counter deadhard pretty darn well. If dh is to be changed, I would like to see some things on the killer side adressed, because it seems that everone these days is complaining about ds and dh and ignoring other aspects of the game.

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    Most of the time i can't really bait out the dead hard because they would reach a window or pallet otherwise.

    It's just very frustrating to go against.You can't really go for cool mindgames or power usages once they are injured because you always have to force their dead hard first.

    I don't really care about any other survivor perk honestly (Even DS + Unbreakable) but dead hard.

  • Member Posts: 268

    Yeah, it would be great if they reworked it to actually worked so you're not exhausted on ground 5 out of 6 attempts at using it. Precisely why I don't bother running it. It's too finicky.

  • Member Posts: 742

    It's pointless in most cases anyway because of horsesh!t servers.

  • Member Posts: 17

    Honestly, I think dh is fine the way it is. Especially counting how many times I get hit unfairly because of the weird hitboxes. And it's not like it's that useful anyway, against good killers that is. It can be baited out, or you can just catch up to whoever used it. The only times I really use dh is to either get to a pallet faster to throw it down, or to dodge the killer at the last second during endgame. Lastly, sometimes dh bugs out. And by that I mean I use it, I get exhausted, but my character goes nowhere.

  • Member Posts: 657

    Coup de Grace could... up to 5 times per game... at the cost of losing gens.

    Compared to Dead Hard, which could happen ~12 times per game (once per chase, assuming three chases per survivor, four survivors per game) and has no cost.

    One of these things got nerfed. Classic devs.

  • Member Posts: 74

    As a killer main I honestly don’t mind it that much. Sure it gets you sometimes but it’s pretty obvious when someone has it, it’s also easy to just wait and bait it out. It’s not that hard to counter, really should be focused on reworking DS to actually be an anti tunnel perk instead of borderline invincibility for 60 seconds imo

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    That's fair and i guess i could see how it could be annoying. Idk i've just had difference experiences with it as i find his power negates alot of the benefit of dh compared to nurse.

  • Member Posts: 614

    This^. And I like your solution. It fixes the main problem but keeps the perks main identity. Alot of people here think i'm talking about dh to dodge a hit when dh for distance is what in talking about and uncounterable

  • Member Posts: 2,135

    If they nerfed Dead Hard, everyone would migrate to Sprint Burst. Pick your poison I guess.

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    I rather see everybody using sprint burst and being able to choose if i'll chase them or catch them off guard a bit later when it's still on cooldown.

    Sprint burst just gives survivors a headstart and won't affect the actual chase itself (unless they 99 it but that's pretty rare to see).That means i can go for good mindgames and power plays without having to force a dead hard first.

  • Member Posts: 2,135

    So Sprint Burst is your poison of choice :D Personally I think SB and DH are of equal strength in the hands of good Survivors (depending on map and Killer choice).

  • Member Posts: 19

    There's a lot of people putting DH way too high up on a pedestal. It's strong only when the circumstances allow it to be and there's plenty of counters to it. If there's nothing to DH to, then you still go down. If you angle wrong and get stuck on an obstacle, you still go down. If you're exposed or facing a chainsaw/IRI hatchets, you can't even activate it. After you do use it, it's gone until you're hooked or escape long enough to get it back. Often when used you get exhausted and still take the hit. Smart killers can just wait it out and stab you almost immediately after. Some killers and perks also exhaust (clown and huntress add-ons, mindbreaker, blood echo, etc).

    And after all that it's somehow too powerful because it allows a clutch save? That's ridiculous. And I say that as someone that plays both, with SH in my main load out and a killer that sees it's use regularly

  • Member Posts: 529

    DS is by far most superior exhaustion perk, because you can literally extend chase 10-30 seconds just by pressing a button. There is no counter to it if survivor has window or pallet available. Even zubatlel says deadhard is "press a button to undo the mind game"

    All killer exhausiton addons are hated just because of the fact that they counter dead hard, not so much of other exhaustion perks. It's problematic perk because good survivors use it when it's already hard to get hits on them. Sprint burst have far more strict conditions if you want to use it.

  • Member Posts: 19
    edited November 2020

    I'm not arguing it's not a strong perk, it is. But it's not ALWAYS a strong perk with all the ways it can fail. Hell, when I DH to reach a window it always fat vaults me and I take a hit anyways. What I'm seeing is people being upset with high caliber play from highly competent players. While I agree balancing should be done around top rank gameplay, the rest of you are talking about nerfs based on top tier players. All that does every time is slightly alter the meta and make everyone cry about the next perk. And if we're going to do that, we should start with problems that effect all levels of player, not just the best. Like basement bubba's with insidious. Or aggressive use of DS.

  • Member Posts: 614

    It would be great to switch the survivor meta. Its been the same for years aside from time to time like when mettle of man came out or the wake up bug. Killers meta has changed to something better but also more counterable by surviivors. All it takes is one of the following to counter the ruin/undying meta; a map, detectives hunch, map knowledge, or just sticking on gens (but thats more on the killers skill if they can pressure the gens.) Point is it would be nice to see a healthier survivor meta

  • Member Posts: 90

    No difference than some 99 a sprint burst. Some times it stuff. Trust me I know. But I can't tell you home many times I used dh to avoid a hit. Start the animation only to still get hit. And having exhausted status on the ground. I know I I time it right but still get hit. Kinda bs.

  • Member Posts: 529

    People always complain how often DH fails, yet they still run it, which speaks volumes how strong the perk actually is.

  • Member Posts: 296

    Seriously? you complain about a perk what the killers connection decide if it works or not.

    a perk who is easily bait-able?

    so dead hard is too strong, but ruin with undying isnt strong? well... ok lets keep nerfing every single perk what give you an advantage then

    but hitboxes are fine? dedi servers are fine? insta downs are fine?

    some people.. holy....

  • Member Posts: 19

    I would love to not have to use meta perks, but the best way to change the meta is to change the gameplay style. I HAVE TO run borrowed time to clutch a suicide unhook because if I don't the face camps are real. At the same time I don't run DS anymore because tunneling has really declined in my matches. The slugging is getting to be frequent again though so my team mate regularly runs Tenacity/Unbreakable in her load out. Too many matches with stealth killers? Throw on Spine chill. Perks become meta most of the time because the thing they address happens frequent enough. My meta build already had small game to combat Devour and NOED, but now it's even stronger because Ruin/Undying is the killer meta.

    To me killers saying nerf DH are no better than the survivors crying to nerf killers based on how a small amount of the player base use them.

  • Member Posts: 13,616
    edited November 2020

    Ohey, it's idea time!

    Dead Hard

    While on the Hook and in phase 2 as the Obsession, if the player is actively struggling, it fills up a bar in 30 / 20 / 10 seconds, which will trigger a self-unhook once full.

    If you are not the Obsession, this bar takes 50 / 40 / 30 seconds to fill.

    Choosing to not struggle results in staying on the Hook like we've always had, but not having to continuously press a button to stay alive.

    Disables the option to not fight the Entity in phase 2.

    Maybe it needs an activation method like Deliverance? Idk.

    Preferably, this would come along with not having to press a button continuously at base.

  • Member Posts: 90

    Dh is not the most common exhaustion perk used. Sprint burst takes that. To say dh is that strong is laughable. You may find 1 out of 4 survivors running it. Unless it's a squad that uses it. Even then it's easy to tell. And so what if they dh for distance. Run that new coup de grace perk. No dh will be safe even with dh for distance.

  • Member Posts: 90

    No it don't need a total rework. It needs a rework that works with dedicated servers. Sprint burst is boring. Either walk to a gen, or hope your exhaustion come back before killer comes. Balances landing is meh.. situational. Not all maps has a place to use it. Head on is a meme perk. And lithe is ok not my cup of tea.

  • Member Posts: 334

    You weren't robbed of a hit, they used a perk slot to avoid it.

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    I feel that DH needs to have a risk to it! When the perk was being used to avoid taking a hit, that was fine! Now that it's being used for distance it needs to be addressed!

    I would change DH to make it to were after using DH survivors are locked out from interactions (like doctors shock) for 2-3s (however long it takes for killers to recover from whiffing) to make the perk more riskier!

  • Member Posts: 2,632

    Dead Hard is confirmed to be getting a rework. However, we don't know when it will come, nor do we know the changes it is going to receive. All we know is that it will not be as effected as bad by dedicated servers.

  • Member Posts: 19

    The risk is that you're already hurt and therefore in more imminent danger. No other exhaustion or chase perk required such a toll to activate. And any other perk that functions while injured (like resilience) isn't entirely dependant on being in active danger.

    The same people saying "press button to win" are starting to sound like the same people in the other thread justifying tunneling because they don't know how to disengage and hit a softer target. Like you guys don't have powers, bloodlust, insta-down capabilities, and all kinds of tools to tilt a chase in your favor. Again, I play both sides. I face red rank teams. Dead hard is not that scary. You counter it with routing properly, catching them out positioning, and waiting out it's activation. And that's assuming they don't screw it up themselves or take that latency hit.

  • Member Posts: 614
    edited November 2020

    All strong perks should have counter play. Ruin+Undying has a counter. Cleanse totems. BBQ has counter. Go in a locker or get close to hook. And other survivor perks that have that potential to save you build up over time through other actions or have conditions like mettle of man, borrowed and others. Dead hard for distance is the only one without one. And the new lunge perk will not hell since you're speed is not increased and just the duration of the lunge

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • Member Posts: 334
    edited November 2020

    The counterplay to DH is to bait it out. If they are using DH for distance... guess what, they could just use Meg's Sprint exhaustion perk and it's way more effective. Getting one extra loop is not a big deal in the grand scheme of things.

    you could also use killers than can insta-down because DH requires them being injured to be activated

    As you mentioned, use Coup de Grace, you'll lunge longer than the i frames last

    there's counterplay! No need to ask for nerfs.

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • Member Posts: 614
    edited November 2020

    I was saying that reasoning is but I guess a better word is flawed. If they are using SB, it will most likely be used in the beginning. And if ppl 99 it? Cool. Not many ppl do and its uncommon for all 4 ppl to have SB. Unlike dead hard. It's not uncommon for all 4 ppl to be using DH. As stated before, if they have sprint burst, I have the decision to make if I want to chase or leave them. With DH if they arent in a loop it's easy to wait it out but of they are in a loop and dh to a window then you cant do anything unless you're a specific killer

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • Member Posts: 1,261

    DH is one of the few survivor perk that require some skills or creativity to play, IMO Dead hard should not counter Trapper traps ( because Evan has already many counterplays) and need a sound effect like when survivor fall from far (sometimes you can't figure out if the survivor use DH or if he is just lagging)

  • Member Posts: 334

    Are you serious? When somebody speaks to you and the first thing you say in response is "That's a dumb reasoning" you're being rude...

  • Member Posts: 614
    edited November 2020

    Well I apologize I worded my sentence wrong. That being said, I still stand by my reasoning

  • Member Posts: 529

    Sprint burst? yeah if we take all ranks combined sprint burst could be most used. Dead hard is definitely most used exhaustion perks in rank 1, i can go back to check perk usage if necessary. Coup de Grace works only 5 times, DH works multiple times per SURVIVOR. It's not a counter to dead hard lmao, but i'm sure you already knew that

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    A total rework is not what i'm going for, i just make ideas for fun.

  • Member Posts: 162

    I never play DH, but I would like to see a rework for this perk. Then it will more ez to rework some bad pallets I think ? Because without DH, a lot of survivors can't escape.

  • Member Posts: 29

    ######### killers ask to rework ds (kinda unfair perk) now dh which is super fair. You are entitled af if you think dh needs a change.

  • Member Posts: 614

    Great feedback👍️. Also you don't have to refer to ppl as killers since most play both roles. From the way you say it makes it sound like you only play survivor so you don't understand both sides equally, and/or there's a bad stigma within the dbd community which groups ppl into either survivor main or killer main based on their opinions (which is dumb and would end a lot of negativity if ppl didnt just pick sides.)

  • Member Posts: 190

    That is such a bad example. That killer wasn’t good at all. He could have easily mine gamed the survivor and went back around to the other side not letting the survivor have a clear path to the pallet. There were so many times he messed up in the 20 seconds I watched that clip. DH has counterplay

  • Member Posts: 190

    Lmfao that’s such bs. There plenty of time you run into a room/area where there’s already been a pallet that’s been thrown down (with 3 or 4 gens left) and there’s nothing you can use besides DH. You can’t talk about the 20% of times and call something OP/uncounterable when you don’t even acknowledge the other 80% of times DH is needed.

  • Member Posts: 1,855

    It's not getting changed, they said it was getting reworked to function properly on dedicated servers instead of p2p

  • Member Posts: 264
    edited November 2020

    DH first has to work for it to get a rework....even then the perk is fine. You just bait it out. Surv manages ot DH to a pallet? No worries, they get hit during the pallet stun anyways and go down....speaking of reworks...pallets need one.

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