Chapter concept: The mummy

Tayte Member Posts: 65
edited November 2020 in Creations

Art by James Ryman. All credits goes to him.

Killer: The Mummy

Name: Anukitan

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Hair Colour: Black

Eye colour: White

Power: Sacred wrappings

Weapon: Hand

Speed: 115%

Terror radius: 32 m.


Long ago, a pharaoh ruled his people with an iron fist. Forcing his slaves to build him a shrine, the size of his ego. A big pyramid would be raised, and the people would pay and work for it. Whether they wanted to or not. The pharaoh was hated among the citizens and slaves, and his brutality would soon be short lived as a rebellion rose up.

Thousands they were, as they tried attacking his palace, but it was a futile attempt. Many of the people were killed, or enslaved once more. He laughed from his balcony, watching as they got slaughtered. He walked back to his throne, sipping at his wine from his chalice, as he suddenly began choking up. He looked up at his apprentice who had helped him throughout the decades. A grin was on his face, as his eyes met the pharaoh. Watching as he choked on the poisoned wine before him. The pharaoh rose up from his throne with the little strength he had left, grabbing his sword as he pierced it through the apprentice. ''You will pay for this betrayal in the after life'', as they both succumbed to their deaths on the floor.

The pharaoh would be buried in his pyramid for many years.

But the people were not satisfied. They wanted revenge for the suffering he had brought upon them. In an effort to invade the king's tomb, killing the guards in the process, and making their way down the crypts. They broke the coffin sealing open, with their pitchforks at the ready, but no corpse would be found. They watched in confusion as the beetles and insects climbed out of the coffin. Sending a shiver down their spine, as they noticed the writing at the bottom ''My wrath will come for you all''


Ability: Sacred Wrappings.

Ability: Sacred Wrappings.

The mummy shoots out lines of linen cloth, that wraps around the survivors feet, similar to bolas.

The survivor will be able to attempt wiggling free, climb away or another survivor can walk over and attempt free them as well. The mummy cannot reel in the survivor. They will have to walk over to the crawling survivor, thereby wasting extra time. This ensures the mummy will have to be really careful when throwing his linen cloth. The first hit on a survivor wiggled into the linen cloth will give the usual reaction of them running away in the injured state. The power does not work on survivors who are in lockers, but it does work over pallets. If the killer misses a shot. There's a small ''reload'' animation for 1 second, that slows down the killer as if they would look/clean their weapon normally.

Once the mummy is close enough to survivor they have downed will have two options.

1. Pick up the survivor as you normally would, and bring them onto a hook.

2. Mummify the survivor in a thick cocoon. The survivor inside will be met with tough skillchecks, and a progression bar to attempt to break free. While on the ground other survivors can try to break them out as well to speed up the process. The cocoon does not work as a hook, and will not kill the survivor, unless the mummy decides to go back to hook it. Missing skillchecks will not move the progression bar, and is not affected by perks.

This ensures the mummy can put more map pressure on the survivors, and give them more work. It will also make it so the mummy has to be more strategic in choice of whether they wanna get a hook or waste the survivors time by attempting to free their friend.

Mori: Squeezing the life out of a mummified survivor with linen cloth.


Killer Perks:

1. Reveal yourselves:

Kicking a generator reveals auras of survivors in the area for a 15m proximity-ish. Only works once every 40 secs.

2. Try again:

reignite one totem once a match after survivors finish 4 generators.

3. Hex: Tangled up:

Three totems will be hex'ed. When one of these totems are broken, the entity will root the survivor where they stand for 3 seconds, before letting the survivor go. Gives the killer instinct status for 5 seconds to the killer.


New survivor: Sylvia

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Hair color: Dyed white hair

Eye colour: Dark brown

Origin: Scandinavia, Denmark


Sylvia had worked in the Medium business all her life. She saw death as the all almighty ruler of all people’s fate. She believed she could sense the spirit in every animal and particle. She was especially fond of crows and ravens, believing these to be the most talkative of all spiritual animals. She worked hard in all types of rituals to become closer to her goal of reaching the next level of the spiritual realm and to finally understand the spirits on a physical level.

While most people her age were chasing careers or ridiculing her beliefs and behaviour, she spent most of her time in the forest. Making strange dream catchers in the trees, and talking to the animals she could come close to. Now and then a wanderer would go to visit her at her workshop in the nearby town, and she would take them out to the forest. Showing them elaborate rituals that could almost seem like witchcraft to the unfamiliar eye, but most would still go home feeling closer to their spiritual self and pay a penny for her efforts.

She laid back on the mossy grass and leaves in the forest, as had become a habit for her, as she closed her eyes. She woke up in an unknown territory. Finding herself in this new foggy hellscape, she struggled to distinguish what was humans or spirits, but in doing what she did best, she believed death had granted her one true wish, and that now her job would be to help the lost souls back to safety from their demons, but she would soon understand that there was more at play than she could ever have foreseen.


Picture uploaded with permission from the amazing artist babscreation. You may check her art out here: Art piece: White Raven.

Her website:


Survivor perks:

A call upon the spirits:

While caught in the killer's grasp. Showcase you and the killer's aura to your comrades when you wiggle. If the killer hits another survivor whilst holding you, slow the killer down by 7% for 3 seconds extra.

A spy among the midst.

You have a strong connection to the crows. You may crouch up to one crow at a time, and have it work as your spy. Should any killer alert this crow, their aura will be revealed for 3 seconds. After this the crow will reset, and you will have to activate it again on another crow. Has a small cooldown of 10 seconds.

Tell me about it:

The crows understand your sympathy. Sneak up to two crows per match to activate. Any survivor walking past these crows, will have their aura revealed to you for 5 seconds, as well as reveal your location to them. Does not trigger if the crow had recently been alerted and flied away.


New map:

The pyramid: Within the dark crypts of the holy site, you will fight your way out

Once the gate are opened, you will be able to glance up at the pyramid on the outside. Similar to hawkings map or Léry's Memorial Institute.


This is just a concept, and may need some tweaking. I hope I did this right, since its my first discussion and I was fairly confused... Anyhow thanks for reading. Let me know what you think. I'm not the best at balance, but I tried. I have 4 other concepts in the back i'm ready to post which will also include a survivor for those who are interested in that!

Have a nice day or something!

P.S. Sorry for not including addons. I just felt like they often overlap existing addons, and I didn't feel like I was creative enough in that department.

Post edited by Tayte on


  • Tayte
    Tayte Member Posts: 65
    1. Added a survivor with perks and lore.
    2. Put a more descriptive understanding of the killer power.
    3. Nerfed some killer perks for the moment.
    4. Made some quality of life improvements.