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Crappy things teammates do to you

The other day I was opening a chest in the middle of the cornfield and another survivor went to the other side and stole the contents from me the second I opened it. I considered it an extremely ######### thing to do especially since it was a med kit and I wasn’t running self care. Not too long afterwards she got hooked so I did something that I never do: I ran over to the hook and tea bagged her instead of unhooking and then ran off. Somebody else was coming to her aid anyways so it wasn’t like she was put out for more than a few extra seconds. On her second hook no one came to her aid and neither did I (I instead opted to cleanse a nearby totem which was my rift objective and therefore more important). She wound up dying, as did everybody else, but hopefully that person went away with the feeling that maybe next time to not be a dick to your teammates. And for what it is worth that was the only person I treated that way. I actually died by using BT on another person hooked in the basement.

Any other stories?

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  • Member Posts: 3,001

    I guess, trying to item tech me or farming me.

    Yesterday a Kate was farming teammates, she farmed 2 Claudette hooks and 2 hooks for me when clearly we didn't had DS.

  • Member Posts: 1,100
    • Not doing any generators. Ever.
    • Crouching around the map at all times.
    • Going down in 30 seconds (if that).

    These things really make the game unbearable, since I can't carry three incompetent people if the killer just leaves me to go for them. If you are one of these people, and you know it, with all love and respect: #%$* you. : )

  • Member Posts: 720

    Probably the worst one I had was a guy getting camped by a Billy at the endgame. I ran in, did the BT save, and then barely dodged the chainsaw by going around a fire barrel. Went on a relatively intense chase, during which time the guy I saved and his SWF buddy left. I finally go down and get hooked. The Billy chainsaws away to push the last guy out.

    I was barely able to get my deliverance off before the third guy left. Luckily for me the hatch was right next to the hook so I was able to get in before the Billy got back.

    One of the many reasons I rarely play the hero when I am solo survivor anymore.

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    Sometimes I honestly can't tell if someone's making a mistake or being a shellfish on purpose. I once saved a Nea with BT when I was also injured and, instead of taking the hit, or at least running in a different direction, she immediately cut me off on my way to the window and medium vaulted in front of me.

  • Member Posts: 4,033

    Hook bombing / bringing chases with the killer to the hook.

  • Member Posts: 67
    edited November 2020

    When I bodyblock a survivor and they drop the pallet on me.

    Meanwhile, when I'm in a situation where I need to get bodyblocked, they just stare at me or run away

    also looping the killer around a hooked teammate. It's one of the reasons why I put on kindred

  • Member Posts: 236

    I'll admit it, I did a bad thing today. Dwight in a twitch shirt. TTV in their name. I'm being chased by Trapper so I see him fixing a gen and I run to him, I died first, but I'll admit I deserved it because I suck at the game which makes me laugh at myself because eh, but I didn't wanna go first for the third time because I had bad luck and my dad was watching me play and laughing.

  • Member Posts: 137

    So many people I get paired up with kill themselves on hook just when you're about to unhook them. I despise teammates like that. If you want out of the game don't force me off the objective to get you.

  • Member Posts: 17

    One time, I was playing as Claudette, and I was running Inner Strength so I went to find a totem to cleanse. When I did find one, two of my teammates body blocked me there until the killer found us. But the killer didn't hit them, he hit me instead.

    Very not epic.

  • Member Posts: 598
    edited November 2020

    I am not playing that much survivor but when I do, all two, three games it happens that OUT of the blue, a survivor who gets hunted by the killer runs into my direction (from pretty far away) and kinda leads him directly to me and... of course the killer hits me/ or stars chasing me while the other guy sits 5 meters away hidden in a corner

    (this happens a lot...)

  • Member Posts: 316
    edited November 2020

    Had a meg last night right after I unhooked her, she refused to let me heal her even though I had we'll make it, so she heals me and the doc come towards us. Now my mind says "ok she's injured, I'm not. She just got off the hook and I don't have borrowed, so I'll take the hit for her." So I stand in front of her, expecting her to run, but instead she friking stands there, let's the doc hit me and body blocks me, cucking my hut burst so the doc downs her, slugs and downs me. No one saved me.

    I am still very pissed off from it

    Post edited by TwistedJoke65 on
  • Member Posts: 208
    edited November 2020

    I was hooked in basement and a Nancy was on her way to save me (or so I thought), I was positive she wasn't going to make it before I died since there was only a little bit left of the struggle meter but much to my surprise she made it and was right next to me, but instead of saving me she just nodded and let me die. She ended up dying in the end too, but it's safe to say that the killer (and probably some of our teammates didn't like her either.)

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    SWF is just as bad to solo survivors as it is for killer. earlier I got a zarina who snitched on me after i saved her, I got hooked and they all left me to die on first hook. Killers always cry about swf but then they help then against solo team mates... bruh

  • Member Posts: 4,879

    One time I was unhooked in front of a Bubba's face. Without BT. I reequipped DS after that match.

    Another time I was hooked in the basement, about to go to struggle phase. This Meg WALKS down the basement stairs and unhooks me just as I hit struggle.

    Baby Dwights will hide in a locker all game, but Baby Megs, they'll get you killed.

  • Member Posts: 18

    I do this occasionally to people but I always give them the item after. You should learn how to animation cancel when opening a chest. It save you a couple seconds and will also allow you to open the chest and grab the item quicker than they can steal it from you. As soon as the bar fills, you press sprint and forward. It immediately finishes the chest animation.

  • Member Posts: 638

    Third one, ehh.

    First two, completely understandable. Getting teammates who don’t do generators are a doozy.

  • Member Posts: 18

    Get over yourself. It's just a game. Doing something spiteful back makes you just as toxic.

  • Member Posts: 638

    A healthy Survivor looping the Killer around a hooked teammate.

    Then said teammate goes into second stage, right after healthy/injured Survivor finally leads the Killer away.

  • Member Posts: 1,050

    Lol. Yeah, it’s a game. A game that immediately becomes unfun when others are intentionally trying to dick you over. Payback isn’t being “just as toxic”. If people weren’t toxic then it wouldn’t happen, and if others are already setting you up to fail then the round is already ruined. Why should I help them survive when they have already signaled that they’re going to screw me over, and in fact already have? Get over YOURSELF.

  • Member Posts: 135

    When you're running the killer from 1 tile to the next... only to discover your team mate is camping the flippin' pallet in your new tile.

    Oh heyyyy... thanks for blocking my path, and giving the killer a free hit.

  • Member Posts: 48

    So this didn't happen to me but my friend told me about it after the game ended but so what happened was we were on Mid witch, I was injured, my friend was on the hook, one person was dead and the random was healthy. So me and my friend we don't use coms so I didn't know. So while they were hooked, I was on a gen thinking that the random will save them but when my friend had maybe 20/25 seconds left, on hook I made my way over to the hook on second floor and when I was finally able to make it over without being caught by the killer, they died. Turns out the random just pointed at them on the hook instead of saving. :/

  • Member Posts: 122

    So annoying that has happened to me and pisses me off. Like your a horrible teammate

  • Member Posts: 122

    That's horrible and I would have done the same, proud of you for doing that.

    Once I was self healing and someone dropped a health kit and walked away. I decided for the hell of it to use it. Dropped my flashlight with good add one for one second and someone else walked over and took my flashlight. I was so pissed even more so when I proceeded to follow them wanting it back and they never did. Like that was so rude and felt completely planned.

  • Member Posts: 122

    I camp pallets when I know someone is being chased so when they run past I drop it on the killer because i know they saw their current chase run through it and aren't expecting me to be there; to try to allow you some distance. Works so many times

    But I would never intentionally sabotage a teammate unless they were toxic to me

  • Member Posts: 122

    Knowing of demise i have picked it up and returned it back to the player so they didn't have to lose it. I have used the perk myself and also lost my stuff many times

  • Member Posts: 324

    I play solo queue most of the time so I have loads to tell...

    • Watching everyone selfcare on the opposite end of the map while slowly going into second state.
    • Running the killer a long time only to get left behind because everyone is way too scared to come and get me
    • 2 min chase, no gens get done, get hooked; O that's why they are all urban evading looking for totems.
    • Getting blocked in a corner when I'm cleansing a totem until the killer comes, apparently they wanted that totem...
    • Stealing my item out of a chest
    • Me on hook, chase happening around my hook...Why!?
    • 1 on hook, 1 slug, me gesturing come here!!! But nope slug does not move giving the killer no reason to leave.
    • Bringing the killer towards my gen only for me to find out in the endgame screen he did that on purpose using bond
    • Run off while I have we'll make it, because healing in a corner is better
    • Not taking the hit for me while I gave you borrowed time and I'm already injured
    • Not going for the unhook after I take chase letting the one on the hook go into second state because a gen is more important
    • Blocked in a corner until my reversed beartrap ended my match
    • Pointing at my locker while the killer is right there
    • Vaulting the window next to me a thousand times to attract the killer while I'm busy with a hex and than try blocking my escape route
    • Last 2 alive, let's do nothing at all and hide for hatch. I'm not the one hiding so I guess I'll die
    • Crawling towards hatch, teammate takes chase right over my location pushing my survival odds to zero.

    Some of these I did report, others are just misplays. Never a dull day in solo.😎

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    Worst teammates in a while, played against a baby demo and my entire team went down after I got rid of NOED. Was not happy at all and was probably the worst game I have had in a while for survivor. I never ever trash talk at the end of games, but this one pushed me a little over the edge to the point where I just said "amazing teamwork" and just left. Btw, the only reason I went down in the first place was because the demo boi had mcdonalds wifi, no joke.

    This match was followed by a huntress with iri head + soldiers belt and mori along with teammates who didn't even try. But at least they kind of had a reason to do so, and even I could understand why they gave up. Did not have much fun yesterday.

  • Member Posts: 3,022

    When another survivor, not in a chase, camps a pallet, while I, who is in a chase, can't get past their giant hitbox.

  • Member Posts: 122

    I only play solo and man these are spot on. So irritating. I will only chase around a hook when I have BT and I'm waiting for the killer to miss a strike.

    I feel your pain and those toxic situations are straight BS

  • Member Posts: 2,418


    Nothing really pisses me off about this game except this!

    It’s happened to me about 30 times, and whenever the killer gets his little survivor accomplice slave to eventually locate, farm and sacrifice me (after the collaborative t-bagging, pointing, nodding & kababing) they then give the bannable snitch the flippin hatch!

    That’s how far this game has evolved (or devolved), to the extent where a experienced killer player seemingly cannot tolerate not being able to locate a survivor on their own, that they go to the extreme, petty length of using another player to cheat for them, then “rewarding” them for their foolish efforts.

    Possibly would/could end in a 4K anyway should they just sacrifice #3, then make their hatch/gate play to eliminate the 4th.

    I view it as pathetic, despicable, highly inconsiderate, and potentially insecure.

    It’s one of those grey areas of DBD that not enough people bring attention to its negative nature in calling it out for the bannable offense it carries.

  • Member Posts: 170

    I just wanted to say that teammates are why I when from playing survivor 90% of the time to becoming a killer main.

    Rather deal with toxic SWF than toxic/dumb teammates.

  • Member Posts: 578

    1st one, I agree with you 100%. The other two are subjective. I crouch around all the time, but I also run Urban Evasion to not disturb the crows and get to gens quietly. I also go down in 30 seconds sometimes, depending on who the killer is, so you can't really claim the last two to mean they're a bad survivor.

    I hate when I'm hooked and no one even attempts to try for the rescue. The survivors that body block, purposely sandbag and help the killer are the worst by far though

  • Member Posts: 1,050

    The Urban Evasion thing is a tough call. I sometimes get messaged by people who die on hooks accusing me of doing that or other similar things, but truthfully they’re only seeing what I’m doing for that minute they’re on the hook and not the rest of the average 10-15 minutes. Also they’re only seeing auras, which can give you a lot of information, but not everything. What you interpret happening may not actually be happening. You just know that person isn’t helping you off of the hook.

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    Nothing? That's literally it every game I see a player bird watching all game...just waiting on that hatch...just waiting....

  • Member Posts: 190

    Bringing Kindred and having to watch the Crossplay Self-care Virus eating survivors' brains for the full 120 seconds.

    "....Don't mind me guys, I'll just hang here while 2 of you self-care in the basement or some dark corner of the map....Oh no! One of you got injured again on the way? Don't worry mate, the entity understands. I'll just struggle here for a bit and you make sure to hide and heal. Also, to the second approaching survivor: You gotta be way more careful now! Better yet starting crouching now when you're still 40m away, (and here we're actually partialy serious because if you get injured too I'm dead )"

    I've put in ~2000 hours into DBD, all of them in 2020 and in an approximately 10 month timespan, and Kindred has been part of my build for every survivor match I've played pretty much from the absolute beginning. This type of absolutely insane behavior was not a thing before crossplay for PC players partially because the chat for better or worse provided some form of interaction and thus accountability. Also, seeing Kindred in crossplay players' builds is very rare, and its possible this type of behavior does not get noticed but for someone like me, who always brings Kindred and truly believes that it saves more lives than BT with the info it provides, being constantly exposed to this behavior is soul-crushing.

    When crossplay was introduced, the allure was suppose to be instantaneous lobby and games for all players, but the result - at least for me - has been very, very different. Survivor times got exponentially longer, from 45 seconds for survivor to now 4-5 minutes with crossplay turned on and 15 min with it off. Killer matches are now quicker, and almost instantaneous when I turn crossplay off, mainly because how many survivors have it off in comparison to killers that do the same.

  • Member Posts: 2,171

    I can brush off anything besides killing yourself on hook and/or DC'ing right after the start.

    You're not giving yourself a chance to play the game and you're also ruining the game for everyone else.

  • Member Posts: 1,050

    I don’t like to make generalizations like that. I usually do run self care most of the time because as a lone player I can’t trust others to be there to heal me. I think my OP kind of proves that point. But lately I have been trying harder to rely more on med packs to free up a perk slot.

  • Member Posts: 1,050

    Just had a round with a David working with Freddy. Was wondering why people were dropping so fast. Such a stupid way to play. Makes it pointless and rather boring I would think.

  • Member Posts: 890

    I recall a game on the farm where I was slugged and the killer went tofind the last survivor. I crawled away and the traitor intentionally lead the killer to me and was immediatly killed for his troubles. The killer gave me hatch and in postgame said I was the one they were going to kill until the betrayal happened.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    The worst thing done to me was with a 3man swf where i joined as a solo survivor. I got a key in a chest, was found by the killer, and kept him in a chase until the others had finished 4 gens. then he downed me, and hooked me. Then the swf came over, teabagged me, and waited till i was dead, took my key, and left.

    After game they told me they did it because i did not work on a gen, and had been useless.

    Note that i run aura perks fairly often, most likly bond or kindred, but sometimes empathy or even aftercare, so i know what my fellow teammates did:

    For example, we play against trapper, and i get into a trap (wich the "no easy escape" addon). And with bond i see that the survivor currently chased by the killer (they were running away from me) changes direction, runs to me, and past me. The killer then downs and hooks me.

    I unhooked a guy with aftercare, and later in the game i am injured, juke the killer, and start healing, while the other guys gets into a chase again. The then runs straight to me, so the killer goes for the easy target again.

    The reason i always run selfcare is, that i had games where teammates refuse to heal you, finish a gen, and then run to the next gen, still refusing to heal you. If the killer comes, they bodyblock you so they get away and the killer takes you instead.

    I dont go for last-minutes-rescues anymore, because i had games with swf where i helped save one swf member and got downed. But since i was not part of their swf, they just left, without even attemption to rescue me, even with a no camping killer and no noed.

    also, i try to hide if the killer comes and i am on deathhook, and the survivor in chase knows where i am and runs the killer around my hidding spot until he spots me and changes targets.

    The occasional stolen item is not that important, and a lot of bodyblocks are more egoistic and/or lack of judgement than trying to troll you, but still.

  • I keep saving people, often expecting some full health person to take a hit for me or something so I can also escape- only for that person to just split way off from me to leave me to die as they B line it for the exit.

    I don't want to stop trying to save people in solo queue games; but people are making it very VERY hard for me to feel I should.

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    I tend to play killer more... So this is a story from the killers perspective

    Playing pig... Survivor on hook and I am chasing another one... I get a hit and this survivor runs to the hook gets it then DH right after

    I sat there a moment (cause I didnt swing into it) looked at the unhooked survivor and ran off to kill that survivor who saved (and I did catch that survivor)

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