Entity traverses time.

So can we all agree based on who the entity grabs and creature that it somehow has the power to grab people from different times and or different realities bc even without the licensed chapters it was already doing it like with huntress who from her tome is most likely around a world war or something and hag is more modern Idk liked to hear y'alls thoughts on it
Yeah? It's not like it's a secret...
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Yeah but I never got real deep into the lore till recently
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dude, Plague is from pre-historic times, Deathslinger is from western times and the fact that licensed chapters exist, it's a no brainer that the Entity can adduct people from different time periods
this is common knowledge for DBD player even if you don't look into much of the game's lore
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Small nitpicking here: 'prehistoric' usually describes everything from before the iron age iirc, so, Plague isn't from 'prehistoric' times
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oh, I didn't know that
I thought 'prehistoric' means anything from BC, my mistake
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It's in through time though? Or has the entity just been around a really long time? Maybe it's some sort of timeless critter like the Prophets from Deep Space 9.
What I mean is... if the Entity is chilling out in our time and goes "Hey there's a Plague lady back in 1800 bce (or whatever) that'd make a cool pawn.. lemme snag it."
or did the Entity exist back in 1800 bce and snag her then and she's just been trapped all this time.
or is the Entity outside of time like.... some Lovecraftian nightmare that exists separately from what we perceive as linear time and just snags people whenever or wherever they are.
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You know those are some good points
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The Entity would have to be blindingly good at math to pinpoint the exact point in the multiverse to travel to at the exact time to go to where and when it wants to for whatever its planning on doing.
Maybe it's "The Entity" that lives inside Dr Who's Tardis lol
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The entity and the earth's time are not a parallel line; hell, time doesnt exist in the entity's realm. Technically every character thats added has been in the trials from the start, while also being new and just never seen before.
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True but we've also got several points rn that disprove that like Vigo or Alex or the guy who writes the journal entries in the bloodweb we know they were there but then no explanation as to what happened to them
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Another small nitpick -- prehistoric describes everything before historical records were written, which is several thousand years before the common era, unlike the hundreds of years BCE of the Iron Age
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If we knew of somebody who escaped the Entity's realm, we would be able to figure out how much time passes there depending on when they went in vs. when they went out. If they go in and come out at the same time, that's a pretty good argument that the Entity's realm is timeless
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Yes but the only specific time we have is from the journal in the bloodweb which is 1800 something everything else is speculation
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The entity can take anyone no matter who they are he took plague bill pyramid head lisa alessa cybil cheryl deathslinger etc.
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Yes but we're trying to figure out if their grabbed during their time or if the entity grabs them from the modern time
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It depends to be honest some characters are from the past some of them are in the future some of them in the present the only ones that i think were grabbed in the present are the original 4 david and feng
and for killers i think only spirit is from modern times ghostface too
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No survivors are all modern bc jane is a show host talker but most killers are before modern times except for movie and spirit is the most modern original
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I like to think that an entity such as this would exist outside of time, space and dimension to access all and no points simultaneously to it's unknowable malign designs.
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Well the entity exists between reality and imagination so he's outside of our world
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Actually I see it closer to this, the entity isn't strong enough to traverse time, however not all universes start at the same time, so theoretically while universe A might be in 2000 ad, universe B might be in 1000 ad, so its not the entity traverses time, he just traverses dimensions in diverse periods of time
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So practically were using the multiverse theory almost I mean it could make sense
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Well yes, it was already hinted from archives the entity traverses the multiverse, but its also theoretically it can traverse time by just traversing universes in the multiverse theory.