Answer this killer players

Why do killers complain about ds when they get ruin they get undying ruin? It’s hard to argue nerving ds and not undying
Some killer mains are like this and some aren't. I personally don't mind DS because it just never impacts me unless I'm winning tremendously and manage to pick up someone who was hooked 60 second ago. I don't use ruin undying either.
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maybe cause those perks actually got an "official" counter unlike DS?
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i think undying sucks for me at least it doesent fit my play style
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THIS many times it happends ur totems get ######### in the first 20 seconds of the game op
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Ruin + Undying is a nice combo that creates a passive play-style but at the sacrifice of 2 perk slots (which can be removed via cleansing).
DS is a single perk that doesn’t provide enough counter options for Killers and is too flexible in use for Survivors.
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Survivors complain about Killer meta perks.
Killers complain about Survivor meta perks.
Meta perks are meta for a reason. .. they tend to be the most impactful.
While it can be a bit annoying to see the same 7 or 10 perks over and over again. . . I can see why. I’m just tired of people complaining. Guess I should go to another forum.
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I don't run Ruin and Undying, but I get survivors acting like dicks because they're desperate to use their DS on the nice killer who didn't slug or tunnel. That's why I complain.
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What's a counter to ds?
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Meanwhile I'm playing without any slowdown perks and not giving a damn about any survivor perks yet some survivors still spam voice chats the second I'm winning the match.
It is safe to say there is "that kind of person" on both sides. Entitlement is not a killer OR survivor thing.
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A Mori
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something that can be destroyed vs something that can't be reliably countered. I have given you an answer, but most likely you will ignore it because it doesn't comply with your rhetorical question.
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I meant a fair counter. A perk or an item Edit: or an addon
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Pray tell what's the counter to "Locker" tech?
You can counter Ruin/Undying before they ever have an effect on the game meanwhile DS/Unbreakable you can't as aggressive play with cause one or the other to go off no matter what.
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Max stack Devour Hope?
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At 5 stacks you'll be booking the same person at least twice
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Here's a fair counter: not going for the unhooked person. :)
Oh, and have you ever heard of slugging? Yeah, that too.
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I'm guessing you're probably new to the game, since you've never seen survivors jump on the gen in front of the killer straight from the hook. And slugging is not killer's objective and also not a counter since you still can't hook that person.
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I don't.
Can't even remember last time i used Ruin & while Undying was a fun test, it just wasn't suited for Devour Hope.
My complaint about DS is also unlike most other players: Stuns in videogames are terrible, don't care if it's balanced, it's time that you're sitting there, doing nothing.
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These are joke suggestions XD
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Is doing totems an objective?
Last time I heard, you did not need to do totems to win the match.
By your logic, there is no counter to hex totems.
Just admit that you want a free tunneling pass. No need to be ashamed.
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Ruin + Undying:
Two perk slots
Killer has to have decent map pressure for it to be the most effective
Survivors can get rid of it without sacrificing their objective
Survivors control how long it is able to be used
Decisive Strike:
One perk slot
can single handedly get rid of all the pressure the killer has (stops snowball)
Killer can't "counter" it without giving survivors more time to do gens, and DS can be combined with other perks to make it literally unavoidable
Survivors have some control over when it gets used
Also, I like how you framed this as a question that would be hard/impossible to answer
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Ruin Undying has a counter. At most, you'll break 5 totems. At the other end of the spectrum, you'll break 2.
Ruin Undying promotes healthy and fun gameplay. The Killer is encouraged to not tunnel and spread out their pressure and Survivors are encouraged to not slam out gens.
DS puts Killers into a lose-lose scenario and Survivors will force their hand. It isn't healthy and it is certainly abused by a good portion of the community.
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I mean, the devs didn't add totems to the game so that survivors could ignore them. They were added as another objective to slow things down a bit. NOED means ignoring dull totems at your peril. Undying adds another element to that. If survivors weren't supposed to treat totems like a second objective, the devs wouldn't keep adding in reasons for survivors to do totems.
And killers don't have to tunnel to get hit by DS. I've gotten hit by DS just for trying to stop a healthy survivor from making a hook save. I've gotten hit by DS because survivors chose to look the exact same. And I've gotten hit by DS because instead of lunging the stupid controls decided to grab the survivor off a gen.
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Why do survivors complain about killer meta perks after abusing the crap out of their own second-chance builds?
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To be fair... id rather axe every gen defense perk aside from info perks from the killer side if the game was actually in a state where matches didnt last 2 seconds without them.
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Ruin and Undying: Can be clensed or you can be powered through!
DS: only counter play is to slug, which is countered by UB which allows you to get off the the ground with plenty of DS time left!
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Is this post bait? Ruin/Undying is useless, and a waste of perk slots. Why go Ruin/Undying when you can take Pop instead, and then use the other perk slot for something that actually makes you stronger.
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Play killer against 4 DS, snowball then come back here and see if you learn something.
Maybe play killer in general and see how many times you get punished by it.
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You ever gone up against Soul guard, unbreakable and Ds combo? Annoying to deal with.
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Nice bait
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I'm a killer main and I never complain about DS.
If I get DS'ed then it's my fault.
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Hey look, someone gets it.
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The only problem I have with DS is that It last for 1 min, even if you hook someone else.
If you have downded another survivor and then you happen to chainsaw the same guy that has DS, why the hell do I get punished for It? I already went after another person but I still get punished for It?
Imo DS would be totally ok if It was active for as long as the killer hasnt downded anyone else after you got unhooked, that means you'd have DS the hole trial if the killer was actually chasing just you.
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Thank you.
As a killer you have to understand who's been hooked, who wants your attention, you has Dead Hard, who's exhausted, who has Sprint Burst, Lithe. We have to absorb so much information, including who has DS, who has Borrowed Time, who's been unhooked recently, who needs to be slugged, who has used their DS, who's dead on hook, who's on first hook.
I understand some killers just, down, and hook, down and hook, but some killers have to understand the game is not like that anymore. It's expanded so much, it's not so simple.
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I have made any complaints because I have mon to make. I to however take issue with the survivors who go out of their way to use it
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Because people usually have some form of hypocrisy when in a game this stressful, aggravating, and (often) competitive. This is not the aspect where I am guilty of that, however. DS as it stands is stupid and so is the Ruin-Undying combo.
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Ok lets say the guy with DS available is on a gen and he still got 40 sec of DS available do leave him on the gen or you slug him. Btw if you slug him he will just unbreakable and finish the gen and next time that scenario happen he will just enter a locker and you cant do ######### because of DS
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Ruin+undying if taken out gets rid of two of the killer’s perks. But the main reason killers dont like DS is because it allows survivors to make risky plays they wouldn’t have been able to make had they not had DS. Like working on the last gen that’s almost done, going for an unhook, getting a hex totem. Plays that would be very risky had the survivor not had DS. Ruin+undying actually requires you to apply pressure(the killer’s main objective) and rewards you for it, DS rewards you for getting downed and throwing yourself at the killer
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Because DS is overpowered with no real counter, while Ruin Undying is barely good enough to be worth running and has multiple counters, one of which is "just hold M1"
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Slugging, going for someone else, wait the timer? Don't open the locker, no one forces you to open the locker.
How hard is it to simply go for someone else? Go patrol gens.
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- Unbreakable and Soul Guard exist, so if you Slug you lose all the pressure anyways.
- "Not opening the locker" means they get the full value of DS saving their ass without even having to use DS.
- "Just going for somebody else" is not a good situation when the DS user is always using their 60 seconds of invuln to go for saves, kill your totems, or complete risky gens.
Just because there are ways to avoid getting hit by DS doesn't mean you can counter the perk if those methods cause the survivor to get comparable benefits.
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If their ally has Borrowed Time, you can kinda abuse that.
If they stay in the locker for 20 seconds, they will bleed out and fall to the ground. Standing AFK for 20 seconds means they still got a lot of DS value, and they'd still have the perk ready for a while and you'd may as well have eaten it to begin with, but on the off-chance their Unbreakable is already burnt, you might be able to Slug them.
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I'm not even reading that because now you're just giving me excuses.
We're talking about DS only here, not combinations. So please, ease off on the "this and that."
Jesus, you find anything to complain about....
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The way I see it:
Ruin Undying is 100% RNG, and it's ultimately pretty ######### on most killers. Only the few that can apply constant pressure, like Billy, Blight, and Nurse can make use of it before the game is lost. Furthermore, the survivors are able to destroy it, and while Undying helps with that, it's all about how lucky you are. I've played 148 games with Ruin Undying on various killers and only 7 of those games did Ruin get another life. The other 141 Undying broke first, and only 9 of those did Ruin stay up 60+ seconds afterwards.
Meanwhile, Smoll PP Build gives you 60 seconds of invincibility once a match guarenteed, up to 120 seconds of invulnerability each match. If the Killer decides to deal with the DS, he gets punished by not just a 5 second stun, but then 27 seconds worth of distance, with god-knows-how-many seconds worth of additional looping. Unbreakable also has the potential to turn a 4K that the Killer basically has in the bag into a reset resulting in only 1 hook. NOT ONLY THAT, but 4 people can run this at a time.
You see why now? It's because DS Unbreakable is not only stronger, you have to deal with it for every survivor AND it's more consistent.
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What does Decisive Strike have to do with Undying?
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Yes totems are side objective for survivors
Killers want DS to be reworked as a anti tunneling Perk and not a 1 min god mode Perk that it is now
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As the way I see it, you don't want to discuss. Perks can and will be paired.
You might know I am a main survivor but even you can notice that the killer can go for two hooks and then finds you again but surprise, DS come in game. In red ranks you see those agressive playstyle. That's why the 60 secs invulnerability
I can go for a save with DS active and the killer can do nothing about to prevent it, if he slugs me and proceed to camp, he will lose pressure of the remaining team, if he downs me and proceed to chase someone else, I can get up with UB and go for the save, if the killer tries to grab me when I am going for the save, the DS skill check will trigger.
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In dbd there's a little thing that is really key to how good something is and that's consistancy
It's the main reason why ds is more powerful than ruin undying.
Because both are hexes they can be cleansed in 30 seconds they are inconsistent
Yes you may get games where your cleansing ruin 4 times. Other times you just found undying and bam reduced the killer to 3 perks.
On top of this you need mobility
A clown can not defend totems and a 2 perk clown has about as much pressure as a punctured heart.
While killers like Billy/blight/oni and legion have much easier time defending such totems.
With ds it's a diff story ds always will be active for 60 seconds it doesn't get removed 30 seconds it will always activate when you go down after being hooked.
There is no hex ds and it will always remove pressure... Its a 5 sec stun.
Sure you could fail the skill check but that's not going to happen if you can hit skill checks
And with ub added in the mix it is consistently, invulneribity.