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Tunnelling Killers.



  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    Corrected translation: I use the tactics necessary to avoid letting 4 entitled dipshits tbag and dead hard out at the end.

    You definitely need to take more translation courses... You'll get there.

    You're welcome

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    You're not properly pressuring the generators then. Just chasing someone without any regard with what the other three survivors are doing (i.e letting them do what they want) is just asking to lose.

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    No I'm just using basic arithmetic based on 1 person hooking 12 times before 4 people complete 5 gens. If you start talking about pressure, the most effective way is to tunnel still:

    If someone is hooked 1st time, 1 person is not doing gens while 3 can safely for 25 seconds before someone coming for the save. However, if I get someone on 2nd hook fast, they were already injured and it immediately puts pressure across map as usually 2 more people try to coordinate a save... Leaving only 1 to do gens.

    See how the tactically smart thing is to tunnel 1 early regardless?

    That being said I rarely tunnel due to not wanting to be an ass.

  • Ribbles
    Ribbles Member Posts: 115
    edited November 2020

    Tunnelling killers should get a massive penalty the same way surivvors get penalized for unsafe hooks. This way these idiots will regress to purple and green ranks and I won't have to go against them anymore. At this point I just DC if I get tunnelled even after I DS them. It is incredibly unfun and frustrating and makes me not want to play the game anymore. So far I am up to a 30 min ban, probably will be 1 hour after the next one. Maybe if i get banned enough I can finally stop playing this game for good.

  • sugoimaku
    sugoimaku Member Posts: 17

    To be honest, you were probably facing someone who was tired of getting disrespectful survivors and just wanted to be toxic for once. It happens, and I can't really blame the killers sometimes. Would you really want to play fair after constantly facing against sweaty survivors with flashlights, keys, toolboxes; perks like decisive strike, dead hard, unbreakable + soul guard? Who t-bag and don't take you seriously? I'd probably do the same.

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050

    Just got tunneled by the Spirit and highly suspected she was using rancor. She wasn’t very good so I just ran off to the furthest corner of the map from the gate and allowed the others enough time to open the gate so everybody else could escape. Oh well.

  • Stealth
    Stealth Member Posts: 123

    That doesn't make any sense. The reason you are punished for unsafe unhooks is because you can get tunneled. That's on you. As killer why would they not go for the weak guy who was just unhooked 10m from him? It is simply the best play to make. Also tunneling, while unfun for you, is still a legit strategy to get kills quickly and survivors have perks to counter this. Use them. It's like saying survivors should be punished for doing gens too fast. You should not be punished for doing your obj too effectively.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    You ever tried slugging? Much better than tunnelling if you know when to do it. I don't think there has been a single post in this thread mention that they could always slug for pressure instead, but everyone's defaulted to defending the reason why they tunnel survivors, something that doesn't even need defending anyway lmao.

    So if you tunnel, try learning when to slug instead, you can get a lot more pressure that way

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    Oh I slug more often than tunnelling. Usually it'll apply much faster map pressure. But I'll tunnel if it makes sense as well.

  • druggedpug69
    druggedpug69 Member Posts: 155

    We get it, some killers tunnel. People don't need to keep making threads about it though. The same goes for mori/key and iridescent heads posts, We already understand that they need changed. These threads do nothing for no one.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,144
  • TimeOutTimmy
    TimeOutTimmy Member Posts: 135

    Killers complain about gen rushing, yet here some of them are saying they tunnel off hook (proxy camping). You can't complain about survivors finishing objectives, when you won't leave the 16m kindred radius.

    You're literally giving zero map pressure; a free pass to work on gens.

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    Tunnelling is what mediocre/unconfident killers resort to if they find the game too hard, which is funny, given how simple this silly game is.

    More experienced killers will tunnel if they are in a VERY tight spot versus a very strong team.

    But don't kid yourselves, o' righteous killers outing it as a 'valid strategy' no matter the context, you are either quite subpar for the rank you are in or messed up royally to have to believe you /need/ to tunnel. Rare are the super squads that make it an imperative, most of the time you're just crapping on the experience of solos who individually outplay you.

  • TimeOutTimmy
    TimeOutTimmy Member Posts: 135

    I recently started running kindred... killers who tunnel off hook are always within those 16m. They might pop out for a few moments, but are never far. They are giving zero map pressure.

    I was in a start of game chase with a rank 4 Freddy, he followed me all across the map... got me hooked in the basement, snared the crap out of the area, proxy camped (I was saved the last second), and then complained that he was gen rushed, and he didn't camp... even though everyone could see his aura.

  • xXCAM3R0NXx
    xXCAM3R0NXx Member Posts: 387

    I used to be like you, I used to absolutely hate tunneling and get extremely annoyed when killers did so.

    However, once you get to red ranks killer (which I dont know if you are), you'll understand how fast gens are done. After downing someone within the first 30 seconds of a chase, a gen is completed.

    Before you know it you have one maybe two gens left and you're still expected to respect survivors and allow them to do their objective?

    Now I'm not saying camping/tunneling right from the start is efficient, because it certainly isn't. But tunneling when you know there's a small chance of victory, is really the most efficient option.

    My summary of my point is, when you play red rank killer for many hours, you'll understand how many times you could of won a game by just tunneling one person. It can save a game and even thought survivors don't like it, you're the killer, and if you think it's the best way then go ahead.

    P.S avoid tunneling by: Borrowed time, taking hits, body blocking etc.

  • KA149108
    KA149108 Member Posts: 335

    I've gone up against a few tunnelling Spirits, not fun. Its just a garbage way to play. When I play killer I don't tunnel its just crappy and boring.

  • KA149108
    KA149108 Member Posts: 335

    That's literally what this game had become and killers will cry if survivors bring strong perks to combat it.

  • Sweat squads a very common for me, this is just the first time I've said something.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826


    Case in point.

  • Stealth
    Stealth Member Posts: 123

    What makes tunneling not a valid strategy? Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not valid.

  • Ribbles
    Ribbles Member Posts: 115

    No one said it wasn't "valid". We are saying it is UNFUN and FRUSTRATING and causes people to NOT WANT PLAY ANYMORE.

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841


    So you're argument against how to survive against a good Nurse is to not die?

    That's biggest 5head I've seen all day, got anymore tips?

  • Akira1997
    Akira1997 Member Posts: 22

    So I'll Start off by saying that Tunneling will never disappear and honestly I notice it more in high ranked games than lower ranked games at times. I do see the killer point of view get 1 person gone and create pressure we can't really control how people play the game. On the Survivor point of view no matter how skilled you may be you can't really get around a decent killer who consistently tunnels you from first hook. Now there are several counter plays to this but one of the main issues is the queing. Some survivors will use this to their advantage and get gens done

    I think what should be done is either give some bonuses to survivors who are being constantly tunneled or give some type of advantage. Because if you're in a bad lobby no matter what you do tunneling is just unplayable ( Assuming your teammates do not know how to body block, no borrowed time, etc..) It doesn't make sense to get rid of it but something needs to be done maybe hide scratch marks and blood trails / sounds of unhooked survivors for 10 seconds idk. At least then there is somewhat of a chance.

  • Stealth
    Stealth Member Posts: 123

    When the quoted person put quotes around 'valid' it implies that it's not valid or at least not a good argument.

    I've been tunneled and then face camped to death on first hook recently. Ya it sucks but that's the game. It's up to the others to punish them and do gens. If they just circle the hook then the killer made the right play.

  • Akira1997
    Akira1997 Member Posts: 22

    Some survivors will use this to their advantage and get gens done and others will unhook you almost instantly only to end the game for the survivor being tunneled even faster. That is just a skill level/knowledge of the game aspect where some survivors don't know how to play against a camping/tunneling killer ( Which is fine). I would also like to add that gen something like a buff for all survivors doing gens if the killer is face camping a survivor seems pretty fair. like a 2% repair speed bonus if the killer remains within 16m or so the survivor. I am saying 16 m because if you are solo queuing you have no idea if a teammate is being camped unless you have kindred or some other aura reading perk. If we can't get rid of it then may as well offer some advantages. Needless to say if you get tunneled you're instantly losing a pip you can't get around it ( at higher ranks killers who tunnel know what they are doing ). The killer does not have any disadvantage like this compared to survivors where you are basically guaranteed to lose a pip if you're tunneled. Just to be fair idk just my thoughts I don't care for the toxicity from survivors and killer's that's just how it goes but its just some mechanics need a bit of thought.

  • Once power struggle is on live servers, it will be very hard to tunnel if you decide to take an anti tunnel build.

    DS + Power struggle, if you are tunneled off hook you can DS them, then run them and eventually aim to go down on a pallet, use your banked power struggle from your first down to stun them again it's like having a second DS.

  • Sanaira
    Sanaira Member Posts: 14

    I just want to say, I've played five games today and four of those games I was tunneled off hook until dead. Only one of them was during endgame, the rest was when there were 3 or more gens still up. DS doesn't help. Killers just keep you down, until it runs out. Borrowed Time doesn't help, because they continue to chase, until your timer runs out. Add to the fact that solo que is horrendous and ... my spirit is broken anymore.

    No matter the perks I run, the strats I use, I can't keep from getting tunneled. I stopped bringing keys in at anytime. I try not to play Claudette since people complain about her being a Blendette. I just want to know why. All I want are a few points, to level my character. I don't need to escape, just.. I want to last more than three minutes.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    To OP... sorry you had that experience

    Also sometimes it's hard to remember who was hooked and who wasnt...

    But from the start of the match... it was preplanned from the lobby (which is an issue... IMO)

  • 2LuvRias
    2LuvRias Member Posts: 352

    There's a difference between a killer tunneling(even camping) because they're trying to win a game, and a killer that tunnels/camps just to be a [BAD WORD]

    If its becoming a repeated issue I recommend bringing DS or BT, whilst the Killer dosent have to cater to anybody neither does the survivor.

    If you know you're dead regardless of what you do try to make it your goal to Atleast ensure an ally or two get out alive.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,465

    A bad blight can only turn about 1 corner to hit you during his power, but a good blight can turn up to 2 or even 3 if in the right spot with the right angle, walking around those junk piles might be safe now but don't hold you breaths as blights get more experienced

    blight turning addons are second to his movement speed addons which also give turning relative to their speed, +10% speed (when using both) per token used also gives +10% turn rate which means you can thread the needle at high speeds with enough skill and you don't lose out on any functionality as long as you can control the speed, and your reward is 2 things, you can use your power at more loops to get hits that survivors don't expect or try and play around 90% of the time, and you can move at up to 322% speed for 3 seconds aka fast enough to go from not in terror radius to hitting a survivor and making them brown their trousers

    blight slam duration addons are a joke, fatigue reduction isn't much better

    his best addon combination for heavy power usage and extreme aggression is alchemists ring + shredded notes, where you either have a max cooldown of 6.66 seconds or no cooldown at all

    best average build is just slap on a shredded notes or alchemists ring and whatever iridescent, compound 21, Vigo's journal, or speed addon you feel at that point

    blight is another killer like nurse that directly scales in power level with skill far above the rest of the crowd to the point where a god tier blight much like a god tier nurse can play the survivor team like like Franz Bluheim plays the flute

  • Rullisi
    Rullisi Member Posts: 392

    They should add a system that matches toxic players with toxic players so that more chill players can play with chill people.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    Oi vey, I hate hardcore tunneling and, well, tunneling in general. I can't convince people to play differently and I won't send salty messages either, but I definitely won't have fun lol! All you can do is move on to your next match and hope for the best, y'know? I always remind myself that their strategy, although one that I find counterproductive, is their strategy. Sometimes we adapt, and sometimes we stick to the same stuff. I used to throw down a pallet when the killer was walking over to me, and then my brain expanded and while I suck at looping, I have learned to stand at the pallet and challenge the killer lol! Same goes for tunneling and camping. It's common in lower ranks, but I think that's because they're new and it's the simplest way to eliminate a player. And I don't think you're entitled for this, it isn't a fun strategy on either side and it's predictable-- I always rescue teammates, but sometimes they suicide on hook or know that struggling is a good distraction, so then everyone has time to do gens and we get closer to escaping.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    Regarding the console thing, I have had a lot of PC tunnelers and serious sluggers. Every platform has them lol. I'm on xbox and before crossplay a lot of killers had new, advanced strategies in the higher ranks, so it may also depend on rank and MMR

  • Felnex
    Felnex Member Posts: 334

    I mean that shows how badly the game is designed: That makes sense. Why would they go after the Unhealthy survivor with 3 hook stages left? Tunneling the unhooked survivor (Which is very easy if there's no obsession) is by far the best way to win games as a Killer, it's really bad design. But I don't blame the players.

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    Um nooooo..... We're tunnelling remember? so "poor killer" is getting tons of salty kills😃.

  • MikaKim
    MikaKim Member Posts: 334

    'tons' good so killers can stop whining about how (insert survivor thing) needs to be nerfed.

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    F13 was doing this before the legal debacle... The Salt Mines: The more you rage quit, or got reported playing scuzzy, the more salt you gained til you were only being matched with people with similar salt levels.

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    Only doing way good when I face entitled people such as yourself. I only play scuzzy if I'm being overwhelmed by a a good swf, or if I get a sniff of entitlement. I tunnel those right out... I like the 10 page messages they send quoting the rules I broke. I'd sure love to see this "Survivor Rule Book for Killers". Because you all know it by heart.

  • MikaKim
    MikaKim Member Posts: 334
    edited November 2020


    So 'tons' has turned into a paragraph about anecdotal subjective talking points.

    How much low hanging fruit could you put up?

    That's for the lol.

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    I'm just stating how I've been playing. And happy with the results. And yes comparatively I am getting TONS more kills against sweaty swfs when I stop playing nice.

  • quazzi76
    quazzi76 Member Posts: 77

    Hey, they play the girls game from the 1950's ring around the our game camping

  • jisp3r
    jisp3r Member Posts: 317

    Their lack of skill turns them into tunnelers... They don't want to learn the game properly. Also they don't accept that it is impossible to 4k every game.

    Worst part is when there's 1 gen left and they go full camp and tunnel... It's obvious the killer is a sore loser...

  • KateDunson
    KateDunson Member Posts: 714

    Tunneling is a core issue of the game, there should be a system that identify tunneling killers and match them with extremely good survivors, just to let out solo survivors and don't ruin their experience which is already bad bcs of randoms

  • Zephinism
    Zephinism Member Posts: 542

    I introduced a friend to DBD recently and she isn't very good (rank 16) however in nearly every game she is first to be hooked then tunneled hard immediately after. I can bodyblock, unhook with BT, clicky my flashlight etc. and they will ignore me to kill her. It's been about 3 weeks of this now and I struggle to even get her to play with me anymore.

    The killers are usually around 10-13.