The shout out thread!

Mushwin Member Posts: 4,580

A corner to give a shout out to those in the community, to say something good, positive.

I give a shout out to @GrootDude who is sort and feels like my american adoptive son, is always there and here for you no matter what, especially now.

I give a shout out to @JawsIsTheNextKiller Who makes fantastic dippy eggs and who I have yet to murder in his sleep yet! (joke lol) but been my terrible two and has a great sense of humour.

I give a shout out to @Cornpopers_Evan To who is like a brother, anoonying or not, and literally have to bribe to get on DBD and never got the cheese off overcooked lol always make me chuckle.

I give a shout out to SPONGE BOY I can never remember which Meg on here you are but always always make me laugh to the vergeI may pee myself lol.

