Stop adding perks that buff survivors that dont run the perk

Decisive Strike, Dead Hard, Unbreakable, Adrenaline, Power Struggle, and many others.

It makes no sense that you find yourself getting punished just because a perk exists. For example, with unbreakable if someone gets left slugged you may have to pick them up early even in a disadvantageous scenario regardless of whether they are running the perk. Power Struggle is already concerning me not because it is overpowered in itself but just the existence makes many more plays for killer unsafe.

I am not trying to address any balance changes with the perks themselves but the persistence of power when the perks aren't used. I think lots of things can be done to current perks to make them not have this effect as much. I think if more information is provided during play that the killer can use to discern whether certain people have the perk.

I know that for DS that you are most likely to be obsession but it doesn't provide anything for the others and sometimes not even at all. An improvement for example would be that when you hook someone with DS they become the obsession and if they are obsession the tentacles would freak out when they are hooked.

For Unbreakable you could have a different type of breathing while they were in the dying state. For example, it could be long deep controlled breaths.

I can come up with more but overall I think they should be nuanced, require knowledge, and attention to know when a survivor has a perk. This is especially true when a perk is especially strong.

Overall I think that this should mostly just be quality of life changes for killer.


  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    I do agree that obsession perks mean nothing at all, except for a few Myer's and Laurie's perks.

    Also, Adrenaline should get reworked, some people use Adrenaline but won't touch gens so basically they get rewarded for something they didn't. Which is to help the match progression.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    I know that for DS that you are most likely to be obsession

    Actually this is false. It actually lessesns the chance although it states it increases it. Unless it was changed recently and I didn't notice.

  • dmhughes86
    dmhughes86 Member Posts: 34

    I mean I've had a few rare games where only one person had DS and I do recall at least once, the one with DS not being the obsession but I couldn't say for certain. But aside from like no mither there aren't many perks that can be accurately predicted. I am not saying that you can't figure it out at all but often rely on several coincidences to predict and are often misplays because players will bluff because they know there is no way for you to know.

    This just makes for lots of low skill bluffs for the survivors. Sure you could probably argue that they often come with some amount of risk but that often isn't even the case because of DS. For example, let's say, I put bunny Feng in the basement because she was being way too cute and I decided I was gonna keep her. Now someone decides to be a hero and runs down into the basement injured. Clearly farming but I mean hey what am I to do. So I walk all the way back over to shack because I often try my hardest to not get called a camper which means that they aren't allowed to hear my terror radius until after they have unhooked. Okay, so mission accomplished, I get back to shack and see the farmer and I look at bunny who is now desperately running into me trying to protect her abuser and I am like oh she must have borrowed time so I give her the backhand. It is at this time that I now know I've been taken advantage of because miss bunny here has potentially has DS and Unbreakable. So now, my most reliable option if I can't put immediate pressure is to eat the DS chase her again for 20 seconds and then be the bad guy for camping and tunneling.

    Sorry, just venting :)

  • IronWill
    IronWill Member Posts: 244
    edited November 2020

    "I wan't to know who exactly runs DS is so I can tunnel the remaining people out of the game"

  • rororoxor
    rororoxor Member Posts: 182

    I think its fine for perks like DS and unbreakable, where respecting them promotes healthier gameplay. But power struggle makes killers afraid for no good reason, it def should be changed

  • dmhughes86
    dmhughes86 Member Posts: 34

    I think it is absurd to think that my intention would be to tunnel the rest of the team without DS. I know some people would do such things but you can't prevent people from doing these things anyway I mean look how many mori's and keys are used anyway. I just don't think it makes sense to punish players who are playing in non toxic ways too. If anything the existence of these perks promotes these toxic behaviors as much as they try to deny them. If I had more information to discern whether people had the perk or not I would be more okay with people using them. I just feel that it makes the perks feel extremely oppressive because even when they aren't there the threat still exists. I am a killer main but that is only because I find survivor to be too casual (solo) or too easy (swf). I am very competitive and I understand that many are playing casually and that is fine but until BHVR makes some kind of delineation I think both sides have to make compromises.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,952
  • dmhughes86
    dmhughes86 Member Posts: 34

    I don't understand why people think that the current iteration is "healthy gameplay".

  • dezzmont
    dezzmont Member Posts: 481

    Being a lil worried about tunneling down a survivor is good. It should still be in your power to force the issue, but its nice that killers have some disincentive as long as the alternative to the tunnel isn't too terrible.

    The main issue with DS-unbreakable is they can be combo'd. I think it would be ideal if these perks were made incompatible in some way, but otherwise DS is in a much better spot than it used to be.

    Overall being forced to track survivor perks is good too. Ideally it should be in a way that rewards counterplay: Tracking Sprint vs DH for example. This means that all perks power up the survivor by existing. Killers honestly need more perks like this, but the survivor perk-scape isn't really that bad right now. The issues with survivors power level lies in other areas.

  • dmhughes86
    dmhughes86 Member Posts: 34

    I don't disagree with you except that I think power creep becomes much more difficult to deal with when you just try and buff away problems. DS is a relatively balanced perk in and of itself until you add in all the other anti tunnel/slug perks. Another problem that they are running into is the same issue they have had with spirit and that the lack of feedback leads to insubstantial counterplay. The best counterplay in my opinion is when the counterplay is equally if not more skillful than the original play. Whilst having a "skill check" the skill of DS is relatively low making it feel less like you got outplayed and more of they equipped a second life. I think undying has a similar issue but at least this is susceptible to bad RNG.

    What if these perks had better initial condition before they could be used say DS had to be set up similar to mettle of man but not as hard to set up. What if while on the hook you had to make an escape attempts in order to activate DS. I mean it would be easy to activate but would come at a cost and give information.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Maybe make it require 80 seconds of repairing a gen like repressed alliance.