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Pyramid Head, and his last 'nerf'

I still can't believe this version of Pyramid Head made it to live. He's still able to option select you at every single tile. You drop the pallet, you get hit. You keep running, you get hit. But now it's even worse because he barely suffers any cooldown, so he can spam it until he hits. Deathslinger and Huntress can also option select, but they need to reload and their projectiles don't go *through walls*. Guess why Nurse gets put in A and S tier a lot? Same thing: going through walls. And his trails are another matter. Not only does it allow him to play around DS, but it also stays on you the entire game unless you're caged or rescue someone from a cage, which is far from guaranteed. Why do Freddy, Pig, and Plague have ways for survivors to counteract their powers but Pyramid Head doesn't?

Occasionally I play with a high level SWF. We're not unbeatable but our gens and chases are brutally efficient. No killer has given us as much trouble as Pyramid Head has. With how well we usually do, I was shocked the first time I heard them call him a busted killer. But then I realized that I had never had an easy game against him. *Never*, even if the killer was a baby.

Tl;dr Pyramid Head needs another rework.

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  • Member Posts: 16,669

    Yeah, have to agree on that one. On paper the changes sounded good, but you still get "outplayed" at Pallets and Windows way too easy and his Ranged Attack is now even easier to spam. So in the end, they buffed Pyramid Head. Yay.

    At this point I am sure that he will overtake Spirit when it comes to "most complained Killer", the longer he is in the game, the more I have a feeling that the Devs really made a big design failure with him. This starts with his "faking the power" and ends up with "I ignore all Hook Perks".

  • Member Posts: 129

    So... I wrote a full paragraph about this and sent it and it doesn’t show to me so I’m just going to say the same thing but try to keep it short.

    if he is already to close to u and ure reaching a pallet and he starts to use his ranged attack, run back at him, he will have a difficult time hitting u with the power so he either tries and fails, or cancels it, then u should have enough time to go back to the pallet and drop it (this only works if he is really close to u and ure reacting as to be on point)

    if u still have some distance, either pre drop it, or loop him until u get close enough to do what said above. By the time u drop a pallet most will try to spam his power, try to keep in mind that his turning isn’t fast so try running to one side and then the other, he will have a harder time turning and then his power becomes more predictable.

    with windows, I’m not entirely sure of what u can do, since u don’t have enough time to fake a vault and then vault it, but atleast u have now counterplay with the pallet situation.

    I honestly prefer this version of ph then the bs no cooldown faked power, where u would die at windows and pallets in whatever situation (like ds)

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    His change has actually made him alot more bearable than people realise. If they try to zone you when ur running to a pallet you can just keep twirling left and right infront of it until they either shoot and most likely miss or let go, giving you more than enough time to run though the pallet and pull it on them. So if they do that against a competent survivor they've actually screwed themselves. Basically the changes actually allow you to dodge more frequently without being just smacked by an m1. Sure there are some situations where you can easily be zoned and screwed but those situations are alot fewer now than they used to be.

    They also made his sword in the ground sound earlier giving you more time to react and making it harder to land shots as the killer. The biggest problem i find is the unpredictability with his shots, but obviously that's not something that can rlly be fixed so im reasonably happy with where he's at now.

    This is coming from someone who absolutely despises deathslinger and spirit FYI.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    You don't need to predrop pallets anymore. Wait out the zone and then pull it on him like others and myself have said in this thread.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    100% agree with this. I'll take him anyday over spirit or deathsligner. Even freddy at this point. Alot more counterplay like you've mentioned now no-one just knows how to do it and they want ot be able to take huge swerves and bad pathing in order to outplay him.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    Best way to counter him is similar to Doc and Clown. Try to reach the pallet from far enough away to drop early. He'll either waste time trying to hit you or break it giving you time to run.

    Avoid vaults that aren't behind LOS breakers as they're a free hit. I dislike his design but as others have said he's nowhere near as bad as SPirit/Slinger or Freddy.

  • Member Posts: 714

    Before open a thread and complain, try to learn different playstile, watch other ppl facing him, there is a counter, don't point your finger too early.

  • Member Posts: 868

    Guy, killer is easy as hell. You only need 5 years old, a finger, an eye and good headphones to 4k 99% of games

  • Member Posts: 139

    Just throwing this out there but the license Killers like Freddy rework he is now pretty much an ez 4k unless you are a mush mind and even if you are I see 3k lol Bubba is now a even bigger power house than before. I my self always used Bubba before rework. Because play with your food was super fun on him. PH rework he is now way stronger. I don't want to say pay 2 win. But it's almost feels like that. But BHVR seems to be doing a pretty good job with what they have been doing.

  • Member Posts: 194

    If you see him leaving a trail at a loop just leave the loop, the trail disappears eventually. If he leaves a trail at a hooked survivor you can crouch over it just like Hags traps. You just need to learn to adapt. What would you do against other anti-looping killers?

  • Member Posts: 464

    I agree, he's worse now than he was before. The option select isn't as readily accessible, sure, but this has opened a whole new can of worms. You can now brainlessly spam his M2 in loops and thanks to the cooldown, if the survivor tries to bail, they'll get M1'd. The M2 is quick enough that if the survivor is immediately in the middle of the markings, they'll get hit no matter what unless they have dead hard. You can 'predict' by where Pyramid is aiming, but it's not difficult to just flick and fake out despite the stiff steering in his M2 mode.

    I much preferred the older version. Yes, he had a very overwhelming option select, but it came at a cost of usually losing your target if you missed. It also forced survivors to route their runs differently, pre-maturely prep their setup rather than milk it like with other killers.

    Now Pyramid's just dumb.

  • Member Posts: 10,295

    If you didn't notice, I had that as a secondary thought, simply to speak on the raw power of this killer. It's why I didn't call my post that. I like playing killer too, more than SWF even. Maybe I should tell my life story on all my posts so that people will stop assuming what kind of person I am.

  • Member Posts: 10,295

    Sorry that happened. I had a post last night that also simply disappeared because it didn't post correctly. But what do you mean run back at him? Because then he hits you. That's the entire problem with his power, is that he can cancel it quickly into M1.

  • Member Posts: 10,295

    Well against Doctor for example, I'd try to run around the loop as many times as I can without getting shocked and therefore pallet/window disabled. The difference is his power doesn't damage you.

  • Member Posts: 316

    I mean huntress can do the same thing. You run to the window she lifts her hatchet, if you vault she hits you and if you don't vault, she cancels and m1s you, but no one's complaining about her. Yeah PH is easier to use and I bit more foolproof but the last nerf did nerf him. I play aot of pyramid head and I was not a fan of the change

    Also, I try not to go to the whataboutism to much(even though I just did with huntress but she's a really good example so...) But what about god pallets and infinites. I play both surv and killer and I know when I get to an infinite or God pallet, I can drop it or keep running and the killer can't do anything about it, lose lose situation. All PH is is an answer/counter to these. You can drop a God pallet, but he can still hit you through it. People don't like that, I see why, but with the metas in place and game design, he's needed to be that strong or else he's just a pushover. And I swear if they find a way to make ######### pyramid head pushover I'm gonna be mad.

  • Member Posts: 129

    Before the changes, he could cancel it and hit u right after, he can’t anymore, there’s a cooldown to it, so, ure able to run back at him, wait until he cancels/misses his power, and go back to drop the pallet, as I said tho, he needs to be already close to u. I’ve been able to pull this out quite a few times (haven’t went against a ph that many times, but till now it has been consistent). I also play a lot of ph and can confirm that a survivor can force u to cancel ur power and gain a few more time/distance in a loop, bc i can’t m1 right after!

  • Member Posts: 31

    At this point in the game it is no longer a conversation or constructive to chat or talk with survivor mains or survivor simps.

    You all are going to complain until your delusions of balance are easy mode for you against every killer. So you can use 1 build and still win. You all just want a lazy easy way to win escape.

    But I digress, I dont even play anymore because of survivors who believe that the devs should hand you every change in the game to suit you.

  • Member Posts: 334

    My least favorite thing about Pyramid head is that he can quickly boot survivors out of games if they get tormented, and DS can't protect them from tunneling. If you get tormented, you can be pretty sure Pyramid Head will hook you, cage you, then hook you asap. No DS on any hook. No Borrowed from the cage. It's really easy to tunnel on him. I don't think there should be a notification telling him where survivors were uncaged from, at least make him guess.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    Dude I still get called a survivor main because I actually try to look at things from both sides and be as impartial as I can. Ignore those people, they operate under "true killers are persecuted victims" mentality.

  • Member Posts: 583

    I don't mind his curse, but I wish it had a duration, like even a stupid long one like two or three minutes that refreshed every time you ran over corrupted ground. At least then it'd feel like there was an end to the debuff. I know it's mostly just there for Phead's option to hook you or Gulag you, but maybe if there was some urgency he'd actually make the choice instead of piling up bodies to wombo combo half of Russia to Siberia.

  • Member Posts: 2,135

    Right? They only shaved half a second off the cooldown.. It's hardly spammable.

  • Member Posts: 2,426

    Torment doesn't do anything but give him the option to use his cage, I don't see why this needs to be removeable by other means. The 3 killers you mentioned have a bunch of hinderances or potential death from using theirs.

    As others have mentioned, you can still play around him and good old juking or dodging can also be used if he tries any risky shots.

  • Member Posts: 487

    Complaining about pyramid when his power is easy to dodge? I think it's time for you to git gud

  • Member Posts: 833

    decent killers who can manage good survivors shouldnt get weaker. you need to understand that you wont have easy games all the time while playing SWF

  • Member Posts: 183


    I play a decent amount of ph and I usually hook people who are tormented just so i can skip the last hook/cage and use final judgement on them.

    I've always felt like torment should be cleared after being caged OR hooked because it just becomes so powerful late game.

  • Member Posts: 10,295

    I didn't say or want that. But how do solos ever beat him? He has attacks through walls, built-in tunnel tech, and option selecting at all pallets and windows.

    Why does everyone keep centralizing their counterargument on my mere mention of SWF? I've learned my lesson; I just won't mention it next time.

  • Member Posts: 441
    edited November 2020

    The first nerf he got was because of players complaining that it's OP and the second nerf he got reasonable from both sides as it was a catch 22.

  • Member Posts: 2,426
    edited November 2020

    I play a decent amount of PH too, you should be able to choose to hook them and keep torment, at least in its current form. Sending them to the cage each time is not a good play since it can lead to very easy saves. It can potentially stop a DS, but that seems to be the whole point of the power anyway. If you want to DS just don't run over the trail. If it cleared from hook then it would need to be applied on his ranged attack as well so that you always have the choice if you can land it. Right now a survivor needs to decide to run over the trail, and even if you use the cage on them it can harm your pressure. Making it removed on hook as well would make it way too weak in its current form imo.

    Post edited by MrPenguin on
  • Member Posts: 493

    People really do be walking on the trail and then complaining about it, huh.

  • Member Posts: 1,503

    Gotta love the people calling PotD a braindead easy spam ability like it's not the most reactable telegraph in the entire game and you can just, you know... dodge it.

  • Member Posts: 10,295

    It's unavoidable most of the time, because you're in chase and can't afford to crouch through. You think we're just gonna step in it when out of chase? And of course sometimes there's the little bit on the ground that you can't see, and you step it in: fully tormented off of a borderline visual bug!

  • Member Posts: 379

    I just started on PH so, only have 2 perk slots atm I think, but in my early games with him, it has definitely been tough so far. I know people say every killer is tough to play/learn early on but some are definitely tougher than others.

    Hell, according to what I've read here, the consensus on who's toughest to play seems to land pretty squarely on Nurse, but that was the first Killer I committed to and I felt I got the hang of it really quickly and was ending games just as fast. It actually made me bored, it felt too easy, so I switched to Freddy, who I'd say is even easier than Nurse due to a great passive power which can keep survivors distracted and busy, plus traps. I haven't mastered him yet, far from it I think, but I enjoy his gameplay the most.

    With my limited playtime on PH so far, it's not been easy. I've made a few clutch plays but overall he feels pretty sloppy, especially against higher 1-4 rank survivors (which I get a lot now it seems, despite being rank 14). I'm sure it'll improve once I get all my perk slots, so, I reserve judgement until then but the early game hasn't been enjoyable.

  • I thought I was the only one who knew about other strategies. As killer, I get criticized all the time for not using the same "player aprroved" strategy.

  • Member Posts: 1,503

    You having bad Internet is definitely a you problem. Pyramid Head has like 15,000 audiovisual telegraphs, limited steering in Judgment, takes a minute to rev after you've already pressed the attack button, and tells you exactly where it's going to land. It's really easy to both react to and predict.

    Get better.

  • Member Posts: 967

    Dont be nerfing no more killers. I am a survivor. But don't nerf killers no more.

    I'm tired of bullying killers cuz survivors are extremely OP. If I die it's cuz other survivors gets me killed.

  • Member Posts: 1,503

    "Survivors get no visual tell that Pyramid Head is charging POTD"

    Aside from Pyramid Head physically lifting up the sword, stabbing it into the ground, and then proceeding to walk around with the sword in the ground producing giant trails of torment while leaning forwards.

    Yeah, no visual tell.

  • Member Posts: 1

    Lmao you sound like an entitled Survivor main he’s not that hard to run around just pre drop pallet and dodge his attacks. And also I’m a survivor main Ps5.

  • Just yesterday I played a pyramid head as a below average survivor. I did not get hooked once because I knew how to juke potd. And before you say it, he tried to spam it, never hit once. I popped him around one pallet so long he just gave up and opened the gate I was by. Stop trying to make it seem he is op because your salty you lost with op perks, play him and learn what you need to do to counter him. And before you swoop in, I was using spine chill, botany, dead hard and iron will. I don't run ds and run by because I hate campy killers.

  • Yesterday I played huntress and after the match, you know what the survivor said in post game? "Any tips for playing against huntress?". That's how you should be doing it, not running to the forums, improving. And I'm not even a good huntress.

  • Genuine question, do you honestly believe that most people who play phead tunnel? Actual question no sarcasm I want to know. If that is true I am very sorry, that shits not fun for anyone. But please try to understand that sometimes I just have to 3 hook survs as phead. Sometimes they just don't get torment.

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