Weirdest thing that happened to you in a game?

I play on console (PS4). One time, I was a little Dwight (who was the obsession keep in mind) minding my own business fixing generators. Until all of a sudden I see a Myers! Oh no, better hide. Until I notice something strange, he's attacking the others sure until he made some sort of alignment and my own teammates literally betrayed me. They were leading the killer towards me on purpose, (I remember it was 2 different Nea's but they still did it anyways) and every time I ran away they followed me, and pointed at me telling the killer I was running away or healing myself.
Eventually I got downed, hooked, one of the Nea's started teabagging right in front of me. It was not a fun game but I did manage to escape, and was the first one too. Later on I checked back and see one of the Nea's hooked, and another one down.
Oh karma is so sweet.
Not weirdest, but once i got Mori'd by a Huntress and a Meg started tea-bagging my face while getting Mori'd, i had a good laugh to be honest
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The weirdest thing was when I fell through the map
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I was the last survivor in a myers game. When he downed me, i got to see a myers moonwalk show.
Need to learn how to do that, didnt think you could on ps40 -
When I spawned on a tree.1
Try to turn off for a breake.
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I was playing nurse on lerys and I teleported on the roof. Not on the upper part of the Treatment theatre but out of the map on top of a wall.0
Terrortot said:I was the last survivor in a myers game. When he downed me, i got to see a myers moonwalk show.
Need to learn how to do that, didnt think you could on ps40 -
One time entered a game and everyone else just DC'd, leaving me alone with Freddy. Decided I'd just farm some totems til he found me, and pretty soon I heard the lullaby. He pulled me into the Dream World and than just followed me around until I repaired enough gens to escape through the hatch.
Guess even the Springwood Slasher has moments of kindness.
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I got that bug where the survivor rescuing me on hook got hit, and I bugged out in the hooked animation, so even when he healed,-I was Meg at the time- I was stuck in the hooked animation. I went across the map floating in the air and leading all the players to gens like a mother goose with her goslings, until I got hit by the killer and he brought me back down to Earth, briefly, but I went back into hook animation after I was clearly in the dying state. I did make it out of the game, but my feet never touched the ground again.
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@feechima said:
I got that bug where the survivor rescuing me on hook got hit, and I bugged out in the hooked animation, so even when he healed,-I was Meg at the time- I was stuck in the hooked animation. I went across the map floating in the air and leading all the players to gens like a mother goose with her goslings, until I got hit by the killer and he brought me back down to Earth, briefly, but I went back into hook animation after I was clearly in the dying state. I did make it out of the game, but my feet never touched the ground again.I KNOW WHAT BUG YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT. The same thing happened to me when I was on the Coldwind Farm. I don't know how it's triggered, but it's only happened to me once.
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I was followed constantly by a little Adam fellow who would run up and throw a rock at me every so often. It was so odd, i quit killing everyone. We took out all the totems, pallets and chests and left. I maxed out my points and pipped. It was a fun game.
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trapper estate. Wall didn't generate. Next thing you know I'm god of my own ethereal floating plain. Away from all the toxicity.
THis has happened one other time, but I couldn't move past where the wall was supposed to be.0 -
One time after a game meg's ponytail detached from her head as if it were its own entity.
It just followed behind her. Kind of looked like a floating poop.0