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Whats your goal in DBD?

Member Posts: 2,451

Do you play DBD with a goal in mind? Did you change it since you started playing?

When i started DBD i wanted to reach Rank 1. After that i wanted a good build for survivor and on every killer. Then all perks for one survivor and all killer. Now im trying win streaks with killer.

I have fun with the game, but i like to see progress. I dont even like the grind, but im a completionist and it annoys me. So i would like to hear what you are doing and maybe i find something, before im dumb enough to start doing the trophies.


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  • Member Posts: 605

    I'm half way through with prestige 3 on the Survivors side. Maybe if I'm bored I'll do it for my killers but just maybe

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    Mainly i play for fun either solo or with a friend. Getting dailys/challenges done, without too much stress.

    i started with only survivor, but with the rifts I also started playing killers. Now I have all killers and I have all achievements done, most were coming naturally, others I had to invest time into but I made small steps (like playing max 1 match of plague per day bc I can’t stand playing her)

    i am ‚working‘ on all chars to P3, but I don’t stress myself with it. Just level everyone to lvl 50, use up most of the items/addons/offerings and prestige if I feel like it.

  • Member Posts: 58

    To remove generators from the map and simply have a contest of how long can you survive.

  • Member Posts: 245

    My current goal is to put Nurse's calling on P-head.

  • Member Posts: 218

    To stay purple and red rank for both roles while trying to keep the game satisfying.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    On PS4 it was to get all the perks on all the killers.

    On PC, it's to P3 all the killers.

  • Member Posts: 982

    I...I don’t know now.

  • Member Posts: 405

    I play to do silly things?

    Yesterday and I played swf with 2 friends and all of us equipped urban evasion and started evading through the map. The random that was matched with us also had urban evasion, so we made a line of urban evasion and laughed my life out of it.

    Also yesterday I played with Dwight and at the start of the game I got on a locker to be in character hahaha just to see seconds later my teammate doing the same thing. So I went to her locker to call her out and my other friend was there too not understanding what was going on. Then Pig was also around and everybody ran screaming. That made my night hahahahaha.

    The other day I was running flip flop with tenacity and my goal was to get some value out of it. But somehow the killers slugged everyone but me? That wasn't really fun hahahaha but there were 2 matches when I finally got to use it, so it was nice.

    As killer I like to sneak up on people as Pig.

    That's the fun in the game to me. I understand sometimes I have to take it more seriously and do my objectives as best as I can as survivor, in honor to the randoms that are with me (in no way I want to sandbag someone), but I hate to play "sweaty" games, even because I don't run any build to support that kind of gameplay.

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    Max out new killers as soon as possible when they come out

  • Member Posts: 1,050

    I don’t know. I like collecting things, trophies, perks, levelling up to the max, completing challenges. The one thing that I’m really not interested in is being super competitive and proving I’m the best, so getting to rank 1 is the last thing on my mind. I don’t care if I win or lose as long as I don’t get tunneled the second I spawn. Having fun is the most important thing.

  • To see the day nurse actually gets some of her major bugs fixed.

  • Member Posts: 336

    I had this game for quite some time but I only played one match in a KYF and one friend in particular killed the game for me. I started playing seriously a little after The Clown's release. My goal at that time was to just have a better experience than I did on Friday the 13th. After about a month my goal was to simply get Self Care and Urban Evasion on all characters (oh how little I knew back then.) After 2 months I decided to actually learn killer so I could simply learn what the killer sees and goes through so I can adapt accordingly as survivor. (Wound up learning more than I thought I would.)

    After gaining some semblance of skill, I decided to get every character to 40 to get their teachables unlocked and decide on a main afterwords. after that it was get everyone to 50 and select my main. At the same time I was working on getting Adept on everyone. By the time I did that, Yui was released and I chose her as my main since there were costume pieced that made her look exactly like the character I make in most games. My goal at that time was to P3 her and get every perk on her. This was made easy with double bloodpoint events and the release of the rift. I decided to P3 Myers and get all perks on him and make him my 'go to' for rift challenges. With that done...Cheryl was released and I HAD to make her my main, still working on getting all the perks on her. Though my current goal is to get all characters to P3 starting with killers (and the occasional survivor when playing SWF.) After that my goal is to get all perks on killers then survivors. Whenever a new character is released, my goal switches to getting Adept on that character first. Currently have 11 Killers and 4 survivors at Prestige 3.

  • Member Posts: 1,568

    I got all achievements, I got all teachables. My current goal is max out all killers. Now I still need 22 millions of bloodpoints to level up several killers to p3. Then I have to max all their perks. Didn't count how much it will take.

  • Member Posts: 1,775

    Rank? Nope.

    Git gud? Nope.

    I want to collect everything I can. Perks, holiday stuff, killers, survivors. There's some things that gnaw on me that I'll never get like Huntress dog mask since I'm year of the dog, myself.

    I'm a pretty mellow player as long as I feel like I've gotten a fair shake, which isn't likely with current matchmaking and swf. The main reason isn't that I get stomped, it's that any blood point gain under 10k before add-ons and perks seems like an absolute waste of time. Feels worse if it's after that.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    I guess I follow the mentality if setting dumb challenges for myself and achieving them.

  • Member Posts: 651

    To put Feng Min in as much pain as possible.

  • Member Posts: 422

    To have fun most of all, but my side goals are prestiging all survivors (I don't play killer enough so don't want to prestige them). Then I set small goals like getting to a certain number of shards for a cosmetic or save bloodpoints for a killer.

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    I started playing this game with a friend (so finding more who want to play would be good for me)

    Then as I played I got curious as to how far I could go (got R1 right before crossplay)

    Now it's getting 1 million BP and spending half of it on killers and survivors (shards for any non-licensed DLC)

    Basically max out BP then spend some (I save at least 500,000 BP)

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    -Getting good at nurse

    -Getting all my survivors and killers on P3 + full perks.I'm almost done,only Cheryl needs another 4 million blood points

  • Member Posts: 767

    Getting 10k escapes

  • Member Posts: 329

    Get all of them perks through shrine without buying a single dlc. Currently 3 of them left.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    I did change my goal, which was first to kill all 4.

    Now my goal is to kill as many as possible in the way that i'll have fun.

    That way it doesn't really matter if the Survivor is better than me, more often than not i'll still have fun.

  • Member Posts: 240

    In the past my goal was to reach rank 1 Survivor & Killer. After I finished that my new goal is to level up all characters to prestige 3 level 50 :)

  • Member Posts: 22,850
    edited November 2020

    At this point, every killer I enjoy playing I have P3 50 all perks (+ doctor). So, right now I'm aiming to get every item be a multiple of 5 on my Claudette, as well as having every single survivor P3 50 all perks. I have the original 4, David, Feng, Kate, Jane, Nancy, and Yui right now, my next one going to be Elodie the queen.

    As well as in-game, my goal is to make sure that people have fun (as much fun as possible vs a Pyramid Head anyway) and come away with lots of bloodpoints :)

    Because who doesn't love bloodpoints? Cakes for everyone (yes i'm including pyramid head's ass as a cake)!

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    I wanted to be a rank 1 killer, check.

    Wanted to be a red rank survivor, check did that in a SWF.

    Wanted to be red rank solo survivor, just hit that this weekend. Currently a 3.

    I don't need rank 1 for survivor, we don't get the achievement anyway. But I wanted to see if I could be at least red ranks.

    Now maybe I can chill and play just to get better.

  • Member Posts: 891

    This ^

    I play to have fun with my friends. We do silly things like playing The Saboteurs where we all bring toolboxes and the perk saboteur and run around sabotaging hooks and being a general pain in the ass and not doing any objectives at all. Except totems. 'Cuz totems.

    We had a match last night where all 4 of us started together directly next to the generator in the spooky lab on Hawkins lab, we finished the gen (pretty fast too, because I was running Prove Thyself and Leader and it was 4 people on a gen) and when the killer came we all just stood around and pointed at him on his way up the stairs. I do feel bad because it immediately killed his will to play and he gave up and just spun around in circles at us, but it was kind of funny anyway.

    But I just play to have fun with my friends and to do dumb stuff. I've already been red rank on both killer and survivor, so I don't really care about ranking up or anything.

  • Member Posts: 16,663
    edited November 2020

    When I started playing it was to get Rank 1 as Survivor. Afterwards, I wanted to P3-50 my Nea with all Perks. Killer was not really a goal, at some point I just reached Rank 1 without even going for it.

    But now my goal for Killer is to learn Nurse, so I play 3 Nurse games daily. I wont do more for my sanity.

    Current longterm goal for DBD:

    Max out every Character to P3-50 with all Perks. This is finished for my Survivors, Killers are 8 who are on P3-50 currently (Trapper, Wraith, Huntress, Doctor, Hag, Legion, Spirit, Pig), the other Killers are either on P3-50 without all Perks (Billy, Nurse, Leatherface, Myers, Oni, Blight, Clown) but with a decent Build (most of them lacking the latest Perks) and the rest is on P3-1. Next Killer, after I got a decent Build on my Oni, will be Freddy for me (yay...).

  • Member Posts: 1,662
    edited November 2020


    • Improve
    • Have fun
    • Collect more cosmetics
    • Max out all characters

    Have not prestiged any characters, but have got all killers maxed out and 15 survivors maxed.

  • Member Posts: 1,534

    To see Tony the Pimp from Demons included.

    Personally, to keep on top of all DLC and keep all characters at P3 all perks.

  • Member Posts: 155

    My goal is to not end up in an insane asylum. Honestly, that might be preferable.

  • Member Posts: 1,060
    edited November 2020

    I had reach pretty much all my goals. Now my current goal is to master Nurse

  • Member Posts: 1,210

    Having a GG.

  • Member Posts: 15

    My goal is to max level everyone and ckming back to this game only when there are new DLC and Archives :v

  • Member Posts: 248

    My personal goal was always to get Prestige 3, Level 50, all perks on every survivor and killer. I've currently done that on all but one of my killers, and after that I'll be leveling up my survivors.

  • Member Posts: 2,210

    my current goal is to have fun. Nothing more or less.

  • Member Posts: 55

    I mainly just play for fun, however I do have to set small goals for myself to achieve. I used to play on PC but my PC died back in 2017 and so I finally got the game again in 2019 but for Xbox and have been slowly working my way up.

    My goals I've set is to have one original and one licensed main for both the Survivor and Killer roles, and get those up to prestige 3 level 50 and get the perks that I need for those characters, as well as any achievement related to that character or their map.

    For killers I main The Pig and The Legion, and have gotten them both P3 lv 50 with all their achievements done

    And for Survivors I only main Detective Tapp right now as I sadly haven't unlocked Jeff to main them both, but Tapp is P2 Lv 43 with all his achievements.

    The only perks I still need imo are Pop, Undying, and Self Care.

    Small goals help keep me playing this game I've noticed.

  • Member Posts: 139

    Getting every achivement.

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