I get these un-winable games daily now..(with video)

Okay guys, in this match i wanted to show you how brutal and broken this game can be sometimes at the red ranks.
I indeed made 2 minor mistakes but i would have probaly lost the game anyway if i was able to play like a robot and played 100% perfect
Its games like these wich are making me lesser and lesser likely to continue playing this game onwards, don't get me wrong i really like the game,but playing these matches knowing you will lose 100% because of the flawed gamemechanics just sucks..
Some game mechanics are just not right.
In this video i will show you exactly what i mean, i placed down here timed markers of my 2 mistakes, but yeah like i sad before, even if i played like a robot i would probaly still be de-pipping with 0 kills..
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/5r3tYHufkIo" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
2:25 you guys maybe would say that i should followed up on the dwight, but seeing they are perfect loopers and shack pallet still up, he would wasted atleast 1+min of my time,wich means i have throwed the game away by doing so
4:20 i made my first mistake wich was losing sight of where she was going, so i have made 1 error from this point onwards.
4:40 i made another mistake wich was missing 1 hit, so i did 2 minor mistakes in total this game, wich leads me to getting 0 kills and de-pipping.
5:00 oh yeah i forgot who i hooked because of all the gen pressure, and because of that i ''tunneled"" someone so i got ds'd..
8:00 me despratly trying to get that 1 kill, but knowing in the back of my head that its not gonna happen..
and also they where hyper toxic in end game chat, saying ezz, baby killer, dumb noob, but yeah i got numb to that stuff already but still, trying to add salt to injury because they know i can't win.
I just hope something gets done about this, because i wan't to play the game, but on the other hand knowing you can get these matches alot wich are just un-winable, is just unfun..
Peace out
I already saw a mistake that you didn't put at around 1:00 you broke a pretty unsafe pallet that if you didn't break would've started giving you your power which allows you to snowball easily. Also another thing I should say is to get infectious fright. It is literally god tier on oni and other slug heavy killers.
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She couldve mindgamed me around that pallet for quite some time, and if i had still got a hit after the looping around the pallet, she would sprint burst away towards a safe pallet, so i pressured the guy on the gen behind me, and you saw i did not even got 1 hit off him, so that 1 hit was not that impactfull in the end.
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I don't really play Oni but yeah if they can run you for long enough before getting your power it can be game over. Not much I can really add as I don't know how to play the tiles with him.
I'd drop Thano Btw. Even at max stacks its literally worthless. Oni is snowball dependant so infectious fright is a go to.
5:00 was just really unfortunate timing. I wouldn't be surprised if that was a head on save set up by a SWF.
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i main oni for atleast the last 800 hours,and what you sad about infectious fright, its good if you can down people + others are nearby, wich alot of SWF know off so they all will split out, like 1 survivor in every corner, wich makes infectious fright kinda usseles, i tryd it out to many times. With thano if you face survivors who are not the top % you can get some great value out of it, because with the gen timers being brokenly fast, you really need every slowdown perk that you can get, so with thano you force them to heal wich wasted some of there time + if they dont they will do gens slower.
and about that 5:00 i think my auto aim snapped onto the locker because someone was in it, maybe im wrong about this but who knows hehe.
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Not trying to be a jerk but your build was odd for an Oni. Thanatophobia and BBQ Should've been swapped for Monitor and Infectious. Monitor helps get that first hit and hence get your power quicker as well you should've let that gen go and instead farm the blood from Dwight. An example is maybe with Monitor and Infectious you maybe would've saw that Cheryl or Dwight nearby and you could start slugging when you downed Felix. And Cheryl was going to shack you should've saved your power for an easier loop. And someone not injured. Or put in sloppy instead of Thanatophobia. And in the end you should've let Dwight stay on the ground and instead snowball.
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But that's why you surprise the survivor farm them for their blood then leave pop your power and start slugging when you hit a survivor with Oni you don't try and down them with your M1 instead farm their blood. Scott Kind makes that point with his Oni guide.
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First of all, these guys where a 4man SWF, the moment they saw me closing in shack, they already all where telling each other they where facing oni, wich wouldve put them on high alert, seccondly i re-watched the video and i could not see 1 moment where monitor & abuse would have gotten me value, like zero, so that perk in this match would already be a complete waste.
third thing, like i sad some guy above me, infectious fright works only when they stack up, good 4man SWF never stack up against a oni, atleast from my expierence they don't , because well you know infectious fright might bite them in the end.
so yeah, bbq gave me some value this whole game and thana maybe a tiny bit, but still every thing that slows down gens is a must in this game.
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True, they saw me right at the start of the game, they all wen't telling on COMS that the killer is oni and also will tell them exactly where i was going, so everyone already knew from wich side i came from.
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How could i have suprised a survivor when they literly saw me in the first 3 secconds of the game? they are all on COMS so they can tell each other where im going, wich renders the perk almost completly usseles.
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Okay fine when you did injure someone instead of leaving them you should've farmed their blood which you didn't do. To get your power then. And monitor If you did run it with infectious would've get a snowball going and could've helped even without it's stealth aspect. And coms are nasty yes. But Monitor could've still got one early hit which could've got the train rolling. And how often do you play Oni?
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Thana isn't good at all on Oni, you didn't slug nearly enough, and DS cost you some time and a kill because it's a bullshit perk that needs to be addressed. You also didn't do a good job camping the Dwight at around the 8 minute mark. You should have gotten at least one hit on a survivor before he got saved.
You seem to know when to drop chases, but you don't seem to know when it's best to use your power. For example, why did you use it at 8:35 just to go after the guy that literally just got saved? You are activating it way too early when you get it, and you are dashing with it way too often in tight jungle gyms.
Here's what I'd do if I were you:
- Replace Thana with some other perk. Surveillance, Infectious Fright, and even something like Sloppy or Coulrophobia would be much better than that perk. Your other 3 perks are fine on Oni.
- Learn when you should slug. You did not output enough pressure because you were hooking, getting your power, using your power, picking up and losing your power, repeat. No slugging from what I saw, and that really hurt you.
- Tunnel more. You need to get DS out of the game if you see an opportunity to do so. If you do that, you know that you have someone that is vulnerable in the endgame, and you should prioritize hooking them if they are on their second hook. There are very few cases where respecting DS is the right play (the endgame here with Dwight being one of them), and you can always tunnel and knock that person out to your heart's desire as soon as you know they do not have that in their pocket.
- Use your power less. On loops like the one at 4:40, you really don't need to use your power to get a hit on even the best survivor. Same with the killer shack, although you can do some great stuff with your power in that scenario. Perhaps you should practice your fundamentals more with a killer like Wraith?
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They seemed like a good team and certainly a hard match but I wouldn't call it unwinnable. Not having infectious kind of hurt as there were a few times they were all together and getting even one double down would have helped tremendously.
Outside of the minor mistake misses and such as well as no infectious I'd say you had two big mistakes. Not farming that Dwight for blood after you hit him. You can tell these guys are good and aren't going to give you hits easy so you need your power ASAP. You would have gotten your power a lot sooner then you did which could have changed things dramatically.
After that, at 4:06 instead of chasing Cheryl at shack, I would have head right back to the hook because you know a rescue is coming soon and they'll be heading back to the gens anyway which are all on that other side. You'd be back by your gens and pressuring at least two people. You ended up bailing on Cheryl anyway to do just that and going back earlier could have gotten you another quick down and probably some slug pressure. On your way back you may have even got the person that cleansed your totem as they were right there as well.
At 6:35 you are next to an exit gate with a hill and can watch him on hook. That door is a lost cause and I would have gotten your power and camped him there for at least one kill. If they come for the save you have your power all ready to go and no way in hell they're all making it back to that other door.
There's no way to know if you would have won if you did these things but those two things lost you a lot of time and could have easily been the difference with some snowball. You also could have guaranteed a 1k at the end there no problem.
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I've been trying to get infectious fright on my Oni, but the game is so damn grindy it punishes you for having every DLC.
I dropped 3 million BP into ONI AFTER level 50 and I still have not gotten infectious from the bloodweb.
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That's sad. If it makes you feel better I got BBQ 1 with only 7 perks left for all perks.
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Hello, i apreciate your contructive criticism!
First of all maybe you are right about thano, but i play killer daily for atleast 6 hours, and i mainly play oni.
1st, i indeed did not slug at all, but the reason for that, is that this map is huge and there where in almost every scenario no other survivors near me, because a good 4 man SWF tend to stay in a square, 1 survivor in each corner of the map, + sluggings adds the risk of me not finding anyone wich by the time i get back to the downed survivor he probaly already got picked up, wich means i wasted time looking for people, worse case scenario i would not find anyone, wich wasted alot of value time.
2nd if i tunnel, wich i did alot in the past (to try out if its worth it over gen pressure) it always backfires, because if i tunnel 1 survivor who is really good at looping and me playing oni ( no anti loop without power) i throw the whole game away,because the survivor will drop a safe pallet, and runs to the next save pallet, till all gens are done. there is really nothing i can do in that scenario because im a m1 killer, and a m1 killer cannot and will not catch a good looper on 10 save pallets every map provides.
3rd about use the power less, thats why i always run the purple add-on wich makes me lose less rage when i down a survivor, but i have done it a dozen of times saving my power, but like i sad at 2nd, a good looper can loop you thrue the whole map if you are a m1 killer, i had 100s of games like these, thats why i always take that purple add-on so i can/need to use my power everytime to catch a survivor, because well yeah, a good survivor can loop you thrue the whole map im not joking, m1 killers cannot mindgame good loopers at save pallets, it just won't work.
But i guess we both have different expierence on this subject it seems, for me getting these games daily now, really drains out the fun for me.
i feel like i need to play like a robot in order to get 1 or if im lucky get 2 kills , wich just doesnt feel right to me.
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haha that's really unlucky! Same thing happened to me with Wraith and Surge
If you have these perks unlocked, maybe you could try:
Monitor and Abuse (helps get first hit, useful with Oni's quiet music too)
Deathbound (a little information, a little utility, and a good way to find a nice blood pool)
Tinkerer (great information and a bit of stealth)
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There a some things you could have done to play perfect, but i dont know how much they would have help you. The best chance would have been a slugfest with infectious but then they have unbreakable....
Oni without his power is hard. Bc of that bloodfarming after first hit is a good strategy. Most of this pallets were too safe, with bloodlust + mindgaming you get eventually a hit but its a huge time waste. You are right with all of that.
There was no real risks for the survivor, they just played it safe. Map and loops design need to be more balanced.
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Tbh that wasn't a good match for you. It's not like they blew gens out of the water, they weren't done till about 6 and a half minutes. And it was a 9 minute match overall.
You kept using your power when chasing injured survivors, and then draining your power after only one down, you missed several times, you ate two predictable DS stuns, chasing Cheryl at the shack was a waste of time and in the very beginning you didn't absorb any blood from Dwight.
At the end you had a hook right next to an untouched door but you decided to go across the entire map, where you just barely stopped that guy from escaping. With your power at the ready, if those survivors were cocky or overly altruistic (which SWF usually are) I think you could have gotten 2 kills easily. Maybe in that situation camp and leave your power at the point where you only need to absorb for a split second so the survivors aren't notified that you are fully charged?
Also taking Thanatophobia when survivors want to heal against your power ASAP doesn't make much sense.
I'm not saying you're bad, and the survivors clearly knew what they were doing, but you made way more than 2 minor mistakes and I feel like you could have had 2 kills if you had played a bit better.
It would have been nice to see the survivors ranks and perks too.
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Hey, your reply made me indeed reconsider with my video, and because of that i will play some more the next few days with infectious fright and will try to give you guys a more propper example, one with as less of mistakes that i can make.
because i had tons of those matches that i played much better the last few years and also lost hard, but never recorded them, but today i wanted to show you a example, wich indeed i did made a couple of mistakes wich you cannot do when you are playing killer.
ill post a couple of new videos soon with me playing properly.
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I've had some rough ones today as well. 1 hook, 4 gens gone. I just wait for the last gen to pop, open a gate, and stand in a corner until the survivors leave. In those scenarios I've learned to simply give up, and it's saved me a lot of sweat and rage.
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Have not watched the video but... beating a strong 4man is really hard, like very hard. the killer, the map, the RNG, the items they use as well as the perks they use can all make it even harder, that not including the perks you use but thats why most killers have a set META build. Honestly as someone whos been rank 1 for both sides and plays every killer since game release, A good 4man swf getting a brutal killer is a win. the game is survivor sided and honestly as a full team the game becomes pretty easy but just play to have fun and try your best, dont expect to win every game and versing a swf just go for a draw. Dont worry about being most meta, everyone saying oh you ran BBQ or thana its your fault, dont listen its boring using and versing the same perks so im glad you added thana even if its not the strongest. Just have fun with it dude some games you can never win even if you play perfectly.
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Everyone else has mentioned some mistakes made here and there, but I have to say that I agree that there are games where you can't win, even when playing perfectly.
It seems like a get a lot more of these games now than I used to, and I'm not exactly sure why that is. It could be because I never played against PC players before cross-platform, or because survivors have gotten better, or something else.
Anyway, hopefully the devs realize that there are unwinnable games out there for killer, and work to resolve those situations.
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None of these survivors played very well. This was absolutely winnable. In just the first 60 seconds you have some weird pathing issues, you pause at the shack (for?) and then chase Cheryl across the map into a safe jungle gym. She dropped pallet and instead of leaving immediately (that tile is now much weaker) and returning to the side of the map where you know there are survivors probably working on gens (you have Ruin - use it) you continue to chase. Not sure how you think you only made 2 minor mistakes.
Don't over-commit to chases and protect gens (especially with Ruin up). Tighten up your pathing/movement, especially during chases. You don't seem to move your camera very much during chases and thus lose people pretty frequently, try to work on this.