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General Discussions

Tunnelling Killers.



  • Member Posts: 1,035

    Often when im accused of tunneling its becausebtge person I tunneled didn't avoid me effectivelynwhen unhooked, they were found because could hear moansbof pain, you were hard to chase down in the first place, you were cocky with flashlight or te abagging, or the other survivors unhooked within my vision and immediately started trying to body block. If survivors start body blicking early, it makes me think "there's a reason they're protecting this player, they may have certain perks that they want to have available for later like borrowed time or a good toolbox, and if they are protecting them they may be important to kill early"

  • Member Posts: 543

    It's really not. For example, just last week I had an endgame last five minutes extra because I couldn't pick any of them up. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM HAD DS and I already had to eat one because they all got dropped so quickly. I basically just had to let two of them get up each time I downed them, twice, because I risked letting them get away. DS punishes good killers. It's also a pain in the ass when the gens are done and there's someone hooked but you know the gates will be opened and you can't do ######### about it so you just watch them teabag you because the game has a built in ######### you.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    You are comparing apples and oranges. The Killer's JOB is to sacrifice you, and tunneling is a valid tactic (albeit niche) for doing so. Unsafe Hook rescues are just a bad call on the part of your fellow Survivors. The disconnects you do are an offense and draw a ban (as you clearly just explained yourself). I am not being snide when I suggest you find another game. Clearly the rules of this one do not appeal to you. Let me reiterate a few basic facts:

    Camping, Tunneling, Slugging, and the Mori are all valid tactics the Killer can (and sometimes will) employ. They have ALL been cleared by the DEV many times over. This is just the game. I would also point out that your perception of things will often be wrong. Most Killers do not tunnel with intent. They simply take the next target of opportunity that is closest. Very rarely does a Killer CHOOSE to tunnel someone, and when they do, they generally have a pretty good reason.

    My suggestion is (if you haven't already) is to play Killer for a while. Everyone should play both roles in my opinion, to get a better perspective and understand the context of how things work.

  • Member Posts: 3,145

    I don't tunnel because I can't win otherwise, to preface.

    I tunnel for two reasons:

    1. It makes my life a whole lot easier. Why wouldn't I take the easy win?
    2. There are reasons why rage compilations have millions of views. It's kinda fun.

    My job isn't to ensure your fun. Frankly, I don't care whether or not you have fun. I did, that's all I care about and that's all I bought the game for. At the very least, I don't complain (nor do I have the right to) about the occasional 4-man SWAT squad all running Soul Guard, DS, BT, and another strong perk.

  • Member Posts: 110
    edited November 2020

    You have a good perception. I accidentally tunneled someone on the Hawkins map and I felt bad. I try not to got after the same person, but that map was dark in some places that I lose the person I'm chasing and end up finding someone I've already hooked. I do apologize for the action since it wasn't my intention, I only try to chase people that I happen to come across. If I've already hooked them twice, I play fair and give them another chance. But that was when I played killer the first time, I don't play killer really. I play mostly survivor with Jake as my main.

  • Member Posts: 194

    Learn to play, so ez ≧◠‿◠≦✌

  • Member Posts: 194

    Well I give you a better explanation.

    Are you a killer and do you want to win?

    Tunnel is required in the current state of the game.

    Are you a survivor?

    Sorry, you already have like 4 or 5 perks of second chances, put them all on if you can't handle 30 seconds of chase.

  • Member Posts: 85

    It is not tunneling. You must not understand hunting or anything about killers and prey. A true hunter shots/hits their target then goes and gets it. If the target/prey is only wounded they "TRACK IT" down and "KILL IT". Are the predators supposed to just let leave a wounded animal be and starve? That's why "PREDATORS" come in various forms, just as these "KILLERS" do.

    Are Survivors supposed just play ring around the rosie? No. But killers tolerate it.

  • Member Posts: 4,458
    edited November 2020

    I am a Killer and NO it isn't. :) I'm not saying there is anything wrong with Tunneling. It is a valid tactic and sometimes it is the right call. It is NOT the Meta right now, nor it is required to win. Who told you this nonsense? Are you just taking part in the Forum echo chamber? Almost every single match I play is against Red/Purple Rank Survivors and I rarely Tunnel, because only rarely is it to my benefit to do so. Look at it this way:

    1. Person unhooked is damaged and will most likely run off to hide from me and heal.
    2. That takes them out of the Generator repair cycle for a bit, and sometimes someone else too (who heals them if they can't self heal).
    3. I generally know the direction of the person I could Tunnel went (and whomever unhooked them). They are accounted for.
    4. What I don't know are where the other two people are, and thus I must assume they are banging out Generators.
    5. Generator Pressure is what wins games. This is because the longer the match goes, the more it tilts to the Killer.
    6. Lastly, if I downed and hooked that person once, I know I can do it again.

    Sometimes I might chase the same person to force them to waste their DS if it is early in the game, but after that, I move on to return to Generator Pressure. That problem is removed. Do you follow? Using Tunneling as your main tactic runs the risk of getting "Tunnel Vision," i.e. becoming too committed to a chase you should have given up. It also makes you PREDICTABLE as a Killer and why would I want my Survivors to know exactly what I'm going to do after every Hook? If they recognize you as a serial Tunneler, you are almost as valuable to them as a Camper. That person you are chasing is going to lead you to the most remote, and unimportant, part of the map so they can to waste your time. The rest of that Survivor's pals are going to make bank on Generator time. I assure you this is real. I do it myself whenever I'm the one the Killer has decided to delete. I just do my best and Loop like crazy and aim for the wastelands of the map.

    Everyone likes to talk about the "state of the Meta" like it is something written in stone, a given. It isn't.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    How so? The Killer plays a role with specific, enumerated objectives. The same is true of the Survivors. All anyone can ask is the following:

    1. Do not cheat, either with hacks or lag spikes.
    2. Do not disconnect; if you start a game, finish it.
    3. Be humble in victory and gracious in defeat.

    That is all it takes to be a good sport. Selfish or Unselfish doesn't come into this equation at all. The expectation is that all Players involved understand the game and are here to play hard. Your fun is not my responsibility, nor is my fun your responsibility. We all get out of games exactly what we put into them. The fun is in the conflict, the playing of the game. We are talking about the journey rather than the destination. People who fixate on outcomes and believe the other Players owe them some sort of unspoken, unofficial leeway in games are the ones being selfish. They are adding an unrealistic and completely subjective standard to the situation.

  • Member Posts: 1,050

    In some (non-SWF) games there is that one keystone character if you can get them on a hook the rest of the group collapses. They’re not always easy to pick out in the crowd, but if you can figure out which one it is they are worth tunneling. The game runs a lot smoother once they’re out of the picture.

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    Tunneling is fine and fair. Either you need to work on your stealth or chase escape. Killers with tunnel vision usually hand over the match by wasting to much time on one person.

  • Member Posts: 58

    Is anyone on often enough to keep tally of how many tunneling post are made by survivors who want to live versus killers who want them dead?

  • Member Posts: 245
    edited November 2020

    The game kind of encourages you to tunnel off-hook. Say the suvivors split up, you find one, down them and hook em. You go kick the gen they were working on, and patrol a near by gen when you hear the notification.

    Now you have three choices.

    1: Ignore them and patrol another gen because you might be taking too much time on these two.

    2: Go after the rescurer, this will make two play's next hook be the struggle hook, putting on a bit more pressure.

    3: Go after the one who was just unhooked, and get them to the struggle hook.

    option 3 is very tempting because the survivor will A typically still be injured, and B you know you can catch them because you've done it at least once.

    If the player unhooking does so in my direct line of sight, I usually go with 2 to punish them for being so brasin.

  • Member Posts: 3,145

    Give me one good reason to be selfless and I might reconsider my position.

    I'll wait.

  • Member Posts: 194
    1. Person unhooked is damaged and will most likely run off to hide from me and heal.

    it's 2020 friend, 2016 was a long time ago.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    I'm I'm not playing in 2016; just finished matches a few minutes ago, won against Red Rank Survivors. I didn't find the need to Tunnel in those particular matches. Your argument simply does not hold up.

  • Member Posts: 3,145

    People don't heal in this meta was his point.

    That's a waste of time that cold be spent doing gens.

  • Member Posts: 194

    hahaha with what? Spirit? Freddy? with mori?

    I want to think you're in the maroon range; why else your arguments don't hold up.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    Myers and Trapper. Those are the Killers I play currently. I am a Red Rank Killer again despite trying to learn Trapper the hard way.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    Well, I can't speak for the games he (or you) play but I still find plenty of people heal up. Nine times out of ten than is where I catch them for the second hook. I think attempting to say what the Meta is right now is all anecdotal and assumption.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    Heard it here folks. Counter to a swf team rushing gens with toolboxes and Built To Last is to just not let them do generators.

    Same logic.

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    sure taking a 5 word sarcastic response out of context and applying new meaning to it to meet you quota of self righteousness is something you could do

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