You can still get Merciless Killer by giving someone the hatch

I had a game where there was a relatively early DC (because I was playing Deathslinger). I hooked everyone in order, let them heal, do a couple gens and played super fair. I even let someone escape out the hatch. And guess what I still got Merciless Killer even at Rank 1.
Moral of the story is that if you semi-farm after there's a DC. You can give a Survivor the hatch and it doesn't effect your rank at all.
Can’t remember last time a killer gave me the hatch. Years ago it was 1/5 games, now probably 1/100
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I always try to give a Survivor the hatch if I thought they played well and weren't being toxic
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And I never escape against fair killers. Perhaps one day we”ll play against each other :D
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There's a glitch when someone DC-s on hook that gives you both sacrifice points and dc points for your emblem simultaneously, as if you killed two people at once.
Other than that, you can't double rank in reds as killer without 4k-ing.
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I give my last survivor the chance to get hatch, or to open an exit door. But carrying a survivor to find hatch is a pain, also if I don't find the hatch quickly it makes me uncomfortable because I feel like I'm wasting their time.
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Came here to say this. If a player disconnects while on the hook, the sacrifice points and disconnect make up points are both awarded.
A four kill is required for a red rank merciless.
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Yeah I think 11 hooks and enough chaser points is usually enough.
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Not very merciless then, is it?
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Thats 2pip not merciless
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lol i got my adept pig with a hatch escape.
I was on attempt 8 or so and when the last survivor escaped with a key i nearly raged until i saw the result screen.