Why is “respect the 4%” a thing?



  • Fizz
    Fizz Member Posts: 71

    Killers job is to kill. Not to let someone away because they decided to try jumping off the hook. If you chose to do that then fair enough but don't expect me to let you go. Maybe if Survivors stopped being complete asses during games Killers might be a little more willing to be nice..Just sayin.

  • Yuhg
    Yuhg Member Posts: 50

    @Fizz said:
    Killers job is to kill. Not to let someone away because they decided to try jumping off the hook. If you chose to do that then fair enough but don't expect me to let you go. Maybe if Survivors stopped being complete asses during games Killers might be a little more willing to be nice..Just sayin.

    yes but you know, it's like a real life thing, i can insult you, humilliate you, bully you, etc. But if you do it to me you're a jerk and all that.

    It's easier for them to be jerks, laugh at the killer, and if the killer retaliates and make them pay, they're not jerks, the killer is.

    I just kill everyone i can tbh, i could give less of a sh*t about unspoken rules, xD

  • Fizz
    Fizz Member Posts: 71

    My point was just that survivors feel like they can act however they want within a game and then get treated with respect. At the end of the day, this is a PvP Competitive game. I don't play CoD and say "Don't shot me, I dodged your bullet that first time"

  • SpringwoodSlasher
    SpringwoodSlasher Member Posts: 4

    A killers job is to kill. Do whatever it takes. Although, whenever someone does 4% off next to me I have to wait about 7 seconds before I can do anything....

  • DiNenna
    DiNenna Member Posts: 1

    I normally try to respect the 4% just because I can, but if they get adrenaline and get fully healed then its fair game.

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    I respect the 4%.

  • Jackikins
    Jackikins Member Posts: 66

    There is one thing to remember.
    You are the killer. YOU make the rules. They have to play with those rules set.
    A killer is a good killer if they can kill.
    A survivor is a good survivor if they can survive.
    If they die due to the killer killing them, then they have done a bad job at surviving and the killer has done a good job killing them. I fail to see how some people have these "un-written rules" for themselves that apparently everyone else has to follow. It's childish.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985
    Yo shoutout though to the killers who don’t camp, tunnel, and respect the 4%! you’re the reason I don’t pallet loop , use flashlights, or tbag. If I find flashlights in a chest I burn them out and use them up purposely so others can’t use them against you. 
  • kevinb420
    kevinb420 Member Posts: 32

    I never respect the 4%. You Kobe’D good for you I’m not letting you get a free escape just for jumping off the hook. Killer main here lol

  • Asylum_BHVR
    Asylum_BHVR Member Posts: 11

    play the game how YOU want and not how others say you have to. you wanna reward that 4% luck then its up to you. personally i take it on a game by game situation. if the person who got the 4% luck done nothing but loop or stupid crap like that then i won't let them go. if they were generally helping there team mates, i will let then go. simples :)

  • Wicked_Django
    Wicked_Django Member Posts: 128
    Wolf74 said:

    Survivor came up with some weird "code of conduct" how killer should play.

    -Don't camp
    -Don't tunnel
    -Let the last one escape
    -Respect kobe (4%)
    -Don't use Noed
    -Don't use Insidious
    -Don't use the basement

    Nowadays they are just social tools to use peer pressure to shame killer player into playing stupid and giving easy wins.

    Also don’t use Franklins 
    And don’t patrol gens
    Hey don’t protect your hex totems
    Why aren’t my flashlights working? Oh you’re using Lightborn, how dare you!

    Hell, I’ve had survivors complain that I pick them up facing walls so their friends can’t blind me lol.
    Ive had people tell me its cheap to use Nurses on a nurse so...
  • C4Garuda
    C4Garuda Member Posts: 198
    Wolf74 said:

    Survivor came up with some weird "code of conduct" how killer should play.

    -Don't camp
    -Don't tunnel
    -Let the last one escape
    -Respect kobe (4%)
    -Don't use Noed
    -Don't use Insidious
    -Don't use the basement

    Nowadays they are just social tools to use peer pressure to shame killer player into playing stupid and giving easy wins.

    I play both survivor and Killer alot but all those survivor rules are #########. The only one that i agree with is camping. You are one wack ass killer if you need to camp idc what anybody says. Last survivor if i hook you or lets say i hook the last 2 survivors, or hell my last Huntress game i hooked everyone in the basement  LEGITLY so yeah i just stayed there. Thats different, games done. If you Kobe off ima down you. Camping off the bat just to guarantee a kill is lame. Especially if you're a chainsaw killer, 1 hit down and a camper? Yeah you're pathetic.
  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    If I respect the 4%, something happened in that game to put me in the mood to do so.

    Otherwise, expect no mercy. Nobody is entitled to anything, myself included.

  • bendermac
    bendermac Member Posts: 772

    Hell NO!
    Especially now with a SV Perk like Deliverance in the game.
    You jump off while I'm near? I try to get you back on the hook.
    You jump off while I'm far away? Good for you... But I still will try to get you back on the hook.

    As for the other "Rules"... how about

    Don't looping
    Don't gen-rushing
    Don't tea-bagging
    Don't flashlight

    and so on ;)

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371
    Runiver said:

    "Respect the 4%" isn't a thing.
    It's yet another survivor rule to allow them to survive in specific situations.
    Just smack them and get them back to their place : the hook.

    That's right! REAL killers don't play by the survivors made up rules!
  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    Because survivors want it to be a thing so they can win. 
    And probably be a dick afterwards. 

    No one will remember if you respect the 4%. 
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Like all made-up rules, it serves to benefit the ones who made it up. In this case, Survivors.

  • thekiller490490
    thekiller490490 Member Posts: 1,164
    I can honestly say i have never heard that one before. 
    This is as common as don't tunnel.
  • Divinitye9
    Divinitye9 Member Posts: 392
    The only time I will respect a 4% is if it is at the very end of the game and I have already taken down two of your friends with a possible third if I am carrying them to a hook.

    If people honestly expect me to not touch them or their friends at the beginning of a game because the dice rolled in your favor and you jumped off, then you are sadly mistaken.
  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Meh 4%.
    No one does it for me why should i do it for them :chuffed: