What is the most annoying Killer

Yeah who do you Surv mains think is the most annoying Killer?
I've been playing a bit more Survivor these days and i feel like the Hagen is pretty annoying. But what do you guys think?
I find any killer that crutches on NOED to be both annoying and somewhat pathetic for not trusting their own skill. I don't find any specific killer that annoying.
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In my opinion the doc is the most annoying. I main killer and doc is in my top 5, but playing surv makes me realize why people hate me for it.
The funnest in my opinion is Demo. Idk why but when I hear that loud demodog I get real exited
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this. especially when it's a killer with a build-in insta-down mechanic
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The most annoying killers
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Not a surv main but I dabble and the killer I find most annoying to go against is the Doc simply because once you get any level of madness, you will always have minimum madness 1 which can mess with your skill checks. Also freddy because having to constantly wake up. As a killer, the most annoying killer for me to play that I actually like playing is the Clown and it is all because I cant help but think that instead of a smoker's hacking cough after every hit that I wish he had a Krusty the Klown esque laugh. Also his chase music should be distorted big top circus music.
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1. Legion
2. Freddy
3. Deathslinger
4. Pyramid Head
Other killers are fine/fun to verse.
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This sounds stupid but I would say clown is kinda cause his gameplay is so boring just throw bottle at loop they drop pallet early rinse and repeat.
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I'm not talking about Noed
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Mine is any teammate who won't let the killer leave before they unhook me.
Bonus points for them doing it in an Ebony mori game without Borrowed Time.
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Ghostface is the most annoying Killer, for me at least. His power is too inconsistent. Sometimes I can be staring right into his eyes and NOT knock him out of it. Other times he is barely in the periphery of my vision and he gets knocked out. To be blunt, he is too random and thus what is supposed to be effective counter play is a roll of the dice. It means all games against him will be LONG and drawn out as I'm going to move the second Spine Chill flashes and sneak on away. I find games against Ghostface last a long time because I'm not the only one using this tactic. Don't get me wrong, I don't lose to Ghostface that often, I just don't enjoy playing against him.
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Up to a certain point yes but the Clown will eventually run out of bottles and has to reload or be an m1 killer and there's a possibility to mindgames with him too. Clown also has meme value and has the most fun killer sounds.
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Doc and legion
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I personally find it annoying with killers which place effects on the survivors like Doc, Plague, Clown and Legion for the deep wounds mechanic.
Things that mess up my view on screen or cause me to do animations with the same sound effects over and over.
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THAT kind of Bubba. The one that always stands still.
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I agree with you, Carnage. I've had so many people use no ed. Honestly, I consider No Ed a crutch perk for Killlers who are only just starting out. NO ED serves as a aid to help them better understand the mechanics of the game and help them find the perfect play style. However, when I see red ranks use no ed, I'm just like "really, you need that perk to guarantee you a match". Its like when people just spam a lot of the killers abilities, specifically with the Clown and Doctor. To be honest, I get very annoyed when people use these killers to camp all game.
I had someone literally target me with the Clown, spamming the bottle tosses and then face camp all game. The others survivors kept trying to help me, but the Clown kept dropping bottles, downing the others and letting them heal. I didn't even do anything to that person, I was just working on a gen alone; I dodged his bottles because i had a good area. I drop a pallet and keep going.
When i got off the hook, he tunneled me. After that he let everyone else leave, I was really annoyed and a bit angry. His response to camping me was "Daily Ritual". That just drew the line. I've never seen a daily ritual that has you camp someone's face.
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the killer i find to be the most annoying to face would be a Blight with Ruin Undying Tinkerer.
so basically every Blight out there...
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Legion and Ghostface, by far.
Especially given that the players who play them are toxic, camper/tunnellers who make everyone want to quit the game.
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Any of the killers which feel relatively non-interactive (or that generate really bland interactions) are the ones I least like to play against. I don't care if they're strong or weak killers; if playing against them feels boring, then why would I want to face them?
Freddy is top of my list for being consistently unenjoyable to go against. I think he gets way too many passive abilities/benefits and also causes pretty frequent performance hiccups due to all the effects/particles/animations generated by his power. While I don't really think he's truly overpowered as some people complain, I have seen the phrase "over-tuned" tossed around and I'm inclined to agree with it. There is no killer I'd rather see less of than Freddy.
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This is both the best and worst bubba. I play SWF often, so for me, the bubba gets 1 killer, and 3 escape every time with ease. in solo Q it is lame.
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I've only DC about four times on DBD, but it was because of toxic killers and survivors. Had a toxic Trapper literally just wanting to waste my time until end game kills me, so i dc because I wanted to go into another round.
The first time I DC was because I had all my teammates literally suicide on hooks, one survivor dropped a pallet in my face while I was being chased. After the triple hook suicide, I tried to open the gate but the Legion quickly found me even though he was far away from my area and the gate. I assumed his friends were the survivors and he beelined my way; the Legion downed me and just kept slashing the air over my head, being utterly toxic and rubbing it in my face that I got abandoned by my teammates.
Another time was when a Ghostface and the other two survivors (my friend and I were playing and he got sacrificed) kept t-bagging me. I would get healed, get downed and t-bagged by all three. I tried to get distance but the survivors would body block and I get downed again, so I DC. After i went back to spectate, I see all three of them t-bagging my body.
The doctor was the final DC for a long time. Saved fellow survivors from hooks and tried to do gens, all of a sudden I find all three other survivors and the Doctor block my way. I tried to snap my character out of the madness, I get downed and then t-bagged repeatedly by a Jake I saved. After they powered the last gen and Adrenaline kicked in, I ran for it. I stopped after a while and hid. The Doctor and randoms ran by, I went to the closest door and opened it. All three survivors left through the hatch and I went out the door.
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Don't play against her very often if at all. But Hag's camera fuckery when you trigger her traps is incredibly annoying.
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I find the cannibal annoying because alot of players i come against who play rely heavily on the chainsaw other wise they don't win. Also find the doctor and huntress annoying as well
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Please Guys, we all hate insidious Camping tunneling Noed using Killers. I get it. But what Killer specifically do you not like to play against, their behaviour aside here. Maybe it's their Power or Sounds that make them annoying. Every Killer can Camp and Tunnel no need to talk about that, rather give me actual answer to the question instead of saying "none but campers" i knew that already
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Honestly I dislike playing the doctor after the redid some of his abilities and his wide range shock attack. Annoying when you have keep ducking on lockers when he does it so you dont go batshit. Paired with being able to see where his "doubles" are makes it a pain lol
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Personally, I don't like going against the Clown.
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Tryhard Nurse slugging 4k on 5 generators. Especially if she doesn't hook.
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Why would a Bubba NOT use his chainsaw? It's his (only) power.
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It's what makes him powerful yes, but if they keep spamming his tantrum it gets annoying and most Bubbas I come against pair that with camping, honestly part is how the developers extended his tantrum time
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Doc, cs he devours my fps
Gameplaywise he's fun, though
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He has a mallet also, but I believe he means that people deliberately use the chainsaw constantly for a quick match. More than ever with the 3 charges they gave him.
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That's exactly what I mean
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I still fail to see how the term "rely" makes sense in this regard. To me it sounds like you just dislike optimal Bubba players and want them to play bad (by using regular M1 hits) on purpose.
All killers are supposed to use their powers at all times. Only bad killers turn into M1-NoPower-chase-bots.
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Ghostface. His broken reveal mechanic gives him free downs all the time.
Legion. Mending over and over is just so tedious.
Freddy. For obvious reasons.
Stridor Spirit. Literally no escaping this.
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A good hag, or deathslinger.
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Hag, her power is basically face camping while roaming around.
Trapper, removing loops. What if survivors still got offerings that removed hooks !?
Bubba, because of the face camping playstyle, he is fun to play against if they arent camping.
Deathslinger, no skill ez wins
Huntress, gotta love those hitboxes
Spirit, hit into phase with stridor, ez down
Maybe theres more but still the most annoying is the hag. Specially in solo
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Doctor. He's not that bad, but only if every survivor knows how to play against him.
Deathslinger and Huntress are up there with dedicated servers. Getting hit through walls and trees is miserable, since you never know what is safe, and Deathslinger is virtually hitscan with no terror radius. It's been better versus Huntress lately, though. Deathslinger is still an absolute dice roll.
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That's weird... All the killers say you annoy them.
Do bones they say...
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NOED is actually a reminder that avoiding dull totems to crank out gens faster is not always safe...
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Deathslinger takes the cake I think. He is just a dumb killer that I have no idea how he even got through testing in his current state and into the game, same with pyramid head. Who approved of his design, seriously? And how did the Devs intend for us to play him? Maybe they wanted players to use him to hold angles and such which would explain some of the add-ons that increase movement speed or reduce terror radius while aiming down sights. But that's obviously not how he's played. It's just aim, tap M2 then tap M1 to shoot and wow! You got a hit that the survivor could do literally nothing about! How rewarded do you feel knowing that you can win every chase without caring in the slightest about what the survivors do to try and counter you?
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Deathslinger (due to his terrible TR)
Spirit (No mind games whatsoever aka BORING)
Those are the only killers I have problems with. I'm completely fine with all the other killers
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I hate going against Pyramid Head and Huntress the most. Spirit is also boring to face but not as much as the other 2, imo
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That would be Hag by far for me.
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because they absolutely useless
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I'm a survivor main and my biggest strength is stealth. So for me the killer that annoys me the worst is Doc. His ability to basically hit a button and reveal survivor locations is a huge detriment to my play style. Don't get me wrong. While I'm still nowhere near great while being chased it's forced me to get a lot better. I guess that means you could say there is a positive, but Doc will always be the killer that annoys me the most.
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This is actually kind of true. & Whats worse than 'aim and get a hit' is that it feels like he was made by devs that don't have any experience with FPS games & didn't expect people to know how to quickscope.
Killers I hate playing against though:
I hate playing against the Hillbilly because they ALWAYS have BBQ and chili (esp at the ranks I'm in) and will chainsaw across the map to get you, wherever you are. In red ranks everyone also uses chainsaw steering add-ons so there's no hope once he finds you unless you're a true juke God.
Hag is boring
Freddy is overtuned as hell and has too much stuff
Doctor is just annoying because no one ever knows how to play against him.
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Doctor, I don't even care that he's not the strongest killer, or even that he doesn't kill me as often as others his power is so obnoxious and distracting. He just gets under my skin like no other killer does. Like any other killer downs me I'm like 'oh... darn.' Doctor downs me I'm like 'God dammit, free pressure BS, don't even have to aim your power stupid grating laugh mother #########.'
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Its a toss up between Freddy and the Doc for me. It's not that I find them overly powered, nor am I too lazy to adjust my playstyle in order to counter them. They are simply the two that make me sigh in resignation when i figure out i'm up against them, and i go through the game feeling no real enjoyment as i might against a zoomie Billy or a really good nurse (I'm not going to stop saying this: I really REALLY miss challenging nurses)
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Spirit and Slinger. Hag is up there as well as Legion for mending simulator.