After Ormond is Haddonfield gonna be more common

We all know new more balanced Ormond is dropping tomorrow and that got me to realize. Are the 4 man Swfs just gonna be burning Haddonfields now. Since they don't have Ormond anymore. So will Haddonfield be more common. And after Haddonfield will there be any busted maps left? When it gets reworked.
Haddonfield will always be the map for annoyance.
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Haddonfield was always extremely survivor sided
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Letβs hope the devs will rework it around February when the new chapter comes out
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I think the only killers that fully benefit from Haddonfield are Trapper and Hag...they destroy on that map; 1 basement hook and it's over.
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It always has been. No idea why haddonfiled hasn't been disabled yet.
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Haddonfield has always been the go-to SWF map for fun and fair teams, it just lost popularity with most after the Balanced Landing normalisation.
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Well hopefully and most likely this map will be reworked heavily too so it won't be as busted. After that then pretty much every map will be somewhat balanced. Although I'll still hate badham and wonder if ppl will realise how broken it is. There are easy fixes to it as well. Just replace one or both of the houses with maze tiles and put holes in the walls next to the god windows so they are more like those windows in the fences.
On the note about map reworks btw, i've noticed that they are leaving the harder maps till last like asylum and haddonfield.
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I would not say that they are leaving the harder Maps at last. They said they will start with the older Realms, which they did with MacMillan and Autohaven. Ormond was a really unbalanced Map, so it is not like they are skipping the "harder" maps.
I guess the Midchapter will see a Coldwind-Rework and afterwards, Haddonfield or the Asylum could be an option. (if we strictly from older to newer, they are quite soonish to be reworked)
I wouldnt mind if they "by accident" delete the Swamp btw.
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Have I entered the twilight zone?!?!
SWF have been throwing down Strode Realty Keys ever since the inception of this map!
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Not gonna lie should've changed my words. I know Haddonfield has been around a while. However without Ormond anymore will there be even more Haddonfields being burnt.
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Meh. It might increase a little bit, but I donβt see them going crazy always burning haddonfield offerings at the expense of their own boredom.
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Some farm maps are annoying like haddonfield. Atleast cowshed. But i guess as original realm they will be reworked before haddonfield.
Temple of purgation can have some unmindgameable loops close together in the middle and its a big map.
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Oh boy,
The amount of strong loops that fractured cowshed spawns next to each other is absolute bs
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If you want to be toxic yea. Thing is I don't think too many survivors even like the map themselves lol
I find the map annoying to play on both roles.
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Midwich most likely as once you learn the layout or have ooo it gets nasty
Rn I would be praying for pls Haddonfield don't break like you have on mobile. If that happens enjoy depression you ain't getting survs at myers house... And ppl abuse it as result
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Temple is actually quite small now since they shrank it, I personally like what they did with the map and think its pretty balanced. Although yea theres one tile which can spawn with the wide and flat curved pillar with a bush next to it which is probably too safe.
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The thing I'm worried about is, any licensed map, to change anything they'd need permission from the license holders to do it wouldn't they?
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Jungle gym into jungle gym into safe filler into main building into safe filler into jungle gym into jungle gym into safe filler into Shack into safe filler into cow tree into all gens done π
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Myers Loop goes brrrrrr
Seriously though Core Devs would've fixed it in a week. Not... Oh yeah it still ain't fixed.
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Gotta love those super interactive loops,don't we π
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I only recently learned of the house of pain, during no bloodlust weekend :((
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Ooh, I hope so. I love when survivors burn Haddonfield: I get to put the controller down and go get a snack. I mean, I assume they want to do gens uninterrupted; you don't pick Haddonfield if you want to interact with the killer.
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Haddonfield is super survivor sided, there's almost no hope to win there if survivors are decent.