WHO IS YOUR MAIN? (killer)

xXM7MD97Xx Member Posts: 16


my first main was Doctor but When my brother bought the Halloween chapter I main Michael for long time after the I main ghost face and now I main legion🌚

WHO IS YOUR MAIN? (killer) 133 votes

MandyAdelooOnryosTapeRentalsShrimpTwiggsHeartboundSchmeltzSkeletalElitezmassaniIcewhisperYanthegamer558LordRegalAxePega6UnknownlyKnownstargazer9skinuCrAzY_mad_ladboostedsurvivormainWishIcouldmainBlup 20 votes
Michael Myers,Hag,Doctor,Huntress
SnakeSound222DetailedDetrimentjadssGlamourousLeviathansteponmeadirisArialPerfect_DankDADDYMYERS1978Friendly_BlendettePhorKoinzSaintDorksoffwhiteknight 12 votes
Dr_Trautsmusstang62VetratheneMeneLawoskar0chDeath_Syko21WiktoroxThicc_Boi_MyersTheButcherChurchofPigJay_WhyaskHealthore77992quartziieCrimsonAngel09BwstedRamblinRangoAbgrielhatchkingGhost_PepperRK67 21 votes
Spirit,Legion,Plague,Ghost Face
mintchapstickF60_31Demon_SwordsDimek[Deleted User]FeryGENRullisiTaigapalletsryummyEnderloganYTBloodyBunnySassySolidSnakefairfieldismsNAERUUUDawnMadTatariuYatolkesLVCephalon_LebronUndershot 46 votes
Demogorgon,Oni,Deathslinger,Pyramid Head
Mister_xDAetherBytesFreddoRoboMojoCornHubOwlzeyKayTwoAyye_j2007cheezjtzRepostRiposteUnifallhorrortale_sansDwightFairfieldMatt_The_SpookTraceEdgeKarao_KeBeelzeboopedgyjmm 18 votes
Blight and The Twins
RizzoTapeKnotAndRaxiuskonchokAhoyWolfParallaxCritical_Fishbjorksnasmagicmaster2020Awkward_FiendMadLordJackglitchboitheman43[Deleted User]ZestyAquagrunt 16 votes


  • xXM7MD97Xx
    xXM7MD97Xx Member Posts: 16

    Sorry I forget to add I don't have main😪

    Quote these comment if you don't have main

  • foxboi440
    foxboi440 Member Posts: 5

    Mainly spirit but I also main legion wraith and when twins gets released I will main them

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    Don't really have a main but i have my favorite killers to play in order : Wraith, Oni, Demo/Pig, Spirit/Deathslinger ^^

  • UnknownlyKnown
    UnknownlyKnown Member Posts: 57

    Nurse and demo are my mains. I for some reason like hard killers in this game, so hillbilly, myers and more I tend to play. However I barely play DBD nowadays so whenever I play like once a week, it's either demo or nurse.

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785
    Spirit,Legion,Plague,Ghost Face

    Legion mostly, but also Pig, Huntress, Hillbilly and speedy wraith if I have the add ons.

  • DerZuntor
    DerZuntor Member Posts: 293
    Spirit,Legion,Plague,Ghost Face

    Legion but also Pig and Bubba.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082


  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452


  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891
    Spirit,Legion,Plague,Ghost Face

    Legion, but Huntress more and more lately.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719
    Blight and The Twins

    I'm a full on Blight main now. Used to be a spirit main. I feel like people prefer to play against blight more than spirit so if I'm going to play I'll at least play with a killer that survivors enjoy a bit more. I do enjoy playing a bit of spirit from time to time.

  • Jarol
    Jarol Member Posts: 1,985
    edited November 2020
    Spirit,Legion,Plague,Ghost Face

    My first killer that I played for the first time was Ghostface and my first victory was with him, but I'm main myers

  • RepostRiposte
    RepostRiposte Member Posts: 793
    Demogorgon,Oni,Deathslinger,Pyramid Head

    I enjoy playing all 4 of these. As long as I have some agency in chase beyond just M1 I'm fine playing most killers.

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864
    Demogorgon,Oni,Deathslinger,Pyramid Head

    Everyone except demo, my frames can't handle him :(

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246
    Demogorgon,Oni,Deathslinger,Pyramid Head

    Demogorgon, playing as a creature that is essentially a giant mouth is rather fun

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    I bounce around, but when I feel the need to “do them some concerns”, Hag is my go-to. (The phrase is the creation of another Hag player on the forums here.)

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687
    Blight and The Twins

    The Pinball Wizard is definitely my main, PH and Doctor are my secondaries

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,099
    Blight and The Twins

    Blight, but I also play Legion, Bubba and Billy.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    Blight and The Twins

    I've said it before and I'll say it again: If you don't enjoy repeatedly smashing your face into a solid wall, I don't need to hear about it.

  • Demon_Swords
    Demon_Swords Member Posts: 68
    Spirit,Legion,Plague,Ghost Face

    I main stalkless Ghostface and Clown as I can't really play non M1 killers and like the normal chase mind games.

  • jadss
    jadss Member Posts: 207
    Michael Myers,Hag,Doctor,Huntress

    Huntress please, hitting high distance shots is cool!

  • Freddo
    Freddo Member Posts: 139
    Demogorgon,Oni,Deathslinger,Pyramid Head

    Demogorgon because hes hot 😳

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,867
    Spirit,Legion,Plague,Ghost Face

    Spirit is my girl ♥️

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482
    Blight and The Twins


  • Aquagrunt
    Aquagrunt Member Posts: 6
    Blight and The Twins

    I may have found my calling in Blight

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326
    Demogorgon,Oni,Deathslinger,Pyramid Head

    Good ol' pp head. Few things are more satisfying in this game then hitting someone without any los.

  • TurtleSushiTV
    TurtleSushiTV Member Posts: 156
    Spirit,Legion,Plague,Ghost Face

    Main Legion but i do like Freddy as well.

  • cheezjtz
    cheezjtz Member Posts: 52
    Demogorgon,Oni,Deathslinger,Pyramid Head

    ghostface and daddyslinger

  • cheezjtz
    cheezjtz Member Posts: 52
    Demogorgon,Oni,Deathslinger,Pyramid Head

    also hillbilly but i still gotta practise him

  • zmassani
    zmassani Member Posts: 41

    while i enjoy playing plague, i think i definitely have the most hours on trapper (and tend to default to him, too)

  • PhorKoinz
    PhorKoinz Member Posts: 1
    Michael Myers,Hag,Doctor,Huntress

    Michael is my main killer he was about to be replaced by legion but then feral frenzy got messed up

  • magicmaster2020
    magicmaster2020 Member Posts: 499
    Blight and The Twins

    Twins is my new main

  • BloodyBunny
    BloodyBunny Member Posts: 114
    Spirit,Legion,Plague,Ghost Face


  • TotemsCleanser
    TotemsCleanser Member Posts: 620
    Spirit,Legion,Plague,Ghost Face

    I am currently on an identity crisis trying to find my actual main(?) but Legion is the killer I have the most hours in so yeah. Spirit comes second but she's so boring to play. Like I said, I wanna main someone else. Currently trying out Doctor and Slinger.

  • DistortedDream
    DistortedDream Member Posts: 672
    Spirit,Legion,Plague,Ghost Face

    I main both Spirit and Nurse, But I play Spirit more often.

  • FeryGEN
    FeryGEN Member Posts: 628
    Spirit,Legion,Plague,Ghost Face

    I love Plague! Buff HER!

  • ManyAchievables
    ManyAchievables Member Posts: 667
    Spirit,Legion,Plague,Ghost Face

    Legion is probably the closest thing I have to a main. He's the only Killer I've P3'ed (and I am not gonna make that mistake again) and he's probably also my favourite Killer to play.

  • SaintDorks
    SaintDorks Member Posts: 252
    Michael Myers,Hag,Doctor,Huntress

    The Hag with The Shape as my second

  • Ghost_Pepper
    Ghost_Pepper Member Posts: 19

    I play Pig, Doctor, and Myers the most as killer. Also legion main stinky

  • Critical_Fish
    Critical_Fish Member Posts: 615
    Blight and The Twins

    I personally main Blight, secondarily I do play Deathslinger a decent bit as well.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    Funny thing is I mainly go back and forth between Freddy and Pig mostly so that worked out that they're in the same group. Atm I'm not maining a specific killer so I can work on all of them but those were/are my actual mains.

  • oskar0ch
    oskar0ch Member Posts: 29

    Piggggg. The only character i have at P3 level 50

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,017
    Blight and The Twins

    I love Blight, incredibly fun and underrated! Glad to see others here love him too!

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221
    Demogorgon,Oni,Deathslinger,Pyramid Head

    I wouldn't say I 100% main Oni because I like to bounce around and play different killers almost every match, but I definitely find Oni one of the most fun killers to play in terms of his power. Not to mention, I really like his cosmetics & design as well.

    If it wasn't for Oni, I'd probably have to go with Ghostface. He's a normal M1 killer in chase which sucks but I like sneaking up on people. I can't do this as efficiently with Michael since he's too tall and Pig because she takes too long to un-crouch imo.

  • Zesty
    Zesty Member Posts: 380
    Blight and The Twins

    Twins <3

  • Spirit,Legion,Plague,Ghost Face

    I only have the ghost face dlc and he's my main but, if I had him, I'd main demo

  • GoobyNugget
    GoobyNugget Member Posts: 698
    Spirit,Legion,Plague,Ghost Face

    I play Legion and Demo the most out of all of them

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306
    Demogorgon,Oni,Deathslinger,Pyramid Head

    Pyramid Head, but I still play Demogorgon occasionally.

    I wanna get more killers, but right now I just have the basic killers and these two.

    I love em' both to death, though.

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621
    Spirit,Legion,Plague,Ghost Face

    Ghosty boy for life!