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General Discussions

Is Spine Chill better than Adrenaline?

Member Posts: 545
edited November 2020 in General Discussions

^Title, or what perk do you think is the best overall? I am trying to come up with a great Nancy build here

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  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Adrenaline. It's free gen time and late-game pressure, although with some not inconsiderable risk if you're trying to play into it.

  • Both are good, but they do very different things. What is the rest of your build? Is this for SWF or solo queue?

  • Member Posts: 545

    I am also using Iron Will, Fixated and Sprint Burst, I play solo

  • A lot of team mates in solo are so bad, you may not even make it to late game sometimes. I would take spine chill.

    It will help you stay alive farther into the game to squeeze more points out, even if the match is a loss. Adrenaline is useful; but it's far stronger when you coordinate it and you just can't do that solo.

  • Spine chill and sprint burst are two staples for me a lot of the time; just I suggest you watch these as a rite of passage so to speak before using them:

  • Member Posts: 334

    100% spine chill.

    Adrenaline is too situational, a lot of times when it procs it just won't even be useful.

    Spine chill is AWESOME against your quiet killers (wraith, ghost face etc) and good against everything else. Spine chill will proc before you hear the heart beat, and if you're attentative you know the difference between when a killer is passing by, rather than walking straight towards your gennie based off spine chill.

    Honestly, anyone recommending Adrenaline over Spine Chill has never used Spine Chill correctly.

  • Member Posts: 441

    Here's the Pro's and Con's of Both perks.


    Pro's: 5 second Sprint burst and Heals you 1 health state.

    Con's: Can only be used after the last generator is completed.

    Spine Chill

    Pro's: Gives you information if the killer is coming your way, gives a speed boost to everything you do and can be used in chase.

    Con's: Lol what cons.

    Now choose wisely.

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  • Member Posts: 651

    Spine chill speeds up your vaults. It's a perk that helps in a chase through that, and out of the chase by giving information aboht the killer like a pseudo-object of obsession. It is undoubtedly better than Adrenaline due to its reliability.

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    You can't just say one is perk is better that the other when they don't even do similar things. One of them helps you avoid killer and perform certain actions quicker while the other doesn't even activate until endgame

  • Member Posts: 545

    I was asking which one was more popular among survivors

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    They both are . Popularity means nothing if perk does not work with your playstyle

  • Member Posts: 545
  • Member Posts: 4,458

    Spine Chill. Adrenaline is great when it actually matters in the game, but it doesn't always come up. It is an End Game Perk. Thus, you must reach the end of the game, and be injured to really get any benefit from it. The extra speed is nice, but again, if you rolled the Killer, you probably don't need it. Spine Chill gives you a return in every single game you play, plain and simple.

  • Member Posts: 4,883
    edited November 2020

    Spíne chill will help you if you want to play more stealthy, perform certain actions slightly faster and counter killers like wraith, Myers, ghost face,pig, spirit or insidious camping killer's. Adrenaline is good if you are aggressive on gens and usually find yourself surviving untill the end game or just want a shot at escaping if killer slugs you for 4k and closes the hatch

  • Member Posts: 74
    edited November 2020

    Spine chill is miles ahead of adrenaline. Spine chill is used all game every game and to great efficiency and awareness benefit. Adrenaline does basically nothing if you a) aren’t in a chase when the final gen is completed b)aren’t injured when the final gen is completed c) if you die before all gens are completed.

    it’s the definition of situational and pointless 9 times out of 10 and it’ll be a cold day in hell before I use adrenaline lmao. I genuinely don’t even know why this is even a discussion

  • Member Posts: 605

    I would choose Spine Chill

    Especially if you solo most of the time and since you're also running IW,SB, Fixated. Spine Chill would be a great addition to your build because we all know the deal with solo teammates. Plus its a great counter to stealth killers and killer that also carry tinkerer. It also helps you vault faster in chases my god pair it with resilience and you got yourself a faster vaulting build

  • Member Posts: 567
    edited November 2020

    Adrenaline. Not having to heal and being able to pressure the last gen and immediately going full health for the gate is super good. Also, if you are in a chase at the end and adrenaline pops the killer is basically fked.

    Most aware survivors don't need spine chill at all, not even against stealth killers. Good stealth killers can just look to the side when going to your gen and not trigger spine chill.

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