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Someone please tell me what I'm supposed to do when I'm constantly being matched red ranks

I'm a Rank 11 killer.

I just played for an hour and a half and every single round had at least 2 red ranks, at least 1 purple rank, and if I was lucky, someone actually near my rank. It wasn't fun at all. I've been playing for like a month. I don't even have any characters to level 50 yet.

Not to mention they always seemed so pleased as punch to have an awful killer. The constant BM was so disheartening. I wasn't playing toxic. I avoided tunneling and camping, I didn't hit on hook, I didn't do anything but try to chase them off gens. But every single time was a million flashlight clicks, exit gate teabags, pallet teabags, etc.

I seriously don't understand. I'm new. Why am I being paired with these people? It wouldn't even be that bad if they would just take the win and leave, they're determined to drag the match out and make it hurt. It's not even a learning experience at this point.

To be clear, I'm not judging them for using certain perks or anything like that. I'm a firm believer that every perk is fair. But man, I'm just so annoyed.

Sorry for the useless rant.

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  • Member Posts: 13

    I'm with you, I constantly try avoiding playing with friends because of seeing other high ranks. I am a rank 20 killer and survivor btw.

  • Member Posts: 47

    I was in that position before as well. I was stuck in green ranks for like a month and a half because I would go up against red- ranks the majority of the time. It was definitely not very fun most of the time.

    However, playing against those guys helped me learn and get better. I started figuring out what did and did not work against good survivors, how good survivors want to run around certain tiles and then how to counter them. Then eventually I was able to pull off small mind games and started ending chases quicker and quicker

    You also start developing game sense outside of chase as well. For example, what generators survivors could be on, when survivors are most likely going for saves, when to stop chasing, stuff like that.

    I am definitely not the best at this game or anything, but I do understand the struggle. Just hang in there.

  • Member Posts: 3,089

    You could run empathy or bond and watch what other players are doing and learn what others are doing

    Or get a group

    Idk what's going on with match making tho it's been off as of Thursday hopefully it will be fixed soon

  • Member Posts: 114

    Highly suggest you watch notOtzdartva and Tru3Ta1ent to get some proper game sense and strats. Otherwise it just requires tons of practice and patience. My other best advice would be to just accept that you are most likely going to lose most matches. As you progress to higher ranks while your skills are developing you just have to accept the losses and try to learn from your mistakes as much as you can. It also helps when your understand the why and how you lost. I'm rank 1 both sides when I play consistently and I almost always know what I did to deserve the loss and accept it. Sometimes its certain maps against certain killers, the vault/pallet locations spawn back to back in really survivor sided ways. Remain patient, calm and keep practicing and you will be rank 1 before you know it ✌

  • Member Posts: 122

    What really sucks is you can't go on break and come back to try over again; I used to be red rank and got tired of it so I took a break and now I'm at the lowest rank but still will face red from time to time.

    I dunno what to tell you other than to try and take a break and hope it isn't the same for you like it was for me.

  • Member Posts: 74

    I hardly play killer for the sole reason that every game is remarkably toxic and it’s just attempted bully after attempted bully. I was a red rank killer for a long time but since I hardly play killer anymore I’m like green ranks and this is precisely what happens. 2-3 red rank survivors every game and if I’m lucky a green rank survivor. It doesn’t matter to me either way cause red ranks are flooded with awful survivors and I’m at a skill level where it’s perfectly manageable. But it’s insanely unfair that actual green rank killers have to play against ppl 8-10 ranks higher then them constantly. You wanna know why queue times suck? Wanna know why more and more ppl quit killer? It’s because all this community does is bully and devs relentlessly nerf dumb stuff and ruin matchmaking over and over. I only play survivor now and it’s maddening that I have to wait 5 minutes to find a game because a large percentage of this community acts like ######### and goes out of their way to make another persons day worse, resulting in them quitting.

  • Member Posts: 720

    If I had to do it all over again in this day and age? I would probably spam Leatherface until I learned the maps. He's got great perks. Double BP almost every game, and built in anti-bully with Franklins. He has a super strong power, and is relatively easy to execute.

    No matter what you can secure a kill each game; just stand in front of the hook at the endgame. Run NOED until you are well practiced with his saw.

    Trapper requires too much map knowledge. Billy/huntress/nurse require a lot of mechanical skill. Wraith is too weak.

  • Member Posts: 18

    When I started playing survivor, I played with my rank 2 friend. Don't worry about their ranks, literally the matchmaking sucks so much that it wouldn't matter anyways

  • Member Posts: 127

    Welcome to online gaming. You'll find yourself playing against players of all skill levels from completely incompetent to out of your league. It is impossible to only match you up with people at your skill level. No matter what method of matchmaking is used you will ALWAYS end up with players both above and below your skill level. That's the nature of online games. When it comes to how those players behave in the games you will again ALWAYS have people that rub it in that they won or get upset that they lost. It comes with playing with other people. If you can't handle it then maybe you're not ready to play with other people in an online game.

  • Member Posts: 81

    You want good fair and reliable matchmaking? Play something else kid

  • Member Posts: 2,452

    The only choice is to get better and for this you need to endure the BMing.

    I know how it feels, this moment after a bad game and the wait for this stupid gg ez. At some point you think about it before the match starts and after every mistake in the match. Its stressful and you dont have fun anymore. I disabled messages for a long time.

    But you need to play to get better. So you need to do something to not get affected of this BM.

    Set small goals and stay calm when you make mistakes. Im learning nurse atm on PS4. Getting frustrated makes you worse. Its not easy to ignore the BM, but they want the attention. Dont give it to them.

    You can use NOED, it gives you some kills and makes it easier to endure the BM, but it doesnt make you better.

    I would recommend Corrupt Intervention (when you have it) or any other slowdown perk to give you enough time to practice.

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    Learn from them.

    I would suggest watching other people play killer. Not to mention play survivor as well, even if just to get a different perspective.

    I am not saying this will “fix” the issue of match making, but in essence if you want to get better at killer role, whether you are matched with red or your own rank, you will have to eventually understand some of the basics of playing killer.

    When survivors t bag at pallets they are actually screwing themselves because they are going to lose a lot of distance by the time you break it. That’s why many of them go down shortly after. So ignore their BM by understanding how they are miss using their resources. It’s one of the things you’ll have to learn to ignore as well as killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    The matchmaking sucks, and a lot of the players are mean. I get that people in this thread are trying to help by giving the OP advice to improve their game, so they can do better even if the matches aren't fair, but I think it's a lot to ask of a new player when we tell them to just tough it out while the game constantly sets them up to fail and the other players mock and insult them. The problem isn't really that the OP needs to be better at the game -- the problem is that the game needs to be more welcoming to new players.

  • Member Posts: 444

    Get gud... Nah but joking aside u will improve with time but against a fully coordinated team u have 0% chances to win if ur in a chase with someone for 4min(very common due to crap window/pallet spawns which devs don't want to fix cause it favours survivors greatly....) Unless they screw up u can get only kill one of them if they do screw up u can even get them all. But trust me 4 really good loopers will f u up even vs rank 1 killer if they genrush infinite loop and don't make a mistake

  • Member Posts: 298
    edited November 2020

    Doesn't matter! Make sure to buy all the upcoming Winter 2020 cosmetics and our brand new underpowered killer The Twins coming out tomorrow! And don't forget the next awesome upcoming Rift!

    Have fun and see you in the fog!

  • Member Posts: 655

    Rank isn't that meaningful. All you have to do to be a red ranked survivor, is do a couple gens, save a couple people from the hook, break a totem or two if you can, and try to run from the killer. Rinse and repeat.

    I am a red-ranked survivor and I shouldn't be. I am pretty bad at looping and make questionable choices.

    Don't overthink it, set manageable goals for each match, and take a break when you get tilted.

    Remember you're playing a game with the intent to have fun.

    When things go poorly, try to figure out what you could have done differently to get a different result.

  • Member Posts: 3,546

    gIt gUD n0oB

  • Member Posts: 338

    To the people that say ranks don't matter. I hover between red/purple ranks and play with friends in all rank ranges. We can always tell when it is a red rankjkiller in the game. Maybe 1 in 20 games we call the killer being red rank and they aren't. People with a lot more time will simply be better. Even fi they aren't "The best", red rank players often just have more play time, so play smoother, or try harder because they are red ranks and gotta be "serious business' or whaterver.

    It is very noticeable.

  • Member Posts: 86

    That's my main problem. I mean, the matchmaking sucks but the main problem is the toxicity. These red ranks seem to be so ridiculously pleased to be able to bully me.

    Today's been better though. I had two rituals to do, hit 4 ambush attacks as Pig, and hit 4 survivors after a teleport with hag. I've played a lot of both Killers but I was out of practice with Pig. Luckily with some oinking I convinced these survivors to let me farm. Then I opened the gates and a Rank 2 David let me sacrifice him.

    As Hag, I was outplayed fair and square, only got 3 hits. But at the gates I convinced one to step on my trap by placing it and hitting it, she got the gist and let me do it. Those encounters were wholesome, I liked those.

  • Member Posts: 218

    You know whats going to be even more disappointing? When you eventually get more practice and get better, there are zero casual games as a high ranked killer.

    It doesn't get more fun the better you get, it gets harder lol

  • Member Posts: 31

    The honest answer is to play your killer games between survivor gameplay. Playing killer is difficult and only made worse by SWF and an ineffective ranking system. So, play survivor games whenever you are tired of killer matches, and eventually you be a red rank killer that no longer needs to take 'survivor breaks'.

    You could also start using killer tools that are considered toxic (basement, mori's, ect.), but I find most people that do this end up become toxic themselves and not enjoying the game.

  • Member Posts: 5

    I can relate as 1 rank 15 i dont like going up against a red/purple rank swf

  • Member Posts: 891

    Ranks don't matter when it comes to survivors most of the time. You CAN tell a red rank survivor from a yellow rank survivor, but it's actually so easy to rank up to red ranks as a survivor that it's just like... ridiculous.

  • Member Posts: 34

    Ranks does not always determine skill. I've played against 4 red ranks and still managed to hook all of them in the basement and sacrificed all of them. The only way is to get better at the game. I've learned some looping techniques and mind tricks as well as remembering the map. Watching some good players on YouTube helped

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