Killers that sweat vs obvious solo queue teams

Or go out of their way to stomp 3 v 1's (One DC's straight away, quite common).

You take this silly party game way too seriously. You don't have to let anyone go, but holy ######### at least give them a game. Most of the time it'll end up being people slugged to prevent saves so you can secure your ez pz win. Queues are bad, this game is imbalanced in so many ways, please just try to make this fun for everyone, including yourself.

If your definition of fun is absolute domination of those hopelessly under you then I do think this game isn't for you. There are other competitive games that reward you for having this kind of mindset.

Also, a strange remark, but it mostly tends to be Spirits, Freddy's and Huntresses that sweat the most in these situations. Not really telling of anything but that's been my experience.



  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    No one said anything about farming. Just chase everyone individually since, unless you're incredibly boosted, you've got this in the bag by how things are going. Evidently you shouldn't throw the game, but at least you get to enjoy the more thrilling part of the game: Chases.

    I can't recommend farming to killers in this situation as that tends to be super boring.

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    Let me just quote myself, it's one of the first phrases in my post: 'You don't have to let anyone go'. The killer can kill everyone, that I don't care. What I do care about is how keen some are to just stomp and send everyone back to queues when there was no chance to begin with. Kill us, sure, but let's at least /play/ the game a bit. I can understand wanting to leave the match, but you don't have to slug everyone and just crush them from the getgo.

    Fun in this game is often contingent on the opposing side, so a little bit of sympathy for that side that's essentially doomed to fail would be pleasant. DC's are already punished, but survivors don't really get anything beyond a few crappy points for it, while likely losing any chance to win or even pip (bigger chance to depip too, given there's more pressure from the killer and less altruism to be gained). I do think killers incapable of sympathizing to an extent are worthy of being called out, but ultimately, it's whatever. Recent survivor queues have made this particularly unpleasant I suppose.

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    This is actually very true and happens on both sides. Typical schoolyard mindset of group vs individual. I hope my post doesn't come off as me blaming the solo party (killer). The context I've provided in this thread is one where everyone is essentially solo with probably half of them unable to even communicate post-game.

  • Unseen_Force
    Unseen_Force Member Posts: 218

    You think you should be rewarded as survivor for your teammates DCing? By the game and by the killer?

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,068

    Yeah, this is the usual case. But Killers claim that they will be able to play "more chill" when they know they play against Solos.

    No Killer (and I mean: really no Killer) will equip Meme-Perks when going against 4 Solos.

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    No, but a silver lining for being screwed over would make this video game, something that should try to be fun even if frustrating, a bit more pleasant. Quitter bonus could be a little more generous to both sides.

    Killers can play with any perks, I never really factor that in. It's more so just the playstyle. Making sure someone goes to second stage before committing to a chase in a 3 v 1 for instance is just ridiculous.

    DC's are already punished accordingly, but they don't change the ######### experience that is 3 v 1 with 5 Generators up. I mentioned a potential silver lining above, to mitigate the damage for both sides as I do not thing the current quitter bonus really doesn't give much of anything.

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    A better compensation for both sides would be the best, it's not good to expect one said to have sympathy. A more generous quitters bonus would probably remove a lot of salt.

    Eh, perks are fine, you can have ruin/undying/tinkerer and still be 'chill'. It's more so the playstyle. I do get tilted when stuck in a 3 v 1 and the killer thinks it's a fun idea to ensure the Meghead goes into second stage before committing to a new chase.

    DC's are already punished, no point making a thread on that. And yes, they are obnoxious, but that will never really change.

  • bubbabrotha
    bubbabrotha Member Posts: 1,138

    I hate sweats in games like fortnite, as that game is very casual, but dbd is different as it is much more competitive. If someone is just playing to their full potential, I'm fine with that.

    Of course people that try to just bully are the exception.

  • GamerGirlFeng
    GamerGirlFeng Member Posts: 277

    It doesn't matter. Solo, swf, dc disadvantage or not, sweats gonna sweat.

    It's funny that it's the same people that complain about SWF that sweat the hardest on disadvantaged solos tho.

  • Unseen_Force
    Unseen_Force Member Posts: 218

    I do agree that if there was a bigger DC penalty for killers it would solve alot of things. Some people DC before theyre even hooked one time, in those situations killer most likely needs to hook all 3 of you multiple times just to safety pip.

    Regardless, if someone DCs very early I will often give the best one out of the remaining survivors the hatch

    SHOOTERRALPHBOY Member Posts: 25

    I play both killer and survivor huntress main and jake main and ive been in this situation more times than i can count or the other situation with survivors is when youre a solo survivor with 3 teammates who farm you off the hook and get you killed and the killer still targets you over them in those cases i usually give up whats the point in trying if its a 4 vs 1 against a survivor right? The killer can see ive given up on running cause I just stand still or walk to the hook because my fun in that game is ruined. Now on the other hand if i see this happening to someone else ill let that person go until their the last person alive (unless this survivor is purposefully toxic tbagging pointing etc i understand doing it to bait a killer into a chase but you can literally stand there or walk in a circle to achieve this anyway.. in the situation mentioned above ill chase and down the survivors without hooking depending on how many people are still in the game ill let them work on gens without pressure up until they get the same amount of gens done as a custom game would spawn that number of players in with 4 players 5 gens 3 playera 4 gens 2 players 3 gens 1 player 2 gens before walking to the opposite end of the map waiting around for 20 seconds staring at a wall before returning to the game as normal it allows the survivors to do challenges earn bp and have a degree of fun whilst also allowing me to do the same unless the challenge is a mori and in that case if the survivor wasnt toxic ill attempt to send a message if theyre on psn as we dont have access to the message box on console amd apologise for example i finally got the blood on your face trophy for getting 4 moris in a match and i sent a message to them all apologising for the mori as they barely got 1 ben done due to a terrible gen spawn for them 2 3 gens visible from the main building (crotus prenn) and the other 2 gens were visible if i took a few steps and unfortunately they hadnt realised the state they had spawned and they were caught working on one of the other gens eventually being killed fairly quickly (i didnt realise 2 of them were afk until i had the birds notification they each had 3 crows and so i went a little lenient but still applied pressure they didnt think to work on different gens kept diving the same 2 in one of the 3 gen spawns. (This went on longer than expected)

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201
    edited November 2020

    This. It is really hard to remain interested when someone dcs or does something that helps killer. After you've won 99% of your 3v1 games as killer it is clear indication that the game wasn't intended to be played that way. That being said something has to be done about slugging in 3 or 2 v 1s. Someone left early just slug/camp a guy. They are bound to group up either to heal or open a gate.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    If it's 3v1 I'd want to get out of a game asap too. The last time I gave survivors 2nd chance in order to heal up and reset I got genrushed in return. You never know what to expect so you just expect the worst based on previous experiences

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    I slug for the 4k or force the hook grab whether you're solo or SWF. I have to assume it's a SWF. If it's a 3v1 I try so hard to end it because I want to end the pain of the other survivors as soon as possible.

  • carnage4u
    carnage4u Member Posts: 338

    as a killer, I've never slugged for the 4k, and never will. I don't understand the "serious must give the last person a hatch chance" plays from killers.

    There are 100% sweaty SWF that go out of their way to deny even 1 kill by killer though, so in many ways, players do this back and forth to themselves. I do understand a killer that may 4k solo queue after getting stomped on a SWF group though.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited November 2020

    I'm not putting words in the OPs mouth. I merely pointed out that the focus of the thread, i.e. the complaint seems misplaced. It doesn't belong on the Killer; it belongs on the person who created the imbalance. I just played a game at Lerys where I did the Spooky Myers build. Against me where THREE Rank-1 Survivors and one Rank-4. I thought it was a pretty good game, hard fought.

    What did I get post game, a bunch of grief asking me why I was working so hard and sweating. I got a lecture on how that Build is supposed to be fun. I don't know about them (nor care) but I had fun. The word "sweaty" is just the new buzzword now that calling people toxic isn't en vogue. It is the same old song and dance, an attempt to blame one's personal losses on someone else. It is kind of cowardly.

    I think a situation where the game becomes a 3v1 too early by no fault of the other Survivors is a TERRIBLE thing. I also find it boring as a Killer. I spend a lot of time pretending to be stupid and letting them get Generators. The win, which I know will come, doesn't feel earned. It is a waste of my time. I sure as hell don't want people piling on and blaming me for their bad experience. I want the blame where it belongs, i.e. loser Players who DC at the drop of a hat.

    I was in a game at Midwich earlier today where I literally had them all down in about 2.5 minutes because the first hooks chose to Suicide on the hook and screw over the other Survivors. I felt bad but what can I do? If I threw or slow-pitched EVERY SINGLE GAME where someone disconnects or suicides on the hook early these days, I'd have very few games I could enjoy. I'm not running a charity here. What is particularly troubling to me is how many of these people who DC or suicide are Red/Purple Rank. I'm asking myself how the hell they got there?

    Clearly the Rank system needs a look at too.

  • KaarelK
    KaarelK Member Posts: 89

    Killers cant give you skill. Not their problem that youre downed in 10 sec. Youre saying they should kill but then you say they should farm... you dont even know what you want

  • NivlacACE
    NivlacACE Member Posts: 78

    I will go out of my way to stomp a 3v1 because I want the game over as soon as possible to be on to the next thing. What’s the point of playing out a match both teams know you’re gonna win?

    I don’t see the point in handicapping yourself and dragging the game on and on until its inevitable conclusion, just end it already.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    I pre select my perks before queueing into a match and I don't change my perks during the lobby. I equip tons of memey #########...

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    I don't sweats normally, but if it's just pure potato after 5min at 5 gens...what that ######### am I supposed to do? play 30 mins games guiding everyone out the ######### gate????(I have done that..)

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    This so much...times 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

  • GamerGirlFeng
    GamerGirlFeng Member Posts: 277

    Does the same go for survivors? Are they allowed to try to win as well because around here that feels like a big NOPE.

  • MikaKim
    MikaKim Member Posts: 334

    Honestly, a good post in principle.

    I think its a failure of this community and the game in general that there's not more discussions around soloQ play. About soloQ vs. swf. How games that have swf should be treated differently to ones that are soloQ.

    It's a failure of the game not to manage it, and its a failure of these forums to not talk about it more.

    As a soloQ player this was the VERY definition as to WHY the D/C phenomena existed. If the game and the community couldn't manage it, then you had to manage it yourself.

    And the response? A failure to imagine on the development of the game and a bunch of contrived 'getgud' 'play something else' from the community.

    There really is a lot of low hanging fruit around this subject matter.

  • OllieHellhunter
    OllieHellhunter Member Posts: 703

    It seems the most reasonable way forward, What perks do you think would be those given, buckle up and kindred seem the most important.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,068

    Yeah, but then you dont sweat in general. But its not like you use BBQ, NOED, Ruin, Undying in your regular build and switch to a complete Meme Build once seeing that there are 4 Solos in your game. Nobody would do that.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,068

    Checking their profiles. (Which should not be possible, names and Profiles should be hidden)

    And yes, some players do that, checking everyone for their hours and their Friends Lists as well...

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,153

    Like I said, every information perk that becomes obsolete by the use of direct voice coms like discord or teamspeak.

    Tbh I play only killer and don't even know the 10+ less popular information perks for survivor. The three mentioned before are just the most prominent in my mind.

    But I think object of obsession should also be completely reworked in the process (that we can only wish for) because direct voice coms are what makes this perk so broken.

  • OllieHellhunter
    OllieHellhunter Member Posts: 703

    still couldn't confirm it, I play on Steam and my friend on Xbox and we play together like once a month, how would the killer and our fellow survivors find out we arent all solo?

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    I've used NOED n BBQ. At 5 gens, it was potato city...all 5 survivors were escorted out of the gates. Don't assume what i would or would not do when I can't...

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    No killer, really? If I could know for sure I'm against 4 solos, I certainly would swap out all my usual perks except BBQ (bc bloodpoints) to play something more gimmicky, using niche/bad perks like Cruel limits or Furtive Chase. Hell, some weeks ago I only played with random perks (+ BBQ) on all my killers just for a change.

    I do not play for the 4k (if the team did not annoy me, I usually let the last one escape through the gate, or the find the hatch before me), but the games have to be enjoyable. Having to see four escapes with just a few hooks, because the gens are flying, since I only have meme perks equipped, thats just no fun at all, and I won't play more then 2-3 games like this until I switch back to the strong perks. With 4 solos, I can be quite sure that they won't play optimally and waste some time here and there, giving me time for memeing around.

  • JohnnyCSmash
    JohnnyCSmash Member Posts: 4

    Just finish the game and move on, they clearly want the same. If people are stomping you and that's how they wanna play then they belong here just as much as anyone else. We need to be inclusive.

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    If someone DC's, then most likely the killer is just going to blackpip or onepip. Might as well hasten the inevitable and save everyone's time.

  • possibly_a_pig
    possibly_a_pig Member Posts: 11

    How much time are survivors expected to spend diagnosing their killers and deciding on how much mercy to show? How does a survivor determine which killers should be given extra hits, hooks, and sacrifices? How long do you choose to let a gen sit idle, if the killer seems to be mismatched? How many stacks we toss to Devour, if the killer is struggling?

    Sure, I'll often ease up if struggling survivors seem like they're not going to vanish and make this match last forever, but I won't be shamed into doing it more often. What the hell is "sweating," even?

  • Price_Diaz
    Price_Diaz Member Posts: 5

    when I’m playing killer and a survivor DCs instantly and the game doesn’t auto end I’ll normally just take the individual chances and not slug, but that’s just me. Sometimes I’ll try to just finish the game and get out to the next one but eh