Killers that sweat vs obvious solo queue teams



  • AlexisFox
    AlexisFox Member Posts: 127

    No one likes a 3v1, it's unfair and boring no matter what anyone does on either side. The best way to deal with it is to end the game quickly so everyone can get to their next match sooner. So if a killer is willing to smash the 3 survivors then great do it. If they want to take pity on them fine, the survivors need to slam those gens as fast as they can and get out. Personally I'd rather the killer smash the survivors because that will always be faster than trying to get the gens done with only 3 players.

  • Ace_Of_Spades
    Ace_Of_Spades Member Posts: 68

    Killers are sweaty. They don't believe they are the power role because SwF ArE ScaRy. Yet they aren't as frequent as they play it out to be. While if a killer gets the momentum the game is over. DC gives momentum. Those who say I'm wrong have never tried the solo q experience. Slug, camp, tunnel, happen almost every game while the swf sweat squad they are angry at only exists in their mind. But it's whatever, there'll be people who disagree, say they survive every match or whatever, but that's not the truth when you see that survivors only have about a 25% survival rate. These numbers are from behavior not anecdotal evidence. While killers think they need a 4k or they "lose." And killer q is almost instant yet survivors is not, yet they still don't want to think about how the other side needs fun. It's an us versus them mentality and they told the cards now. That wasn't always the case but it sure as hell is now. Red rank killer btw, if I'm in the lead I will allow the rest to actually get points in while STILL "winning." Red rank survivor too. Both sides need to get points. C'mon where all in this together.

  • WheresTheGate
    WheresTheGate Member Posts: 575

    Even among solo survivors you are going to find differing opinions on this. I play solo survivor and I wouldn't like a killer extending a match this way. It may not be farming, but it isn't much different. I'd rather a killer sweat it even after someone DC's. I'm still going to do my best to escape. If I don't that's fine, but my goal is to escape. I have zero desire to extend a match just for the sake of extending it. I'd rather be done quickly and move on to the next match.

  • druggedpug69
    druggedpug69 Member Posts: 155

    People stomp 3v1 because they want to win. It isn't a guaranteed win for killer. I've lost against and have survived as a 3v1 in the past. You will usually lose in that situation but it's still absolutely possible to win. It also just gets you out of the match faster. Just let people play how they want.

  • chieften333
    chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554
    edited November 2020

    Solo survivors aren't as helpless as you think they are

    A single good looper could change the outcome of the game as long as they keep the killers attention, even in a 3 vs 1 situation.

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    Also was said 3 years ago. Would you like a list of changes that have helped killer out since that remark? :P

  • chieften333
    chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554

    Optimization for console was promised 2 years ago, they havn't even scratched the 60fps mark since then.

  • GamerGirlFeng
    GamerGirlFeng Member Posts: 277

    There's was/is another thread going on where killer mains say they purposely tunnel down a survivor so they can have 3vs1 for "balance"... while this one they say STOMP THEM BECAUSE 3VS1 IS NO FUN.

    Face it. It's really "slaughter because we like it and dgaf about anyone else while making up lame excuses for our behavior."

  • carnage4u
    carnage4u Member Posts: 338

    Some of the response has been "I will play how I want" and that is 100% fair. I think part of the OP point is, when playing as a surivor and either 1 DC early and its all solo q. the players often don't try as hard, or are just working quests/challenges/whatever. You can sort of tell this fairly early and you can very easily tell when the killer is all business.

    I think the idea is, these sweaty killers are probably all proud of themsevles when they clear a 4 person solo queue or play super aggressive against a game with DC that they sort of put out of attitude of "look at how good I am" when the remaining survivors know the game is already over and just getting a few blood points before the next game.

    It is like when a killer brings a Mori, I know many people that will 100% suicide on first hook to move on and to also deny the killer both the mori and blood points, because FU moris (also FU keys, but thats another topic)

    Basically within minutes it is easy to tell if the players are part of a SWF or if the killer is super serious and many players adjust play and just give 100% less ######### then the other team

  • judge_fist
    judge_fist Member Posts: 114

    When you see those early DC's or survivor's killing themselves on first hook you just have to accept that your going to most likely not survive. I always get more irritated with the survivors when this happens than the killer it's not their fault the survivors are weak minded and can't handle being outplayed. At that point I play my best and try to loop the best I can and make the killer sweat for the kill. I also try to get as many points as possible. It's also a good time to experiment with different strategies and tactics that would normally lose you a match at worst and waste time at best. I've actually escaped this scenario more times than you would think with sheer luck and good looping. Best advice accept the F'd match do your best to pip and move on to the next round.

  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617

    Like I always say, this is two different games.

    To "survivor mains" it's a party game to play with friends to screw around.

    To "killer mains" it's a pvp game to try to compete and win.

    As a lot of mmos can tell you, mixing care bears and hardcore pvpers together on one server rarely looks pretty.

    My apologies to the small but dedicated group of survivor heavy players who actually play to win, and the group of killers who play to screw around and try to give folks a few fun jumpscares in the night, I realize the above is a generalization, which means it carries exceptions.

  • deadbymeetch
    deadbymeetch Member Posts: 4

    Lmao "silly party game". Gtfo

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    Either way its a 3v1 cause in solo ques the killer always tunnels the first survivor they see.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Every killer should come in a little sweaty. When I play survivor, I want the killer to be a serious no nonsense threat I need to avoid.

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    It honestly is a silly party game. DBD right now is incapable to become competitive.

  • Unseen_Force
    Unseen_Force Member Posts: 218

    I play solo 90% of the time at purple and red ranks and never really have an issue

  • Naiad
    Naiad Member Posts: 194

    Dbd is no more competitive than Fortnite. If you view it to be more competitive that's on you. There is literally no reason to be at rank 1. There are no scoreboards, no perks to being rank 1 or a different colour rank. There's not even a functioning matchmaking system to mean you know you've earned your place at rank 1 through skill and not just playing an insane amount of hours to get there. All the ranking system does is make you feel better and give a lot of players and unrealistic view of how good they think they are at the game. We all know people who end up in red or purple ranks that still don't completely understand the game. I can't tell the amount of times I've watched survivors run over hag traps, or try to heal me when I have broken status.

    Wrt to the op. I do appreciate it when a killer goes more 'easy' on survivors if there's been a dc. I don't like farming though I have done it when it ends up a 2v1. I don't believe the op is asking the killer to not 3k I believe they're just asking the killer to doing the what people consider normal 'sweaty' stuff. At the end of the day if the killer kills those 3 survivors too fast they'll depip as well.

    Personally, if the killer wants to end the match faster because they want to move on to a proper match then that's ok too. It just sucks that I'm probably depipping because a survivor dc'd. There's a reason Bhvr changed it so you get kicked back to the lobby is someone dc's at load in.

  • Lufanati
    Lufanati Member Posts: 198

    18 entitled survivors and counting

  • awsome_predator
    awsome_predator Member Posts: 35

    If more people played killer survivors would get games faster but people to scared to get bullied as killer so that's why que times so slow as not enough killers. also why blame try hard killer when 1 DC the reason the game turns rubbish is due to slack teammate why should killer go ok I'll take it ez now would survivors go o man we did 4 gens in sub 4mins let's now all stop doing gens let killer get us all a few times n couple of kills not going to happen so for me survivors play game how u want if u have fun gen rush or loop for days or tbag go ahead and do that and killers play how u want to play if u play any game u never play so rest have fun but u don't u play to have fun how u want to so people should do less complaining because they don't like someone's playstyle and just be like o well next game will be better

  • IronWill
    IronWill Member Posts: 244
    edited November 2020


  • hurryingok
    hurryingok Member Posts: 49

    There's no way to tell the difference between a swf and solo queue until a few minutes into the game.

  • Go_Go_Roboto
    Go_Go_Roboto Member Posts: 330

    I tend to make a quick game out of it when there's a DC. A 1v3 is not fun and I don't usually feel like farming.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited November 2020

    Agitation + Iron Grasp + Mad Grit + Surge has been my go-to Killer build for months. (Surge less so than the other three) ;)

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited November 2020

    That's not the killer's fault. They don't have to just throw their game too because someone disconnected.

    Sometimes I may let the others farm, sometimes I might just kill them. I mean if they want they can just run up to me I can kill them and they can suicide on the hook and go into a new game if they want; but often times they keep running loops and playing entirely like normal- so I do the same.

    That's usually me goal as well. I've tried farming, but too many survivors for some reason just keep stunning me and then running off and hiding and acting like it's a normal game, so I would be like okay and then give up and just kill them like normal and they would get upset and call me toxic for killing them after a DC. Like there is no winning with them really; so I just turn off chat and do whatever I feel like doing.

  • JoeyBob
    JoeyBob Member Posts: 477

    Removal of ruin, addition of breakable walls that create infinites if you don't break them, putting yellow ranked killers against red ranked survivors (matchmaking), them potentially removing bloodlust soon, undying nerf, ect.

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    Alright for clarifications sake, I have a double post basically saying the same thing, it's because I've had an edit bug that ate my post and it would not appear upon refreshing, so I just made a new reply. Looks pretty weird now tho. Sorry about that.

    Lots of replies and I'm seeing many opinions and many of the usual partisan stuff indicative of the divide in this community.

    I think it is valid to an extent that one wants to finish the game early. That said, if your way of ending it early is just slugging everyone and depriving survivors, who haven't given up, of points, then I think your ego may need to be slightly toned down. I play killer about 60% of my dbd time, and while yes I waste a little more time chasing over strategically catching slugging and intercepting saves in these situations, I at least get points and are able to practice some chases/mindgames with little stress toward the gen speeds, given that it's really not hard to win a 3 v 1. If the 3 are somehow stomping you anyway, then that's a different story (and you're probably boosted). It's not like killer queues aren't instant most of the day anyway, especially with crossplay.

    As a reminder, I play more /killer/ than /survivor/, which is why I'm bringing this up, because I have never found it difficult or that time consuming to just chill out in my game tactics if I'm at an overwhelming advantage (Note, game tactics, not chase. I will down you, but I won't sweat in my overall map pressure for instance). And I suppose I have some empathy for those screwed over by DC's or farming teammates (SoloQ experience). I don't usually farm either, though I make the personal choice of giving hatch, I just enjoy the game and try not to make the survivor experience suck more than it does. If survivors want out and give up, I'll gladly kill them. Ultimately my goal being to allow these folks to black pip, because they've had absolutely no input on their catastrophic situation, and I'll probably pip despite likely not even earning it.

    Good solutions have been proposed here, from giving soloQ a better base kit to rewarding DC bonuses more appropriately. In the end, this thread wasn't meant to be polarizing, but a means to emphasize that killers have the power to make the clear flaws of this game far less frustrating, just as survivors do by laying off the toxicity and the ridiculous map offerings (Killer can do this too, but the group vs individual stuff tends to makes survs far more venomous).

    Also, a couple brought this up, but there are survivors that cut you some slack. They can't do it as easily because it's not simple for them to see a killer being disadvantaged most of the time because you're in a squad of four and mostly holding M1 most of the time. But some do notice it, and will usually offer themselves as sacrifices or sandbag the toxic idiots in the team. Not saying this is a norm or anything, but there are decent people on both sides.

  • It depends on the circumstances for me in that situation. I will attempt to tone my game down some since aince a survivor quit. Example, I once had a match as thedoctor using a map offering for the Game. After the first static blast, 3 of them d/c. At the same time I find the only survivor who stayed. I smacked them once and walked off.

    On the other hand, I had a match where some d/c'd and I was left with a 3 person SWF team. (I know because they told me.) Thwy were demigods at the game and I was only able to kill one. Mostly because I was noce considering the d/c. Classic case of taking kindness for weakness.

    Like I said it really depends. Everyone has their own playstyle. As survivor, I dont sweat outside of tunneling/camping from the start.

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    I agree, you should always take the temperature of the room when making a decision. Context and circumstances matter too, and you make a good point.

  • Thanks. The other day I played silent Mike, was match with a swf team that just wanted to farm points. I only got one kill by by choice. At one point they were all injured and grouped up, but I didnt take advantage

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    Ah yes, just accept that rng gives you trash team mates constantly while the killers abuse it endlessly as they constantly whine for more buffs bc they cant handle 4 good survs stacked together anymore. I really cant with you killers lol.

  • Mr_Lemon
    Mr_Lemon Member Posts: 74

    Bruh the game is survivor sided like so many people have said it even some fog whispers the devs cater to the survivors op perks with little to none counter play and slap on exhaustion onto some perks and call them "fair" or "balanced"

  • Mr_Lemon
    Mr_Lemon Member Posts: 74

    Funny you make this argument when survivors are typically the absolute sweatlords who play in swf's and try and bully killers and have the power role in the terms of they have so much more to work with and strong crutch perks that have little to no counter play. But yes some killers can be sweatlords but there are more survivors in the community than killers and survivors are usually toxic as hell.

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    This thread is about solos or potential normal teams being left in a 3 v 1 from the getgo. Not your usual sweatsquad. But thank you for bringing up a theme that has nothing to do with this thread.

    Let's stop making this too polarizing.

  • MikaKim
    MikaKim Member Posts: 334

    They won't have separate queues , they've stated as such in the past. And whatever baseline the give to soloQ survivors they'll have to weigh against the inevitable backlash from a % of the killer base that want their easy kills.

    Glad it was a topic of the month, has there been any momentum since then or has it gone quiet again?

  • MikaKim
    MikaKim Member Posts: 334

    What an extreme hyperbolic take. Like literally 'NEVER'!!?? I'll go out on a limb and say that is the equivalent of getting struck by lightning.

    Your last paragraph you even managed to make me laugh stating you play both sides.

    It's pretty clear from your hot take that it would be more accurate to say 'I play one side mostly'.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    It’s survivor sided for the high skill level play. And reaching skill ceiling is generally not as hard for survivor as it is for killer.

    also I said there are players on both sides behaving like this. There is no need to make this another ‚us vs them‘ topic.

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    I don't think survivors doing this is tryhard or toxic. Unless there's consistent coordination, which would only make this sweaty if anything, it's something that survivors try to do just as much as you try to kill them. There's a lot of points involved in protection hits (bodyblocking) and making saves, as well as challenges involving those things. Besides, killers should be paying attention to their surroundings, and such actions come at the cost of more than one survivor not being on a generator.

    Unlike, say, slugging when you're already steamrolling. It doesn't give any points nor is there any sort of challenge requiring you to beat down broken teams. That's not to say slugging is bad practice, it isn't. It's great pressure. But it's usually overkill when there's a DC or a clear skill disparity in the solo team.

    Also, easy mode? Just chase normally, lol. Even sweat in your mindgames. I'm just hoping killers don't party wipe instantly because they simply can. It's usually more fun if survivors get some interaction with the killer.

  • Bumbus
    Bumbus Member Posts: 600

    Of course it isn't tryharding, they are doing what they are supposed to do - surviving.

    And killer is doing what he is supposed to do - killing. It is up to him to decide if he is going to earn some points by hooking everyone in conventional way, practice chasing or just go for slugging and move to the next game faster. Neither of these decisions makes you bad.

  • Mr_Lemon
    Mr_Lemon Member Posts: 74

    I wasn't really trying to I was just pointing out the fact that it somewhat contributes to that because when you play killer a lot you sometimes get into a mindset where you have to sweat a lot or at least try pretty hard against survivors because your used to running into sweaty swf's

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited December 2020

    Hypocritical. There is no difference between the two situations that the person you responded to laid out. YOU are part of the problem. You seem to want deference given by the Killer when another Survivor bails on you, but clearly don't see any reason Survivors should give deference to the Killer. Like I said, hypocritical. The CORRECT answer is that neither Killer nor Survivors owe each other anything aside from:

    1. Don't cheat, either by hack or lag spikes.
    2. Don't disconnect; if you start a game, finish it.
    3. Be humble in victory and gracious in defeat.

    Follow these three simple rules as you meet the bare minimum of being a good sport, and won't be a hypocrite. One can CHOOSE to go further, but such concessions should never be expected, nor should people be given grief/shame if they choose not to go further.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    Some killers want to win, if they do it's ok. They treat every game as a ranked game in league, makes sense