I am a fair killer?

I have to say it...Why do they insult me after a game? I know what it feels like to lose but they exaggerate so much for a game, just because I win and I have a killer power and the survivors don't? A few moments ago I played a game where I knocked down, I hung up, I haven't raced, I haven't tunneled with a trapper and they still get upset because I win, They began to say things to me and you could tell that it was a premade, I also had a game where I lost and they made me t-bags, flashlights, they pointed at me and commented nonsense in the chat, but that did not affect me so much, if I make a comparison with a minecraft game like sky wars, many say gg and not They get upset but in dead by daylight gentlemen, it is where hatred, mockery and desperation to win abound... This publication is not like a complaint but like a kind of criticism, besides I have 580 hours of gameplay and I have learned a lot to play this game, with the basic mechanics etc. but never in my life have I seen so many complaints and comments for a simple game
Yeah, some players in this community are a bit special. Don't worry about that.
If a player is toxic for no apparent reason, that means they probably have some serious issues in real life. Pretty sad, but that's how it is..
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Avoiding these types of message might better for experience overall.
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I don't see why you would concern yourself with playing nice when you are playing like Michael Myers or something, who is supposed to be the embodiment of evil. Or any of the other characters who are supposed to be psychotic killers / beasts serving a dark god.
People trashtalk no matter what when you win (or lose). I've gone into games perkless with a speed limiter and still got lip at the endgame screen. Your reward for playing fairly and nice in DBD is usually some Tbags at the exit gate.
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Oddly I have not had anyone BM me YET in end-game chat and I'm coming up on 100 hours, so you'd think I'd have had SOMEthing by now... If I figure out what I'm doing differantly I'll let you know.
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You're the killer. You make the rules and how you want to play. No survivor rules matter, all that does matter is what makes you win. Every salty comment from a survivor tells you how good you did your job, keep it up.
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1) Make your steam profile private.
2) Next time you feel like giving a survivor mercy, remember all of those that insulted you, taunted you and do what you want with them. They volunteered to be your toys. Treat them like what they are.
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Comments like this are what you gonna have to expect when playing either Killer or Survivor. What i do with those people is play with them, like, i keep taunting them and feeding their salt. But I don't complain about them or anything like that, i just say things like "yeah it happens dear", and some other stupid yet valid things to them. Trust me, if you do that you will end up having fun with their anger. They deserve it. Or you can just say "gg" and leave already, don't need to waste your time with some salty entitled players.
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'Play how you want to play'
I'm not a sweaty killer and tend to just let survivors finish gens if I've completely dominated and have lots BP. I'll just go afk in the basement.
I expect nothing from end game chat. People thank me, I'll reply no worries. People curse me, I usually laugh. People ignore me, I'll ignore them.
Just decide what's important to you.
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The people writing these really need to go outside...
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Asking why they insult is pretty simple to answer. They're sore losers/winners. People play this game way too competitively sometimes and it's kind of sad. not much you can do aside from ignore it or do what you can to prevent seeing it. I.e. just leave after games or close the chat box also making your steam profile friends only helps as well.
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Being a killer isn't about being fair, its about killing. Not my fault the other people in the lobby don't have fun playing the game.
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Do you play on console?
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have you ever played MTG?
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The amount of bm decreased over the course of this year partly thanks to crossplay and console players not being able to chat.
But also otherwise it became less in terms of bm and chat overall. Most often not even a gg, escaped or not.
Fyi I am also more of a no farmer and provider of a exciting game experience for survivors, meaning going for 8 hooks evenly spread and kills only if more than 2 gens are still up by that point aka the games takes too long.
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there are ppl, that ######### talk ever end game chat, no matter if they are killer or survivor. just be the better person ;)
if you played fair, just give them a smile and leave.
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No matter what game, no matter how you play, there will always be a few people that wanna flame you. And if you don't like it, hide your chat and profile comments and you'll never have to see them again.
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That's not true at all, let adults talk if you aren't going to input information, if that was the case noone should have complained about the way survs played all this time yet here we are changing things to fit people's complaints. Don't be a biased twat
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I get positive exchanges after match more nowadays then negative. Occasionally I'll win a match where I played a way which should have made me lose but I'll win due to 1 weak link. Said weak link is usually a huge ######### in the post game chat
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If you feel good playing 'fair' and you're winning, go for it. If not, don't waste the time or effort. You're in it to win it.
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By that logic, every time you're at the exit and remember a killer that facecamped you, make sure to teabag.
People need to remember that just because someone was a douche in your previous match doesn't mean everyone you go against next is.
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It's not your job to please them. If you're having fun then Eff them. Like someone commented already killers make the game fun, miserable or in between NOT survivors. Just give the ol "gg" endgame and continue. Unless you genuinely wanna talk about funny things or whatever lol. I actually made friends with survivors who I kept downing, but others kept breaking my hooks. It was annoying but fun at the same time cuz there was constant interaction instead of a 3 minute match where I murder them all or they do 5 gens in 2 minutes lol
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I love the hate messages lol I find the reasons they use for losing as hilarious
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Fair? Why would the killer play fair when everything is against him.
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This is why I show no mercy when I play killer. DO NOT listen to survivors. Most will complain for the sake of complaining. There is no survivors rule book for killers and vice versa. So long as your not cheating, play however you want and to hell with their opinions.
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You can never *be* fair no matter how hard you tried. I got called a tunneler because a feng min was unhooked and I chased somebody else and after the ran into the basement in the house in badham I let them go because there was one gen left and I didn't want to spend too much time in a chase and see that same unhooked person working on a gen. I go for them instead of continuing the chase, because it was about to be completed. So I either had a choice to keep chasing the other person or go after the one who was about to pop the last gen. I'm still not sure if I even made the right choice to this day.
I also wanted to at least get a kill or two but I also didn't want to sweat because it's not fun when a killer sweats when you're playing the Survivor role either.
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They're probably just irritated that they got out
Or they're toxic and are abusing the abilities the game gives us. Trapper, in general, isn't fun to play against in my personal experience so I'm willing to bet that they're taking out anger against a not so "fair" trapper from a previous hang against you. It's kind of similar to what I see when I play Bill- I get tunneled and camped because they ASSUME I'm running specific perks even if I've not t-bagged or been a jerk. When you get a good match where it's "even" in skills and people are playing to have fun it's a great game. If they play to be a dick, then that's when you get the comments and the other bs. Keep you chin up and don't let them get to you, not everyone's and ass.
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Some do it for fun with no true ill intent. Through text it's just malicious to see. Some people though just can't accept that the loss was on them not being good enough and will blame you for it. But as someone earlier said they're probably unhappy in life or at the moment so they take it out on you.
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If you don't hit the survivors on the hook, if you play correctly.. they're the problem.
Forget the chat and move on, talking in the chat = problem.
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Without a true separation of game modes like rank and public (custom doesn't count) "fair play" is subjective to every person you play in each individual game.
It'll be impossible to please everyone until that happens and even then, I'm sure people will still complain. Someone said earlier "as long as you're not cheating do what you want", and I have to disagree. By that logic we could have swaths of face camping bubbas but that's ok because they're having fun.
It's really weird (apologies for the mini rant), it feels like there is a section of the DbD community trying to figure out how to make the game healthier and one section that wants chaos. I feel like when I play killer I'm just babysitting. When I play survivor (solo que) I feel like I'm banging my head against a wall with my team against the same meta killer perks. But if I play with my friends (even off comms) it's unfair.
Maybe I should take the devs advice and take a perma break from their game lmao. Unreal.
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There are a majority of players that are very salty if you win, and very cocky if you lose.
For example, I'm trying to learn deathslinger. I had a game where I destroyed the survivor team, but had to slug. In result I was called a tryhard and they started to insult me because they obviously sucked at this game. On my next game I got demolished by red ranks (got to purple ranks after the previous game and the difficulty significantly changed) and they started flashlight clicking and tbagging, even tho I did a really good job (all of em death hook).
Even tho I've seen some stuff that cannot be unseen, the toxicity in this game is really laughable. I've come from games like overwatch, league, cs go and r6 and let me tell you, if you wanna see true toxicity, go into one of these xd