I hope DBD will not get a reward on steam this year.

Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069
edited December 2020 in General Discussions

As I love this game I feel like dbd don't deserve the labor of love award. We were promised about changes to a lot of stuff that would help a lot for a game health like:

  • Mories and Key Changes.
  • New Early Game Mechanic.
  • More perks reworks / buffs like Vigil, Small Game etc.
  • New Matchmaking System.
  • Updates for Pig and Myers.
  • More Graphics Settings.
  • Optimization.
  • And so on.

We didn't even see any progress of these stuff. Not even mention the event that was supposed to be a superior was a huge disappointment for a majority of people. It feels like the game didn't improved that much this year. I really hope that in next year DBD will be better and devs will finally start working on more healthy things for dbd and listen to the community. Thank you.

EDIT: The Unfinished and buggy DLC just proves my point that the game needs a lot of ''health operations''.

Post edited by Ihatelife on


  • Tubby_Squirrel
    Tubby_Squirrel Member Posts: 245

    Oh neet! Do you code addons for the game or something like that? What language does it use?

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Sounds like a great dev team, how sad that not all devs are like they.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    I honestly don't know, but I hope people will give the devs clear shot to say that something needs to be changed in their way of developing the game.

  • Голубой
    Голубой Member Posts: 126

    I agree. Is there a way to stop this from happening? Can I vote for another game to not get it?

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    They really are, my hubby plays it on a daily basis and he asked me to vote for the Hunt dev team and I did because I know if he enjoys something, it's well made and effort has been put in the game and the community.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    the first words out of his mouth killed the video in being anything REALISTIC. he has no clue what they have done, what they are doing nor how it was done. he is 100% guessing. i'd love to see you top that, please show your source code that you have of DBD and tell us where or how you got it for proof. I am certain the devs would love to know more. you obviously don't know what the game is like, you ONLY expect it's like someone else you like. once he said he didn't know anything at all i turned it off because at that time it turned into a "I am going to make ######### up because I want people to agree with me and my argument since it's the same as others!" yea not reliable at all, now I did not say this person didn't know coding, I am only talking about his knowledge about dead by daylight. WEEE great proof for your theory.

    Because of this *I DO* hope it wins this year so we can listen to everyone say it was rigged! lol

  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742

    It's because DBD still has no competition at all. That's why the devs keep being lazy regarding all those points.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    i'm gonna vote for jake paul vs ninja...

  • Equus
    Equus Member Posts: 324

    Well said! I thoroughly enjoy DBD almost every day that's why I voted for them to win this reward. I love this game bugs and all. I feel their love for this game every livestream and I see their effort in the patchnotes. The way the game looks and feels now is a big upgrade even compared to a year ago. I feel the devs do deserve this award.

  • Slendy4321
    Slendy4321 Member Posts: 605

    If they aim to to win awards they better start listening to their community and seeing the problems with their game before asking people to vote for them. I honestly think other games deserve the LoL award that are way better than DbD

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    And in nearly any other game, if 4 perks are used by both sides in a vast majority of games, those perks would see nerfs pretty quickly rather than be completely ignored for a really stale, boring meta for literally years at a time.

  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    You would have to understand basic coding and the unreal engine to understand why what he says is mostly correct. If you actually watched the video, he points to the devs stating in one of the devblogs that they were working on moving away from the blueprint system and working on replacing it with C++

    It is also the reason why they come out with a patch that changes billy, and the hill gets bugged for example. In the blueprint system, seemingly unrelated things are tied together because of how it is designed, so if you change one thing you create a cascade effect that can ruin other things down the line.

    You probably shouldn't get so defensive, especially considering that you didn't even watch the video nor did you give the material any considerable thought.

  • chieften333
    chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554
    edited November 2020

    If there's no spaghetti code why does the game keep breaking in some way in every update?

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,160

    Ask McLean while he streams for more info - he streams Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    I didn't say i did not understand him, but his first opening paragraph he speaks he admits he is guessing at all of this and that's why I turned it off. I know programming in basic, cobol, fortrain, c, c+, c++, java and many other languages as I have programed in them. I even have programmed in machine code and assembly and used a command line environment to program routers and other devices. so I understood what he was going to try to say, but when he admitted it's guess work I turned it off because it is not proof to have someone guess at what is happening.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    because one section of code can easily cause a problem in another section that has NO association with the section of code that is the problem. Spaghetti code doesn't exist much anymore since we have left the area of programming where lines are numbered and people had to squeeze new things inbetween the numbered lines. and this would be an issue and adding all of these new things would end up looking like spaghetti when you flow charted it as well as tried to follow it in the code. it would originally look like this:

    10 Start

    20 Let F = 5

    30 F= F + 1

    40 Print F

    50 End

    now someone wants to add something that is dependant on F they only have 10 lines to add that in or they'd have to jump the code past 50 to do what it was supposed to do then back to 30 and then another 10 lines or even jump it again to do what they wanted before displaying F. this is how Spaghetti code came out and YES it caused problems in trouble shooting when it got bad like that. Now programming is not done with line numbers till the compiler applies the line numbers for its OWN reference and you program in BLOCKS of code for anything so it's not hard to add in a jump or subroutine and return easily. I personally and others have not had the game crash much at all! if it was "spaghetti code" you'd have this happening in more than isolated systems. someone recently was complaining about the game crashing and they showed the error and it was a Video processing error, not a game error. yet they blamed the devs for the crash. how can the devs be blamed for your computer having issues processing something and untill it is proven that it was the program the primary cause of video errors is WINDOWS screwing up.

  • Alec1055
    Alec1055 Member Posts: 98

    There is no way on Earth dbd is getting the labor of love reward. Everyone that plays this game love hates this game too much to nominate it

  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    Except that he doesn't say that. You seem to be having troubles understanding exactly what he's saying, which could be remedied by actually watching the video.

    They do or have used blueprints. They have not come out and said that their use of blueprints is why DBD is so buggy. This is why you should actually watch the video, not turn it off after 5 seconds, because it's making you look like a fool. But hey, keep thinking you know what you're talking about.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    I think... They Probably..... I guess he only thinks but he has no proof. this is in the first 30 seconds. and the devs refuted his video don't need to listen again

  • CJCA915
    CJCA915 Member Posts: 56

    I nominated them for the award and don't regret it. :)

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,476

    They didn't change exactly what I felt like should be changed, gotta throw the whole game away

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,818

    I think Steam kind of named the category wrong. To me, "Labour of Love" would imply that it's a game made by a solo designer, or a small group, where they don't expect to make a profit. From what I've read, it seems like Steam defines it only as a game that keeps getting updates.

    I guess DBD isn't a bad example of a game that keeps getting updated.

  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    It is a FACT that they used blueprints to code the game.

    The point of contention is whether or not that's what's causing the bugs.

    Considering blueprints aren't generally used for big games, and the fact that they've come out and said that they're transitioning to C++ points to the 'spaghetti code' problem. It's called critical thinking. Blueprints aren't designed to be for games as big as DBD, they are a quick way to make a cheap game, they aren't made for large games. DBD is BHVR's only big game, they had no funding to afford good devs nor take the time to make a proper game. Since these blueprints are the foundation of the game, they make the game very buggy, which it is. It makes sense.

    I would say watch the video, but it's clear that you're only capable of hearing what you want to hear.

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    I laugh when I see players use the saying "This game has come a long way", because the absolute truth is this game did come a long way, but that doesn't mean it has gotten better. With every time they fix something before they ignored worse parts too long, or create new ones. Like dealing with Players taking the game hostage by adding the hatch. Then 2 players just started to take the game hostage because getting hatch is easier than finishing gens.

    A long way, but not the right way.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    lol i do not watch a video full of I think and they proably did this or that. there is no information in that that is more than anecdotal evidence which if used in a court of law might sway a jury that doesn't know any better it won't sway a judge and thats why lawyers would object to this. I know programming and the devs even SAID that blueprints were used in some portions of the game but not the WHOLE game like this guy tries to make it look like. the fact that you are trying to convince me of things that i never disagreed with points to someone who thinks their view is dismissed because you didn't get me to say what you wanted and that further invalidates any claims here. I have worked on code that is 1000's of lines long, I have worked in MACHINE CODE that ends up being the HARDEST to EVER troubleshoot because a 0 or a 1 in the wrong place changes the command and it's easy to miss because that's all there is. it's just about as bad in assembly when you are working with hex numbers. but Spaghetti Code does not exist anymore except by people who try to make others think it's done this way. Everyone here that says they have seen the code is either lying or guilty of copyright violation OR Pirating. This is why no one ever shows the code they say they know is "SPAGHETTI CODE" and just let people take it on belief that it is so, and thus why I demand the proof of that Spaghetti Code and all I get is the game crashes thus it's spaghetti code. so is windows written in spaghetti code? is dragon age Origins written in spaghetti code because it crashes on my system? nope... a conflict in the system can cause a crash and no one ever blames their system, just like everyone blames behavior for network connection errors and disconnects when they have no proof.

    This is why I do not need to watch the whole video, and why I laugh when people tell me this game is written in a coding scheme that isn't used anymore (but was a long time ago) and won't even show their proof and I mean actual provable proof of the code from dead by daylight. anyone can try and make it look right but they won't do even that because they know they'll be torn to shreds or charged with federal crimes (pirating, as it is illegal to reverse engineer a game that is under copyright protection without permission from those that have that copyright.

  • Corikstarr
    Corikstarr Member Posts: 23

    Did you watch the response from the dev that was posted? I would wager you didn't, considering it is not a fact that they used Blueprint to code the game.

    What is fact is that they used it for pieces of the game, as Blueprint is intended, and have since changed many of those parts to C++ for optimization.

    Scott Jund was openly speculating and got some things right and some wrong. That's fine, it happens, and speculating adds to discourse. But he's not entirely correct and it's weird that you want him to be.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    If anything they've regressed. We haven't even gotten new maps with the last couple of chapters yet are still paying the same price? I know maps are a free add with the dlc but its still very disappointing

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    there is a difference between criticizing something and just bad mouthing it. You are incorrect in how you characterize the dev's response for instance is a critique of your post and not bad mouthing it what so ever. HOW EVER if I were to say you are a ######### poster and can't use the bathroom right and your post is crap, that is bad mouthing your post. what people do is they blame the devs and their actions for everything, call them names and when given an answer they eventually get fed up and the gloves come off. is this the best way to do it? no it is not but we are all human. I would love to see how you respond to someone telling you you're wrong, then you say why you are right, they just then say you're wrong again without a different argument, and then you try to explain why you are right and then they start throwing non-sequeters your way and telling you you're wrong. when you are the one that created something and you made the back story and know everything about your creation and the person just saw it for 10 minutes.

    this is what happens here, for anytopic for the most part: disconnect penalty, the fact that killers are getting nerfed all the time or survivors are always nerfed and many other topics like this one and the dreaded "Spaghetti Coding" which is a term coined in the 70's and 80's for a programming style that is no longer even used. originally programs were written with number lines (like 10, 20, 30, 40 etc) and when you needed to add things you had 9 lines you could do it with and thus you end up having to redirect the program to lines far down the line and then make sure it returns to the right point. well here is an example of the beginning and then spaghetti code:

    10 Start

    20 Let X = 1

    30 Print X

    40 End

    now you want to add some feature after X is placed, so you add the following

    21 Goto 100

    100 input Y

    110 Let X = X + Y

    120 Goto 30

    Now you add in another section

    22 goto 100

    101 If Y = 5 goto 200

    105 goto 30

    Now you've made a big boo boo and the only time you get anything other than 1 is what ever happens if Y = 5. because you were not paying attention. now this is simple and easily fixed, HOWEVER when you get to a program that is 10's of thousands of lines long it isn't as easy. Programming now is done in sections and without numbers till you compile the program, and the compiling program will look for certain issues like infinite loops and bad math calls. games like dbd have blocks of code for the main game itself, then blocks of code that are just about items and what they do, add ons and what they do, offerings and what they do, perks and what they do. Characters and what powers they have etc. so it's much easier to fit these things in without issues or minimal issues. blueprints is a version of flow charting that many programmers do all the time to see where they are to go in their code blocks. with "Spaghetti Code" the flow charts start looking like a mass of spaghetti and it's very hard to find errors because you can barely trace the flow charting. So "Scott Jund" (btw I had no idea who he was till it was mentioned here) said I think they did X, I believe that Y was ocuring because.... and many more things that show he was guessing and had no real facts.

    So you talk about how they tell people to go play other games, that's not a bad idea, if you are so disenchanted that you will not listen to what an actual dev of the game have to say about a topic and demand they act without any consideration on what it would entail (like how to stop internet latency or to stop players from tunneling for instance) that's better than the responses here where people are told to ######### off and suck an egg, they are making a suggestion that you are barking up the wrong tree and politely telling you to not let the door hit you in the butt on the way out because there is going to not be any developments in that realm at this time.

    keep that in mind when you talk about them being "nasty" about players and know the WHOLE situation including what happened in private messages to them before you pass judgement on a clip you see some where on the internet.