Will this Nurse bug ever be fixed, 3 years later?

You know, the one where you can't blink and the Nurse's "gasp" sound effect will go on repeat and go insane, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Ill try to get a video but does anybody (specifically other nurse mains) know what im talking about?
Here's an old video dating back to September 2016. 2016. Its been 4 years, except this bug wasn't as bad.
The current bug will actually PREVENT you from blinking
But its not a new bug
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They are well aware of all of her bugs, we had make sure of that. It is not them not knowing, its them having other priorities. They have had other priorities for 4 years already. That should be your answer
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I wish they would fix it, but they won't even acknowledge it
@MandyTalk @Peanits Can you please bring this up to the dev team
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They know.
But they don't like Nurse because she dominates over their survivor player base.
So basically....any Nurse bug fix is basically buffing her. You STILL can't Blink in an entire hallway in Midwich, Springwood's house's living room, you can't blink in it.
It's frustrating. But they're well aware, believe me.
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Give them maybe 2 more years and they'll fix it, they're still finding out any other ways they can mess up Billy's camera. It'll take some time but they'll get there with the Nurse bugs.
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pretty sure you're not supposed to play nurse
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It's useless to tag them, i don't see a community manager talking here in the forum since july
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It's more a personal issue than a game issue. Its a bug but nothing game breaking.
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I assure you it can be quite game breaking. It will sometimes prevent you from double blinking or outright stop you from blinking period. Does becoming the slowest killer in the game without a power sound not game breaking to you?
That's just one of her many bugs. We could seriously get an entire patch dedicated to her bugs alone and we'd still probably have some left over. But we do need that one day BHVR :/
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As an old Nurse main I know what you're talking about when you can't use your second blink that's caused from dedicated servers. I mean playing Nurse in 2020 is a far fetch. Her design is outdated and it's proven by the devs, when it comes to new/reworked maps they don't take the Nurse's ability into consideration example pre-patched Midwich and PTB reworked Bloodlodge.
Also having no ability as the slowest killer is a game balance issue not a bug issue (:
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You can correct the bug in under 15 seconds by charging a blink and counting to 8. It's super annoying and should have been fixed ages ago, but gameplay is secondary round these parts.
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How is unable to use your killer power, THE MAIN MECHANIC OF THE GAME FOR KILLERS, a personal issue and not a game one?
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For the most part I don't have a problem on the newer maps except the dead zone areas. But yeah they completely ignore her when considering maps and it sucks :(
As for the slowest killer being a balance issue, I actually disagree there. The game is balanced around the slowest a killer will be is Hag speed. Nurse is the exception because she's so strong, even if they do include addons to nullify her power. They don't expect you to ever be chasing someone at that speed without some sort of compensation, whereas they're ok with you chasing people all day at Huntress speed.
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Devs don't care, people have been asking them to fix that for years, they're never going to do it.
It's been asked at their Q&A sessions by folks we even tried to have several people bring up nurse bugs- and they kept ignoring them entirely. So they DO know about them, but for whatever reason they are actively ignoring any nurse related bugs for some reason.
It's incredibly frustrating, because it means they are dodging it intentionally for some reason.
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At this point I'd settle for "We know it exists and we can't/don't want to fix it."
At least it would give me closure.
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I assume they mean it's an issue for nurse only (personal), therefore it doesn't count as game breaking in their eyes. I'm not sure if that's entirely how those terms work.
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They won't do that either because it would make them look bad. They will do one of the following things:
-Tell you to report it, despite it having been reported PILES of times with way more information, videos, and evidence than should ever be needed. Somehow trying to pass the blame somehow onto the players, saying it totally never happens to them and they can't reproduce it, or something along those lines. (Which given you can reproduce it easily, know that isn't true)
-Say that it's "been on their radar for quite some time, and we will get on it just as soon as "insert excuse here"; even though it's been like 4 years.
-Just ignore anything to do with the matter entirely, refuse to comment on it, and actively make sure it never gets read to them on a Q&A session.
The latter is the most likely.
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Im guessing theyre just incapable of fixing it then.
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Incapable and just ignoring it are 2 separate choices.
They're literally ignoring it.
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I think they are capable of it; but whoever is pulling the financial strings basically won't let them allocate the time or resources to do it.
Probably just give them dead lines for when new DLC, cosmetics, etc have to be out to make money; and anything that isn't considered so detrimental it could affect said profits; they won't give them the go ahead to actually work on them, even if it's a crippling issue to some folks, so long as it doesn't affect the majority who don't play nurse for example, it's fine.
That's just general corporate behaviour; every studio you love has it, to varying degrees.
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I main nurse on console and I had the swing cancel happen at least three different times in two different matches. I was playing in the corn. I’m not great on that map and was burning through some offerings. How disappointing is it to blink right to a survivor to get hit with hey I’m not gonna let you swing your weapon try again later. I’ve also had the sound bug you speak of but it doesn’t happen near as often as the swing cancel
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I guess, but why NOT allocate resources to a bug thats existed for 3 years on a popular killer?
Just shows their priority I guess? idk. Definitely not voting them for any award whatsoever.
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I guess they are already overwhelmed with the new content that they are pushing out too fast.Just look at the twins
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Heres a new video I took today. Its an active bug